Thanks to this comment from the original eBay 20% off Kogan, this is the cheapest price I've seen a 40" TV go for for a while
Thinking of getting one to use as a computer monitor at this very cheap price
Thanks TA
Thanks to this comment from the original eBay 20% off Kogan, this is the cheapest price I've seen a 40" TV go for for a while
Thinking of getting one to use as a computer monitor at this very cheap price
Thanks TA
I got a Samsung S7 for cheaper than this sale, they have higher prices that some of the other sellers, Last time kogan dropped prices post sale on some Lenses also. :(
I did exactly the same thing (40" Kogan TV) :(
10% ebay deal. Sat there smug when I got it.
Now all of you can be… smugger.
Today the hate will flow through me. All over a few dollars.
Please help. I could not quite understand how it works. Do you go to ebay website or kogan website? And how do you get the ebay sale? Help me please. Im so lost
its okay..i understand…thanks anyway
How's the warranty…
14 day money back Guarantee on Kogan products
24 months Australian consumer warranty
24 months Australian consumer warranty
If you are referring to the Australian Consumer Law, that has no defined timeframe.
Australian Consumer Law
I'm not very versed in Aus Consumer Law - are you saying that it allows for indefinite warranty?
It does if you insist on claiming your rights under Australian Consumer Law with a certain company that makes iProducts
@kevinMario: Nope, it says goods must be lasting. They must last a reasonable time.
Reasonability is used a lot in our laws.
24 months Australian consumer warranty
No such thing exists.
WHY do people on Ozbargain spread this kind of misinformation?
least it has a samsung panel
how do we know this?
Thanks :)
I knew there had to be an actual bargain in there somewhere…
Where could I find the refresh rate?
Edit: nevermind, got it
What is it?
8ms apparently
gud enough?
that's response time not refresh rate
refresh rate would most likely be 60Hz
Anyone know if this comes with CEC? Need a TV to hook up a Raspberry Pi
Koags, nuff said..
Snagged one, thanks OP. Been looking for a TV under $300 for a while now.
I up voted you. Don't know why you will be negged for this comment
Thanks. Me neither
Would this be ok for playing Playstation on?
Thought people would be asking if it's ok for Pokemon
Phone is fine
Like, i know some tvs have input lag is all. And playing games would be the main reason for getting this tv.
Can anyone recommend decent speakers for $100 or less to go with this TV?
Voll do some excellent book shelf speakers, got some of these and are very happy with them. You will need a little amplifier to power them though.
Too bad it isn't the DSE branded 4K tv they were selling for $299 delivered during May. If it was there with the code applied on that one it'd be $239, I'd jump on it w/o hesitation…
@Kogsmith rep,
If you are reading this, would you pass it on the sales dep & consider listing it in your store?
Still, the OP's deal is as good as you're going to get for a budget tv for this price. Maybe buy 3x of these & use as triple mon setup using NV surround/AMD eyefin in the lounge room. Racing sims & FPS come to mind.
Would the person that bought 3x please stand up, please stand up…
That was me if your talking about 20min ago ;)
Kudos to you my good sir!
Thanks OP. Would love to purchase this, but can't very well buy a TV if the seller won't list the refresh rate…
8ms? lolll its $255 for 40inch FHD tv its not going to set the world on fire spec wise
That's response time, not the refresh rate.
yeh i know it was a joke as u can see by the LOL!… lets be sensible here its $250 so a bottom of the range TV its either 50Hz or 60Hz
@scud70: It may well have been a joke (a very poor one at that) but you could have at least made a related joke as response time and refresh rate are nothing alike.
you could have at least made a related joke as response time and refresh rate are nothing alike.
And why, after all this time to think about it, are you struggling to comprehend THAT was the joke?
According to the manual (available via the website) it's 60Hz.
You are a true American hero!
Guess I might purchase one then.
So if it was 50Hz you wouldn't have?
I didnt end up pulling the trigger anyway :P
It's pretty safe to assume it's 60hz if it's not listed. What else is it going to be?
Edit: Oh, you're saying it might be lower than 60hz, at 50hz. I didn't think of that.
All this hertz talk on a 40 inch $255.00 lcd tv just goes to show how well the marketing mumbo jumbo works on the general consumer.
Refresh rate isn't marketing mumbo jumbo. It makes a big difference. That being said I don't know why anyone would expect this to be anything other than 60hz. If I could see how to delete this comment I would.
I know it's a real thing, but the way it is marketed is the problem.
