[SA] Unwanted Tax on Taxis/Rideshare - Please Sign The Petition

Hi all,

Please consider signing a petition to go to the South Australian Government about an unwanted passenger tax. This will be charged on all taxi and ride share trips.

Here is the petition :

to help you decide:

Media links:
Taxis Demand Fare Go on Levy
SA cabbies say elderly and disabled people will be hit the hardest new tax.

thanking you for your consideration.



  • +2

    Could you explain what it is all about.

    If it is important, perhaps a few lines from you, may help to explain.

  • +3

    The SA Govt announced $1 trip for every taxi and rideshare trip as result opening competition e.g.. Uber to taxi market.

    The new $1.00 tax is expected to result in $80 million being collected from passengers over the next 10 years. The Government says the passenger tax is needed to compensate plate owners and taxi operators and to pay for a variety of Government reforms. The one-­off compensation to plate owners and taxi operators amounts to only $35 million, however, what has the Government has done with the $42 million already collected through the sale of taxi plates in the past 9 years?

    The burden of funding the Government reform package should not fall on the public and that passengers should not be asked to pay a tax on every trip taken by taxis, ride share and hire cars.

    Just another way to tax people!

    its silly that 􀍞􀁴􀅚􀇇􀀃􀆐􀅚􀆉􀆐􀀃􀆉􀄂􀇇􀀃􀄨􀅽􀆌􀀃􀆌􀄞􀄨􀅽􀆌􀅵􀆐􀀃􀆚􀅽􀀃􀅝􀅶􀄐􀆌􀄞􀄂􀆐􀄞􀀃􀄐􀅽􀅵􀆉􀄞􀆚􀅝􀆚􀅝􀅽􀅶􀍕􀀃􀅝􀆚􀀃􀄚􀅽􀄞􀆐􀅶􀍛􀆚􀀃􀅵􀄂􀅬􀄞􀀃􀆐􀄞􀅶􀆐􀄞􀍘􀀃􀁞􀆵􀆌􀄞􀅯􀇇􀀃􀍞􀁴􀅚􀇇􀀃􀆐􀅚􀅽􀆵􀅯􀄚􀀃􀆉􀄂􀆐􀆐􀄞􀅶􀅐􀄞􀆌􀆐􀀃􀆉􀄂􀇇􀀃􀄨􀅽􀆌􀀃􀆌􀄞􀄨􀅽􀆌􀅵􀆐􀀃􀆚􀅽􀀃􀅝􀅶􀄐􀆌􀄞􀄂􀆐􀄞􀀃􀄐􀅽􀅵􀆉􀄞􀆚􀅝􀆚􀅝􀅽􀅶􀍕􀀃􀅝􀆚􀀃􀄚􀅽􀄞􀆐􀅶􀍛􀆚􀀃􀅵􀄂􀅬􀄞􀀃􀆐􀄞􀅶􀆐􀄞􀍘􀀃􀁞􀆵􀆌􀄞􀅯􀇇􀀃􀍞􀁴􀅚􀇇􀀃􀆐􀅚􀅽􀆵􀅯􀄚􀀃􀆉􀄂􀆐􀆐􀄞􀅶􀅐􀄞􀆌􀆐􀀃􀆉􀄂􀇇􀀃􀄨􀅽􀆌􀀃􀆌􀄞􀄨􀅽􀆌􀅵􀆐􀀃􀆚􀅽􀀃􀅝􀅶􀄐􀆌􀄞􀄂􀆐􀄞􀀃􀄐􀅽􀅵􀆉􀄞􀆚􀅝􀆚􀅝􀅽􀅶􀍕􀀃􀅝􀆚􀀃􀄚􀅽􀄞􀆐􀅶􀍛􀆚􀀃􀅵􀄂􀅬􀄞􀀃􀆐􀄞􀅶􀆐􀄞􀍘􀀃􀁞􀆵􀆌􀄞􀅯􀇇􀀃that passengers will have to pay more as result of allowing new competition. should be noted that taxi fares are regulated and have no opportunity to discount fares to offset the $1 increase. Note no compensation for drivers will be given.

