• expired

10% Bonus Value/WW Dollars with Purchase of $30/ $50/ $100 (Myer, SCA, BCF, Rebel etc.) Gift Cards @ Woolworths

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As per this weeks catalogue

  • Myer, cotton on, red balloon: get $5/$10 WW dollars on $50/$100 gift cards

  • SCA, BCF, Rebel: get 10% value on $50 or $100 gift cards

Bonus value loaded onto gift card at time of purchase. In store purchases only.


Mod: Added store in title and expiry date.

This is part of Father's Day deals for 2016.

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closed Comments

  • It's back again!

  • +13

    Credit to bonky who listed it a little too early.

  • Thanks for posting. I have heard that we get 2 lots of frequent flyer points for buying and cashing them, how does that work?

  • Need more info in title.

  • +1

    Does anyone know can I buy them with Woolworths eGift Card?

    • +3

      Yes, I tried it before on the self serve checkouts. It doesn't even need the staff to verify your purchase

      • Thanks!

  • Bring back the Bonus on the flight centre gift cards

    • Same, very very eager to see one, should have bought more in March!!

      • I purchased $6000 worth. Need another lot to start saving for our trip to Africa

        • I purchased 7.5k and need additional 5k now as we speak!

        • @feihong: For those of you who buy thousands of dollars, wondering how did you guys do it? Did you buy them all in one go, or did you have to come back several times? Did you pay with discounted Woolworths gift cards as well, and was it over the counter or at the self-serve terminal? I wanted to buy a lot but not sure if there's quantity limit lol.

    • I'm surprised u guys still use travel agents, isn't it much cheaper to just to book the stuff online and cutting out the middle man. Plus u don't get their sales pitch for over priced insurance and extras u never wanted.

      • +2

        Flightcentre pricematches all flights booked through an agent (usually found using a search engine) that has an ABN. This is when heavily discounted Flightcentre gift cards become useful.

      • I do the leg work get the prices and my FC travel agent matches them plus I get a loyalty discount then paying with the FC cards get an extra generally 20% discount via buying the Woolie FC cards

  • +15

    Does anyone know if I can use this with Woolworth Online if I create 500 new accounts?

    • +30

      Yes but please ensure you post a complain tread here if you are banned. We have got too much Friday popcorn.

      • +5

        Remember to pay with New Zealand momey also…save some%

    • +6

      "So you CLAIM I have made 500 different Wow accounts. Wrong! I must argue. I've made about 1,000+ according to my flakey records and I deleted lots two years ago, and they are not in fact included in your current count list!"

      • -1

        Also, are you even aware that I've been scanning expensive herbs as potatoes? and that I've been helping myself to the cash in the till?
        I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Ozbargain, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Woolworths, and I have over 300 confirmed BARGAINS. I am trained in gorilla bargain-fare and I’m the top bargain sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another 50% off sale. I will wipe you the JV out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that stuff to me over the Internet? Think again, JV. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, JV. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the OZBARGAIN Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little JV. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you JV. I will spam accounts all over you and you will drown in my cash rewards credit. You’re dead, kiddo.

  • Any good food gift card deals?

  • +1

    10% bonus value aka 9.09% off.

  • +1

    Yay was hoping wed get one of these sooon for myer.

    Hope we still get these WW deals with the new system

  • +1

    Good post op

  • Ok im a bit confused to the reference to Woolworth's gift cards

    Is there any way to use it???

    I use dans and woolworths gift cards a lot

  • Can you buy a few Myer cards and still get $10 WW Dollars for each, on the same reward card? Or is it 1 reward per card?

    • Great question

    • I bought 3 myer gift cards last time using the same rewards card & got ww dollars for each one , i did buy them on seperate occasions but not on purpose & i don't think that would make any difference anyway .

    • yiu should be able to get every time , from my experience with previous offers

    • +2

      So to confirm, if I buy $500 myer, will I get $50 WW dollars or I should pay in 5 separate transactions?

  • -2

    Can you buy WW gift card and get 10% ?

    • Myer, cotton on, red balloon: get $5/$10 WW dollars on $50/$100 gift cards
      SCA, BCF, Rebel: get 10% value on $50 or $100 gift cards


      • +1

        I also read etc.) that's why I asked

        • Do you mean stack it with the 5.25% off ewish cards? Cause that's an important question.

