• expired

[EXPIRED] $20 Worth of Shopping Square Vouchers


Received an email from Shopping Square this morning:

Today is the official launch of our new Shopping Square Facebook page and to celebrate we're giving away $500,000 dollars.

We'll give away $500,000 dollars if you click like and become a member on our facebook page.

If 1000 people click like, those 1000 people will receive $10 worth of Shopping Square Vouchers.

If 2000 people click like, those 2000 people will receive $20 worth of Shopping Square Vouchers
and if 10,000 people click like, those 10,000 people will receive $50 worth of Shopping Square Vouchers

Any of these vouchers can be used on absolutely anything you want in Shopping Square!

So spread the word around, the more people that click like, the more you get to spend! All you have to is click! This offer goes til May the 31st. There's nothing to lose and free money for everybody!

Facebook address:

MOD (Davo): thanks for the reports, the deal is now active as 1000 people have joined. As far as posting guidelines go, it has met the criteria
You can withdraw your vote by clicking "votes", then finding your name and clicking the little grey button next to your name.

Mod Update from SS Rep:
Since we reached 2000+ fans by cut off time, we decide to order the $20 wouth of Shopping Square Vouchers to ALL (instead of 1st 2000) of our facebook fans who clicked like [and maintain ‘like’] before 12am AEST 1/6/2010

the fans will be offered a choice of

  • a $20 voucher
  • $5 voucher x 2 plus $10 voucher x 1

You can lodge your claim via the following link
Please NOTE: you must lodge your claim by 12pm AEST 3rd June 2010, if you are entitle for the claim.

For more details please visit

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Shopping Square

closed Comments

    • +2

      I've had a browse through their site. Even with a $20 voucher, everything (available) seems overpriced. I'm not going to bother arguing a case.

    • indeed…..I fulfilled my side of the bargain……I certainly clicked 'like' and became a member of their facebook page. I 'unliked' last night before the hastily arranged and not mentioned previously, 'deadline'.

  • +1

    The squeeky wheel gets the oil

    good work to all the squeeky wheels

  • +3

    they add terms and conditions as they please, like i said whats to stop them billing you for something at the full price and then tell you of new terms and conditions?

    it reminds me of children playing shop, and they make the rules as they go, to benefit themselves!

  • Sigh, regret voting pos for this now.

    Was looking at getting a Vantec 3.5" HDD case and thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Just looked at the shipping and it's $18 to Melb! That just about cancels out the $20 voucher, so not worth it even if SQ's price is ~$2 cheaper than the shops here.

    So disappointed!

    • +2

      You can report to a mod and they will revoke your +ve

    • Well, the price is good now that the shipping is capped at $9.99. So that and the $20 voucher brings the HDD case down to $37.94, which is $11 savings from the shops.

      I guess if enough customers complain they'll listen…

  • +1

    Yeah I know its free $ but I'm giving this a -ve

    I'm so disappointed at the poor ethics of shopping square.

    I don't even want to give them my contact details to sign up to make use of this deal.

    This could have been a successful use of social media for marketing but it just crashed into a steaming pile of doo doo.

    I will not ever do business with this company.

    • +1

      Yeah… sometimes your personal information is really worth more than $20 of vouchers… :)

    • The free vouchers isn't the problem… the problem was their misleading and deceptive conduct, and the ambiguity of their whole announcement. Since then they've proved how they're making things up as they go.

      If they were upfront at the start people would've known what to expect and we wouldn't have all this disappointment and bad PR.

  • -1

    Looks like their Facebook page was deleted, their page link goes to the Facebook home page now (which is a sign of a deleted page): http://www.facebook.com/pages/ShoppingSquarecomau/1145690052…

    From Facebook's Terms of Service, section 3.9 (http://www.facebook.com/terms.php?ref=pf):
    "You will not offer any contest, giveaway, or sweepstakes ("promotion") on Facebook without our prior written consent. If we consent, you take full responsibility for the promotion, and will follow our Promotions Guidelines and all applicable laws. "

    And from the promotion guidelines:
    "You cannot: Administer a promotion that users automatically enter by becoming a fan of your Page."

    I'm willing to bet that they got deleted because of that.

    • Sweet, now they won't be able to tell that I unliked them, although they did change the rules about that so either way I want my voucher. And I have priced up the things I want, they better not go up on the 4th.

