- Yet another price drop on Jaybird X2 sport wireless bluetooth headphones.
$69.99 + $7.30 USD delivery
Update (22 Aug 2016 5pm):
- Storm White colour is out of stock.
- Midnight colour is available again at
$69.99 + $8.66 USD delivery
$69.99 + $7.30 USD delivery
Update (22 Aug 2016 5pm):
$69.99 + $8.66 USD delivery
Man, so tempted. X3's are due within weeks I believe.
I had the X bluebuds for almost 3 years before they died (due to toddler hyjinx). Excellent headphones.
U can get it in black and green as well for that price
How dou claim warranty as this shipped from US
Request a return then they send you return labels (they will also send out your replacement immediately). Print them out, attach to package and send back to them. They reimburse your shipping. You have 30 days to send it back before they invoice you for the replacement.
Do Amazon reimburse my return shipping if I return an unopened item due to change of mind rather than a warranty claim?
Not sure on that one.. Maybe.
When i contacted Jaybird support about this last year (I also mentioned I would be buying from Amazon) they told me they have 'cut the cord' policy.
From memory, they give you something to print out, then you take a photo the printout and your Jaybird X2 with the cord cut off. Then they can send you a new one. I guess its just a measure to prevent people from claiming free earphones while under warranty when their original pair is still working.
I got mine late last year when they were first released for USD$180. These have served me well and are showing no signs of failure. I use these regularly at my gym and have no issues with sweat getting on them.
If the included silicone eartips don't fit perfectly on you, I would highly recommend getting some Comply foam tips. These have a significant improvement on sound quality if your previous fit wasn't great. If you get the Comply tips, buy the T-500 foam tips (got mine from eBay from a local retailer). There is a specific model for the Jaybird X2s but they are very hard to find and more expensive.
So there's no issues with it being an international purchase?
Seems awfully wasteful. They're just going to end up in landfill.
To prevent people from claiming free headphones all they'd have to do is require you to return them..
Of course you could also game the system. Have one person cut theirs and keep it, then pass it around for the photos.
X3 is going to have only 7hr battery life compared to X2's 8 hrs. That's a let down and enough for me to stick to X2
Does it carry international warranty
Yes you need to cover the shipping back to the U.S. however.
Thanks Mate… That wouldn't be cheap affair…just in case of issue
Amazon reimburses your shipping costs.
They actually paid me more than I spent returning it. I spent about $13AUD sending something back, and they reimbursed me $23USD. For some reason.
You should know this kind of stuff if you're "associated" with the seller.
Probably ticked the box by accident
Will the X2s likely drop further in price with the X3 release, or will it be harder to find stock?
Who knows. At 100 aud it's a good price. It's the risk that you take by waiting. Might not have the colour you want or stock left
Thanks, just bought them in white. Estimated delivery Sep 5 (Melbourne).
Finally picked up a pair, thanks.
Shipping was about $1 USD more expensive for me though (not in a regional area), but wasn't a deal breaker.
Which model did you buy?
Shipping for the midnight black model is $1USD more expensive than the other models…if Amazon could please explain why, that would be nice!
It was indeed the midnight blacks. That's mildly annoying.
Black is clearly more difficult to ship. All those extra photons absorbed by the darker colour don't weigh nothing you know.
Brilliant price, especially with the extra $5USD off! Thanks OP!
Bestbuy are selling them also I see I can't use PP with amazon
Does anyone have any experience with the 2-year wear and tear warranty? for an additional cost?
How do you buy from best buy?
My bad they don't ship here sorry, I thought I'd seen the site mentioned here
this price is without tax ($69.99 + $6.21 Tax= $76.20) I was tempted to buy it yesterday however i decided to report this price to Amazon and wait for a day to see if they can price match. Woke up today and BANG! Such a BARGAIN.
Surely Australia isn't subject to US sales tax?
Thanks for letting me know BB has it for sale. Heading back home (US) for a few weeks and just going to have a nice new pair of headphones to use when I get home.
I've had my eye on these for a while, thank you!
Edit: If anyone else hasn't bought yet, don't forget smile.amazon.com so your purchase = a donation to charity
i thought i tried gen 1 once and i feel it stuck out of my ear too much. same like x2?
The housing is identical. So yes, it would feel the same. If it stick out too much, it could be that the ear tips you're using don't allow you to push it in deep enough. Are you a regular user of in-ear earphones?
Alternative is to use the Jaybird X2 'fins'. These help keep the earphones stable on your ear. I just use foam tips without the fins.
maybe my ear canals are smalls. i prefer headphones on or over the ear.
Yeah definitely give these a pass then. If you're one of those people who don't like in-ear monitors, don't try to wear them like regular earphones. You will be disappointed with sound quality if you don't use them as intended.
For wireless headphones, I use a Sony MDR-1RBT Mk2 (over ear) … but that's a different product altogether.
If you're after sports-oriented earphone product, have a look at the Plantronics Backbeat Fit (tip: have a look at the eBay 20% off deal if you're after these - less than this Jaybird X2 deal). These sit on your ear like traditional earphones, allowing some ambient noise to still be heard. Plenty of reviews on this product, if you're interested.
Better than the miezus ?
I am tempted, but some amazon reviews are saying it has poor sound quality..
Those are mostly from people who bought fake, even though it's listed on Amazon might not be Jaybird as the official supplier so the fake reviews have blended into the legit ones :/
Thanks bud
Is there a fast to get this easily with PP?
