What's your thoughts on this?
Too early to assess? I thought of getting it as a replacement to an old Dell. Any malware issues like their phones?
The New Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air

are samsung stocking laptops in Aus?
I thought they were trying to get out the market last i heard (early 2015)not sure. I only follow the local market a few months before intended purchase date.
I heard something similar last year as well but then this review popped up.I think this review has been recycled from another country.
Similar to this gizmodo review.
http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2016/06/samsung-notebook-9-is-a-br…The biggest fatal flaw is you cannot get in it this country.
I have a 5 year old samsung notebook and I'm pretty disappointed I cannot get another on here in Aust.
The build quality has been spectacular.I recently bought the Samsung Notebook 9, from the US. They probably will never release in Aus :(
Very light laptop, probably the lightest out there, weighting 840g, but the battery life is mediocre tho.
The warranty sucks tho, as they only do repairs for international warranty. I got a faulty one, but they recently repaired in Aus so it is all good now.
Costs 999 USD, from Frys Electronic store. If faulty and in warranty, they can only repair. No refunds or replacements
The novelty which everyone was waiting for, enough said
As I mentioned here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OSkmRxgEywLooks impressive. USB Type-C charging, and comes with a 45W charger.
USB-C also does video out and data.
Did you review it? I wish they would review the 13.3" though.
love the minimalist no branding
I also have my eyes on this for when my 5 year old Macbook Air dies (only having battery issues atm).
I think at that price point, it is expensive. I was expecting a bit cheaper given they are a new-ish player in that area.
The Samsung Notebook 9 seems to be a more decent laptop than the Mi Air.