    • Hmm, seems the page is back now. o_o

  • +5

    No matter from which angle I will see….. this is a completely screwed up marketing campaign.

    It is a textbook material lol.

  • +7

    Complaint submitted

  • +2

    Just wondering FB admin delete their page or SS try to get rid of evidence?

    • Good thing people have pasted their first lot of "T&Cs" here to preserve some of the evidence.

  • -3

    Personally, i feel a bit sorry for them.. They've been around for years.
    One badly run promotion and they've ruined 10 years of hard work.
    Sure, people can boycott your business, etc.. but to also report them to the ACCC and try to get them shut down … i feel thats a bit harsh.
    Thats my 2c.

    • +2

      SS don't feel sorry when they rip us off with the postage!

      • +1

        well, they are a business, and having to pay for postage is not unreasonable in my opinion if you're getting a certain amount off other things.
        I guess seeing their situation is only something that you would understand if you owned a business yourself, which i do.
        You work for years and put so much sweat and tears into it, and make one mistake (prob due to bad planning with the terms and conditions) and people sitting in front of a pc who don't know or care who you are are quiet happy for you to go down.
        And all this for what? clicking "LIKE" on FB lol
        I think its harsh.. thats all

        • +4

          Sure your points are valid but Shopping Square deliberately played their words and were deceiving to us consumers. They have been monitoring this deal from the start and had plenty of chances to be ethical and true to the customer by clarifying the full details of this "bargain" but they did not.

          They avoided the questions and waited until it played out and hoped the majority of people would be happy with any type of $20 "worth" of voucher while gaining thousands of free advertising on there site via facebook "likes". Unfortunately for them it has not played out the way they would have liked so now they pay the price.

          Its not a simple business mistake, they were deceitful and tried to take advantage of the consumer.

  • has anyone actually received their vouchers??

    I certainly havent

    • Nothing yet…

  • Taken from SS's FB page

    "Shopping Square Apology for the voucher giveaway promotion on the 26/05/10

    So we've received all your feedback from the past few days and we'd like to offer our sincerest apologies for the confusion of the past few days. We appreciate your comments and your feedback and we take them onboard.

    To fulfill your expectations and to try and redeem ourselves in your eyes, we've released the $20 vouchers as they are. Of course, we realise that this may not necessarily make things better but we will hope you will take it as a token of our reparations.

    Once again, we cannot apologise profusely enough and we hope you to do you right as best as we possibly can in the future.

    The team from Shopping Square"

  • so wheres my voucher?

  • Read the post at 1926 hrs, 26/5, there's a link to claim your vouchers!
    You only have till 5pm tomorrow (3/6) to claim..

  • I claimed as soon as the link was available, still nothing

  • +9

    The price of shipping for 3.5" hdds has risen from $10 (yesterday) to $18 (today) to the same postcode in NSW. Coincidence? I think not.

    EDIT: So after receiving complaints on Facebook about the price hike, they backflipped on the shipping. It's back to $10. Hurray for social networking! (for once…)

  • deal stinks

  • I was going to buy a modem but the delivery to Sydney is $18!!

  • Hmm, increasing shipping, now reducing it. Can do backtrack any more…

  • any1 got their vouchers yet???

    I was first up at 12 noon, but still nothing?

    EDITED: OOps.. just saw that it will be released at 12 noon today.

    • +2

      Maybe i'm impatient its 12:03pm and no sign of any vouchers yet.

  • i got mine it was in my account

    • Site seems to be down and i can't log in.
      Did you get it via email, Facebook or when you log in to the actual site?

      • SS took the site down so they can jack up the price :)

        • Yeah I notice shipping has gone up from 5.99 to 9.99 for small items. All part of their Monster sale

  • Ok its back and finally back in.. Looks like 2 x $20 discount vouchers… in shoppingsquare website I haven't got any other email/facebook notification but its there.

    • Down again for me after working a short while. There was nothing in Redeem Gift Voucher and My Discount Vouchers when i was in the SS

      • +3

        My voucher appeared in "My Discount Vouchers" but when I try and use it I always get
        an error:

        "*Coupon codes can not be used in conjunction with on-going promotions"

        So much for "Any of these vouchers can be used on absolutely anything you want in Shopping Square!" :(

        • ignore that field and proceed to the checkout. you will have the option to use it at the later stage.