Amazon dont do PP and bestbuy dont ship to AU
Basically I looked into this since I wanted to use PayPal but the method is purchasing Amazon gift cards with PayPal then using it on the site.
But I've never done it so I can't refer you, but you'd want a website that instantly sends you the gift card code.
Bought a pair :)
Figured I wouldn't pay full price for X3's nor wait for a dip in the price for that, despite the few upgrades. The price for these would probably be the lowest it's going to be for a while.. the $5 off from the Amazon referral helped too!
Can you explain that $5 referral deal?
I installed the Amazon Store and Amazon App on my Android and went to buy the item through referral link associated with this deal, you will need to go through several prompts, can't remember the exact deets but I had to login to my Amazon account and verify my mobile phone with Amazon. You get $5 off your first purchase, and I think the referrer gets $10 off their purchase.
Anyone tried out the Mee Audio X7? Wouldn't mind the extra bass for a workout. They were around the same price as the X2's a while back.
Damn…just just bought miezu ep51 = (
What's wrong with the meizus?
do these feel heavy on the ear and if yes enough to make it slowly fall out ? I have a cheap pair of mpow bt earbuds, which are not bad but tend to suffer from the previously mentioned issues when wearing them for some time. longer than 30 to 60 mins
I've got the 1st gen version which are practically identical. They are very light, with the ear fins and routing the cable over your ears they're very secure. I've rarely had an earbud come out. They're also pretty comfortable I regularly wear them for hours at a time.
Three sets of headphone bargains on the front page, it's almost as if retailers know a new product is coming soon that might not include a 3.5mm headphone jack…. clever!
This is bluetooth
Just bought a pair shipping to Melbourne AUD $105.27.
Sweet! it's better than the sale last time $79.99!!! plus the $5 referral saving, it's really a good deal! Thanks OP!
Thanks, grabbed a black pair!
Argh I've been trying all day to buy these but keep failing . Anyone want to buy them for me? I can PP direct to you
What error are you getting? Did you try using another card? I can help you out if you really need it.
PIA VPN keeps disconnecting on my OSX for some reason. and Gyft didn't like I wasn't in USA etc heh, Anyway I sent you a PM no stress or hard feelings if its too much of a favour tho bro :)
Thanks OP, good timing as I've been looking at getting a new set of quality wireless headphones. I've owned two different MPOW branded earphones in the last year and they've either died after 6 months or battery life has greatly diminished. So I'm looking forward to using something better and hopefully these last alot longer.
BlazinPast thank you so much for helping me out! Love this community!
No worries, glad to help :)
Cheers OP
$100.31 coming on the 13th of September.
I was a bit disappointed I couldn't add comply ear tips. It wouldn't let me past the shipping address checkout with the tips in my cart.
I was a bit disappointed I couldn't add comply ear tips. It wouldn't let me past the shipping address checkout with the tips in my cart.
Ugh I bloody hate that. If it's fulfilled by Amazon I can't see why they can't ship it. I mean I can't see why they can't ship it anyway, but especially for those.
Maybe for marketing reasons that Amazon is not authorized by the company to sell it to Australia.
You don't need to add them, comply ear tips come with it in the package, it was one of the differentiators between the gen 1 and gen 2.
Is it just me or is there no option for the midnight black colour?
Sold out. I was just in the process of paying for white ones and gone :/
There was black earlier - must be sold out.
Just checked again this morning for white ones, looks like they've stocked up on black ones too :)
These seem popular. Is the AQ really good?
Thanks OP! Bought the Midnight Black for AUD 100.31 after referral discount. Est. delivery to East Melbourne is 2 - 8 Sep 2016.
Damn, I was checking all night/morning. Must have missed them some how :( What time was this?
More black back in stock.
Thanks OP! just bought the white one (just came back in stock)
Bought another pair for missus. Thank you.
I bought a pair as well, have yours been shipped yet? Mine says expected ship day 23/08 and hasn't changed for 3-4 days.
Yes, says shipped w tracking details. Tried contacting customer support?
Yeah I might try that now, thanks for the reply.
Sorry first time using Amazon. Where do you find the customer support link on there site?
Help (Located next to 'Your Account' in the main tab) > Need more Help > Contact Us > 2. Tell us more about your issue > Where's my Stuff?
Tip: sometimes a small store credit is offered for bungled orders. Hope that helps ;)
@whypaymo: Thanks for the help, I sent an email to Amazon and they upgraded my shipping and said that there is a high demand that's why my item hasn't been shipped yet.
Storm white out of stock and has gone back up to $149.99.
Alpha @ $74.99
EDIT: My bad no midnight black.
The deal is not expired with other color options, but the reference link is. Can somebody post another reference?
It was expired because the price when up. It's no longer $69.99.
Currently Alpha's and Blacks at 74.99
Ordered 21 Aug, shipping today to Syd.
Received my black ones - the small tips are too big for my ear on both the silicon and comply foam tips. Think I am going to have to put on gumtree.
Mine had been in Australia since the 28th of August and been in Brisbane since the 30th and they just didn't deliver till today. Haven't opened yet but should be good
Well mine have arrived I think they are fake. Just checked online the accessories packet with the fins was square not round and the writing on the chord on the left opposite the controller side starts off as fcc not x2 fcc. What was other peoples experience
all the other features seem okay though. ie usb and earpiece.
Hw about the comfortability of usage in general?
Does the phone tips fir your earhole well?
Still cant beliebe that amazon sell the fake one as well. I almost snapped it, lucky call
Bought a pair from best buy for this price. I think the x3s are imminent