By saying it makes a big difference is just contributing to the mumbo jumbo, unless you state in what situation it helps. Some people can't stand it & end up turning it off.
Also a cheapie with 100Hz would most likely be terrible as there are other factors that contribute to it working well, but for general viewing of free to air you just don't need it.
I meant to write that delete thing on my other comment, but now I can't edit this one. What the hell is up with Ozbargain's commenting?
It really amazes me when you see CNET Tech Guru Wannabes grilling a tv of this nature, it's a bargain for what it is, it isn't trying to split the sea like Moses.
On the contrary mate, because I'm not a CNET Tech Guru Wannabe, and don't understand all the misinformation around 50hz TVs and alleged screen tearing with PS4, I just wanted to make sure it was 60hz.
I'm a student and can't afford an expensive TV, and just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to waste my money on something that wouldn't work with my PS4.
My apologies to all who have been offended so deeply.
On the contrary mate, because I'm not a CNET Tech Guru Wannabe, and don't understand all the misinformation around 50hz TVs and alleged screen tearing with PS4, I just wanted to make sure it was 60hz.
50Hz TVs are so rare that it's not usually a problem that anyone needs to concern themselves with.
You still can get screen tearing on 60Hz screens anyway, if the game developer is pushing the graphics hardware in the console so hard that it cannot keep up with the normal 30Hz or 60Hz that it's supposed to.
Fundamentally it's just a skipped frame…. well, more like 1/2 a skipped frame actually.
Thanks for the explanation llama, really appreciate it.
Out of stock. Bugger.
Bum. I was almost at the point of deciding to get one.
What else do they have?
Should also pop back to Soniq / JB and see what refurbs they current are flogging off
All gone. Oh well. I guess that's it.
Does this tv have Netflix app?
Back in stock if you still want one.
Yes, back in stock! just purchased one :)
Got one too.. thanks grab_ur_freebies
How would this compare as an upgrade to a Dell U2311H for desktop computer use? Minimal Gaming.
How would this compare as an upgrade to a Dell U2311H for desktop computer use?
It wouldn't, however it would compare as a DOWNGRADE from a Dell U2311H.
Hint: TVs generally make pretty horrendous computer monitors, for a number of reasons. The requirements for accurate colour, etc is far lower for TVs, but more importantly you view them from 1.5m to 2m distance rather than 500mm or so - hence the TV is a far less critical application.
The other consideration is that a 40" screen is far too big to view comfortably at close distances. There is a lot of head movement needed to see it all, and the distance to centre screen vs corners is significantly different which means heaps of re-focussing for your eyes (leads to eyestrain).
Cheap computer monitors are pretty nasty at the best of times, and there are significant quality improvements available from good quality Monitors. Cheap TVs are the next level down from the cheapest computer monitors, so it probably doesn't get any worse.
Thanks llama!
If this Ebay deal dies again from low stock, there is an alternative (more expensive) way to get this TV at a reasonable price
Go to new Kogan / Dicksmith website……
Currently there is a deal on Free Shipping across the site.
and use code "TENOFF" - price becomes $319 less 10% = $287.10
Yeah I know that's $32.10 more expensive than $255 on this deal, but it may still be OK for some thrillseekers.
How does it compare with these except size factor? and
Out of stock again!
Anyone received any ETA from kogan/dicksmith for their orders?
Also do we need additional tuner to receive digital tv signal as it says it's analog TV tuner system.
Bought the tanix tx3 pro for $37 to combine with this.
I got a shipping notification email on Sun stating it was already at the Austpost sorting facility in Chullora on Sat. Going from the tracking # I'm expecting it to arrive today or tomorrow.
Regarding the tuner: it will definitely also have a DVB-T tuner. Not sure about MPEG4 support as some current/all future channels will be using that standard going forward. It has an analogue tuner because these are mass produced & rebranded for global markets, some of which still have good ol' 'fuzzy' tv broadcasts active.
Yah I also received the shipping notification email from dicksmith yesterday that it has arrived at the sorting facility at Chullora.
Hopefully I don't have to buy additional equipment to hook it up and make it up and running. Thanks
No worries! Indulge in you new TV!
Recieved tv, remote controller doesn't work :(
Are they sending you another one?
I think the tv may be faulty, just going through some troubleshooting
Beat me to it! Paid $287.10 a couple days ago with the ebay sale, ozbargain'd myself.
Picture quality is meant to be good but in-built speakers are horrid going by previous comments.