        • lol, was the item you had on Special? If so then the vouchers are pretty much void then since pretty much the whole site now has that label added on it (i don't have a voucher for some reason so can't check myself)

          Post up if you make a purchase with it successfully

  • +1

    Well it all worked for me okay. Seems like the whole deal was worthwhile. Even if it took a while.

    Got my $20 voucher (shows as an option late in checkout process), and used it to buy some relatively comfortable looking headphones.


    They were $19, plys $9.99 shipping. So I just paid the $9.99 shipping and the headphones are on their way. Seems a reasonable deal.

    Happy. Thanks SS.

  • +1

    Gotta say, they came through in the end. I think everyone should revoke your negative votes.

    Got a 30-meter Network Cable for $10.
    Thanks SS.

  • +4

    Micro sd cards (size of a thumbnail)….were $6 shipping, (which was over the top as they just use a normal envelope), now hacked up to $9.99.

    • yer this is due to there new promo on :-(

      • +3

        I'm not sure any 'promo' would increase the size, weight or packaging of this item….this is gouging

    • If you are looking for items with $6 or even $1 shipping, you just need to wait after the weekend promotion. During this weekend, everything with postage $10 and you pay no more than $10 shipping Australia wide for all items you can take.

      • +1

        I'm looking for an item that was $6 shipping yesterday and is now $9.99 shipping today.Irrespective of any other shipping 'deals', how can such a large hike be justified?
        Shipping cost is shipping cost….lower it by all means during promotions…..raising it is unjustifiable without a significant increase in the cost of package, postage charges or labour.
        Using shipping costs as an income stream is likely to prove unpopular with customers, as people feel cheated.

  • +1

    lol anyone else think their website is a bit ridiculous. There's like 617 pages of items for the $10 shipping promo…

  • Is there anyone who submitted via the form before the time ran out and hasn't received the voucher. I checked in My discount vouchers, but there's still nothing there.

  • i got the voucher :)

  • I just got the voucher, if you haven't got it, leave a comment on SS Facebook page with your SS username, they'll sort it out for you.

  • Bought the LOGITECH X-230 speakers with the $20 voucher, ended up saving $1 compare to MSY and it includes delivery, lol

  • unlike

  • Finally got the $20 voucher and used it. Quite a disorganised deal but they did manage to pull through in the end, even though it was on different terms to what they had at the start. +ve vote from the start still stands

  • still waiting on my voucher…

  • +1

    Worked out alright in the end, bought 3 items while they had the $10 shipping cap (outrageous shipping costs otherwise) with the $20 voucher. But still, they should've done it properly from the start.

  • +2

    Well aint i lucky. I took advantage of their 10 dollar shipping cap - i got 3 2gb flashcards which came down to 21 bucks + 15 shipping BEFORE the cap, i bought that for 10 dollars shipping + 1 dolalr extra after coupon. I then waited until the shipping promotion was over and used my GF's identity to buy a 8 gb tf card for 20.50 +the normal 6 dollar shipping.

    Dodgy company, but i dodged them out even more :D

    +1 happy dude who got easily $50+ of stuff for 17 bucks.

    Edit: and you people could have screwed them over by buying gift vouchers and trading to potential buyers. There used to be a 20 dollar gift, but the min is 25 now. I'm sure there are people out there who are willing to buy a 25 gift voucher for 15 bucks ro somewhat. Instant 10 dolalr gain!

  • use your 20 dollar voucher to get one of these with 1 dollar shipping (expires in 24 hrs)


    50 cd-r for 16.95 = free with a 20dollar voucher

    shipping = $1…

    Total cost of 50cd-r = $1 ($0.02 cent each)


  • I am still waiting for my voucher…. if the shopping square rep is here can you please advise why its taking so long, I have sent message thru facebook, starting to get very annoyed….

  • Received my order from them on Tuesday

  • +1

    just received my order.

    I used my $20 to buy the $25 voucher, hence $25 can include shipping.

    My friend didn't want the voucher so he gave it to me.

    So I had $45 vouchers, got $35 worth of stuff & only paid $5 for voucher!!

  • Is anyone besides me still waiting?? Now they want my username and to check if I met all the T&C's of entry, even though I supplied the required info in the first instance! What the? The saga continues:(

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