          On WW gift cards, then no (see TA's post though)

        • @Rick Sanchez: Must try in self checkout, to spend GC's credit for another GC.

        • +1


          Must try in self checkout, to spend GC's credit for another GC.

          From other users - Fixed increment values of GCs require no assistance from other staff, should be okay to pay with eGift :)

  • +2

    I bought two $100 Rebel Gift cards this morning at the service desk, paid with Amex in partial payment, and completed payment with e-gift cards. I just told the person what I wanted to pay with and how much.

    The docket shows a 1 line "You have received 10% bonus value on your gift card." below the fuel savings.
    However, the activations printed out with $100 instead of $110. So I am concerned.

    • +1
      • Thanks for the URL. I want to give the cards as a gift so don't particularly want to scratch off the pin.
        I'll wait and see if someone else can confirm the additional value has been added despite what the activation slip says.

    • Same scenario for me but for Myer gift card. Activation slip shows $100 as total being activated

      oops bonus offer does not apply to myer cards

    • +2

      I purchased a $50 rebel sport gift card yesterday through self service using discounted woolworths gift card, went through fine and also showed the one line on docket stating "You have received 10% bonus value on your gift card". I activated the card today and shows a balance of $50 only.

      • so it goes onto rewards card ? im confused

        • +1

          For Rebel,Supercheap & BCF giftcards you get 10% bonus value loaded onto your giftcard at time of purchase , for Myer gift cards you get 10% of the value of the gift card you purchase loaded onto your woolworths rewards card as woolworths dollars.

        • @Triple J: thanks

        • +2

          @Triple J: yes so being a rebel sport gift card shouldn't it be showing the extra 10% when I check the card balance online?

        • +2

          Yep , should be ,i just read it straight out of the catalogue, bonus value loaded onto gift card at time of purchase .Should be a number to call on your giftcard to sort it out .

      • +2

        Same situation here, there's no number on the gift card. Just tried calling woolworths which was a massive waste of time after being transferred around 3 times until I was given an automated message saying I couldn't be connected and to hang up.. Will go back to the store later and see what they say..

        • @bcdk & @corballc: Please followup with how you get on talking to Woolies in person.
          And see below

        • @roughana:

          Ended up not going after reading the comment below, will wait and see if anything happens in the next few days

        • @bcdk:

          Went to my local WW which was different to the original store and they didn't know anything about it, returned to the original store and was given the 10% difference as a refund.

    • +1

      Don't bother with this deal as it doesn't work as expected.

      I personally purchased a $100 Rebel Giftcard in Woolworths, and it shows 10% bonus value added to the Rebel card on WWS receipt. However. When I tried to pay using the Giftcard at Rebel store the credit was only $100. Rebel staff talked to her manager and told me that they were not aware of the deal at WWS. I went back to WWS asking for a refund but was told that refund is not possible cos' it is against the terms and conditions. WWS staff gave me $10 cash but the rebel card is still with me.

  • Guys for Supercheapauto gift cards (and it looks like rebel too) you get fuel vouchers!
    Remember to split payment for those 4c fuel vouchers!

    Link to check SCA giftcard -

  • i try to scan myer gift card via self check out (want to used woolie e-giftcard) it wont works, anyone have same problems?

  • +6

    I have contacted Woolworths Head office and Super Retail Group Head Office(Supercheap, BCF, Rebel). Woolies know nothing about this promotion if you ring their 1300 767 969 number or their Rewards number on 1300 101 234 number, or any of their stores. Super Retail group did say they were aware of this promotion and it appears that Woolies point of sale is not loading the extra 10% onto the cards. Super Retail Group HO are now contacting Woolworths HO to coordinate with their Gift card provider (Blackhawk) to make the gift cards have the extra 10%. I advise everybody on here to wait on this and do not purchase until they fix this, as you may not get your extra 10%. If you have problems you will need to contact Woolies as this is their promotion to get them to add this onto the card you purchased. this is based on the experience I just had.

    • Thanks for the update

    • good to go now?

    • Any update?