    Qld recently announced opening up competition via rideshare but will not charge a levy to fund their compensation package.

    • The government would have used the $42 million most likely to pay for infrastructure and maintenance. It's not like a government will hold that money and not do anything with it.
      If passengers don't pay who will?
      Tax the passenger or tax everyone.

      • i guess you are not considering poor spending decisions…..not to mention as recent as 2015 still selling licenses knowing rideshare was on the way…..money grabs everywhere you look! and all the other tax increases along the way.

        anyway not going to get into a debate! i think you are missing the point - tax no one….

        go well

        • +1

          I'm not trying to get in a debate. I'm simply stating my opinion which may be contrary to yours.

          Who's going to compensate taxi plate holders?
          It's not like the government is a for profit enterprise most of their sources come from Tax, some form of tax.
          All governments make poor spending decisions regardless of where the source of funds have come from.

          It's a better system to make the user pay rather than taxing everyone regardless if they use the taxi service or ride catching service themselves.
          The money has got to come from the budget from somewhere.

        • @dasher86:

          I'm still not sure why there needs to be compensation in any event. It appears that a virtual monopoly on point-to-point services is (finally) having some competition introduced. Why does this qualify for compensation? I have competition threatening my business all the time … where is my compensation?

          It's hard to have any sympathy at all for the taxi industry. They have used their virtual monopoly position to extract ridiculously high margins (e.g. the credit card surcharges) and employ extraordinarily unfavourable conditions on customers (e.g. "bookings" being subject to the whim of drivers who may or may not see the fare as convenient at the time). As then is often the case, this monopoly has refused to reinvest its profits in improved or innovative services, simply extracting the profits for the benefits of a few. Those few are now bleating about a little competition coming in on their turf! Puh-lease!

          My two cents is ultimately that there should be no tax as there should be no compensation.

  • +1

    Well, people (remaining) will only have to pay it once when they go to the Airport as they leave SA for good.
    The last person to leave every night has to turn of the lights because those left can't afford the electricity.

  • +1

    i get your point its happening everyday people moving away!
    but for others who might be confused by your comment—: not just airport only- ALL trips

    • I notice there is already a $2.00 Airport service fee

  • +1

    yes $2.00 for the airport, plus another $1

    my feeling is the airport will increase that $2 at some point- been the same for a long time

  • My beef is with the 11% Credit Card surcharge. I had always thought "Cabcharge" had a monopoly on this but in my last cab ride the cabbie was using an ANZ branded touch and go mobile unit - still slugged me an additional 11%.

    • Will soon change. They will have to abandon the rorts to keep the fares coming once competition ramps up. Competition from competitors is slow at the moment because of vague legislation and almost impossible certification but once it ramps up and the ridesharing set start heavily advertising, things will change.

    • yes will go on 1 oct
      5% including GST
      funny most eftpos transactions in taxis now days are not cabcharge. all charge 10% +gst. all the providers have enjoyed the high rate.
      taxi companies can't change this, most would love to reduce that. in SA 1 taxi company via there app do 5% incl GST surcharge to provide a better deal for passengers. But for in car terminals only a law change will force cabcharge, GM cabs, ingogo, taxi live epay to go 5%. all the companies i mention all charge the 11% with a greedy grin!

  • Weak spineless politicians have allowed Uber, an illegal service, to muscle in and force local governments to allow them to operate.
    This is going to cost us, the taxpayer, millions of dollars that could have been spent on education, health and other important facilities.
    Meanwhile a very small number of people become very, very, very rich.

  • +1

    its amazing how Govts are backing a US and tax haven based company over local…..Uber is a company backed by rich venture capitalists and not even getting close to public listing….

    amazes me really! oh well Govt and in particular SA Govt not known for their wise decisions….. google Families SA ( news)to get a feel for what SA people deal with!

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