  • I can also confirm that Woolworths stores should know about it if they check their catalogues. If you look at their catalogue on the woolworths website https://www.woolworths.com.au/Shop/SpecialsGroups/catalogue#…
    You will see on page 36 of their catalogue that the promotion is there pictured.

    • The Crows Nest store had POS advertising about the additional 10% on the Rebel cards.

      • I returned to Crows Nest store today and service desk told me they were not aware of any issues and there was nothing in the system about any issues. A call to their manager got no further either.

        • I called Rebel Sport Customer Service today. They said they were aware of the issues. They told me to return to the Woolies store and tell them that they have to contact Blackhawk to load the additional 10%

        • I returned to Crows Nest store today and asked the manager to call Blackhawk. I was told that they don't call Blackhawk. Instead, they called a financial controller and they acknowledged there was an issue, however they said that the issue was actually with Rebel system not showing the additional balance. I was told that when I made a purchase at Rebel using the card, the additional 10% would be available.

          Personally I don't see how that could work if the additional value is not reporting in the balance. However, I'm over trying to get any further with service desk without something to refer to within Woolies.

          I hope @Giftcarduser can report a better outcome.

        • @roughana:

          I was told that when I made a purchase at Rebel using the card, the additional 10% would be available.
          Personally I don't see how that could work if the additional value is not reporting in the balance. However, I'm over trying to get any further with service desk without something to refer to within Woolies.

          It's not. I have purchased SCA and Rebel gift cards on different dates. I believe something must have gone wrong during the promo (scheduled bonus ended early?)
          SCA $100 gift card is showing $110 on the balance check.
          Rebel $30 gift cards are showing $30.

        • I called Rebel Sport to try to confirm the balance. After checking (three?) systems they confirmed that the balance was only $100 on each card. I was told to call Woolies on 1300767969.
          So I called Woolies. They created an internal issue and have offered to resolve it by sending me an e-gift card for the difference.

  • So overall feeling is to not buy any giftcards right now? or only the WOW dollars ones can? because you can see it on the docket immediately post purchase.

    • $100 Myer gift card worked fine for me. Got my ten WW dollars, & spent the $10 on groceries within 5 minutes.

      • You are right. Bought 1k myer and it all worked well. Could only buy 400 at a time however

  • A newbie question here - are we allowed to use the 10% WW dollars on giftcards? For example, I'm planning to buy $650 worth of Myer giftcards. So I lay out $600 to get the giftcards and gotten $60 WW dollars in return. Can I use those WW dollars to buy another $50 Myer giftcard?

  • +1

    Pretty sure yes

  • +1

    Coles have the 10% bonus extra value on Supercheap , Rebel & BCF giftcards advertised in their catalogue starting tomorrow. Hopefully it works better than woolies .

    • +1

      No eGift Coles voucher via CashRewards though.
      Some may have their work perks to get it but it's not as easily accessible.
      Also, Entbook have 10% off their Rebel/Supercheap eGift cards permanently
      10% off is slightly better than 10% bonus value.
      10% bonus value = $100 paid for $110
      = 100/110 = 90.9%, or 9.1% off
      I guess you may get fuel vouchers via Woolworths/Coles for buying these gift cards.

  • +1

    Guys, check your gift card balances, it's been rectified.
    For those who have used up your card and got a cash refund - still check your card and report back!

    • I received the following FB message from Woolworths today:
      Hi, thanks for your enquiry and we apologise about the delay in response. After following up with the Rebel Sport team, we were advised that there was an issue with the Rebel Sport website which was not reflecting the correct amount. This has now been rectified & we can confirm that the extra value has been loaded correctly onto your card. Thanks for getting in touch and we hope to see you in our stores again soon.

      • Got the same message.

        we were advised that there was an issue with the Rebel Sport website which was not reflecting the correct amount.

        Colleague could not use $33 of her $30 GC in-store.
        The website was reflecting the correct amount, it just wasn't loaded on properly before.

  • +2

    I had used the Rebel Sport Gift Card already when they were not loading the extra 10% correctly and did not have much assistance from Woolworths in resolving the issue last week. I thought I would check the Gift Card today before throwing away, but pleasantly surprised the bonus credit is now on there, so rather than $0 balance it is the 10% extra amount.

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