Just want to get over and done with the compulsory census and continue on with my online shopping.
The census website is overloaded. Server is down. So annoying!
Your thought/tips.
Just want to get over and done with the compulsory census and continue on with my online shopping.
The census website is overloaded. Server is down. So annoying!
Your thought/tips.
I hear you. But I also thought if they don't want people to submit early they should have made the online census unavailable until the 9th August ;).
Also with this case happening, I don't think they can blame people who did early online submission.
You've got a good point. Just the cynical part of me thought that with bureaucracies, there could be incompetency (making system available before time) and possible consequences for me. Waiting till evening seems the safe option. Well, I guess it is safe … no-one under these circumstances will be fined :-)
Its time to inject a chip in each humane when they born.
That chip becomes your "universal identity"
Based on Age / history thing will be approved / rejected. Track us 247365*forever.
Make us machines please
That'll be enough from you, citizen THX1138.
Census has been TERMINATED!
@maxi: Might as well be … still not up.
Exterminate! … Exterminate! …
but only humanes
@RockyRaccoon: Pretty sure it is any non-Dalek life-forms. But happy to be corrected :-)
very true - the technology already exists - microchip, gps tracking.DNA screening, memory recording … - all could be made compulsory one day.
Let's inject one of those chips from 'Suicide Squad' into the necks of each politician, when elected.
Then, if they lie or cock up ……
Then, if they lie or cock up ……
We're gonna need a good supply of chips…don't worry though, always plenty of asshat politicians to put them in…
Any local tech company that can make the chips, or do we outsource them again? Should we trust the imported chips on privacy or local chips in technology?
Plot twist: Could help prevent missing persons?
Politicians:"Thank you dazzywazzy. You have just given the reason why every newborn in Australia should be microchipped or else be fined $1000 per day."
You know what, I didn't complete the Census on purpose because I want to wait till one of the Census collectors knock on my door & ask then ask my question:
What exactly do you mean by, "it's your moment to pause, and make a difference". WTF does that mean?
Here's what I gathered from that douchebag CEO of ABS:
By participating, as Australians have willingly and even eagerly done, we help shape our country’s future.
We continue to collect names, as we have done in previous Censuses, in order to produce accurate population numbers and better estimate Indigenous life expectancy. In 2016, I’ve decided to keep names and addresses for longer. This is for statistical purposes only, and will increase the value of Census data. This will enable the ABS to produce statistics on important economic and social areas such as educational outcomes, and measuring outcomes for migrants. Names and addresses will be permanently destroyed by August 2020.
Is this the biggest pile of dog shit? quick hand me a doggy bag!
You know what, I didn't complete the Census on purpose because I want to wait till one of the Census collectors knock on my door & …
I sooo thought you were gonna go with "…eat his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." ;)
I'm just going to deny that I haven't done it "problem must be at your end, my census went smoothly as expected", then tell them that I'm currently overloaded and to come back in 15 minutes, every 15 minutes, for at least 2 days straight.
ABS should design an App that would submit the entire form rather than perform submissions in real time. So all the connection are purely for packet submission rather than "login". That way it will reduce the connection problem and any potential DoS hogging any connections. no need to spend that much $ on useless services!
Population: 27
(Source :: Australian Census 2016)
We filled in the @ABSCensus tonight online - v easy to do. And so important for planning better Govt services & investment for the future
Funny how they said they tested it with 150% of the expected users and the server didn't even flinch. Also when it's something this big of course people will try to hack it.
I cant wait for e-voting
We might be left without a govt for months, things will be better
I did mine in the morning. Submitted in first attempt. Also I work overnight, a lot less questions to answer than would otherwise. Win. 😁
As someone sai
Last census costed 46 million. Government decided to cut cost and awarded 9.6 million contract to IBM to do same work electronically.
Looks to me IBM was very ambitious
that is hell amount of money to do census.
10pm the night after census and the website is still not working properly, and won't let me complete my form…
The thing is they've outed themselves as unprepared, their own tweets say the website can handle up to 1 million users per hour ('twice' what they expected). But come the time they shut it off, they had only collected around 2 million responses. So guess how many people were trying to complete the census at the time it went down?
The irony is that you would think someone in the ABS would know a thing or two about averages and distributions and what time the load curve looked like for the census last time…. Guess what, 80% of responses are going to be in a 2 hour window. And they didn't even pretend to be prepared for that.
DDOS attacks are trivial to stop if you have resources, especially if they are coming from outside the country. What's not trivial to stop are other code issues which all too often look like a DDOS attack to the untrained eye. They often coincide with high load, which makes everyone think it's a DDOS. But it almost never is. (It sounds like they were prepared for a DDOS attack, black-holing foreign IPs etc, which makes it much less likely that's what it was).
it still doesnt work…anyone had any luck?
I'm finding it more and more frustrating as the days go by that it's still not working. I want it to be over and done with! On the 9th I was at the end of the survey and it kept giving me errors to submit and then it logged me out. I hope I don't have to do it again. 😡
can't believe that after 2 days and they haven't fixed the issue yet.
Oh yeah, and this is based on the fact that they have a CEO who's salary is around $700k
Here's the updated online census: https://census2016.typeform.com/to/yoYfh3
ABS too weak to handle the load, needed to do more (number) crunches.
site is open for business now
Seeing the above comment that it is now up, so tried but still could not get through. It was coming up with "404 Not Found". Yet, access from another machine was OK.
Turns out it was because DNS server was set to Google's ( So, the request was ignored. This was not the case two days ago. They must now be ignoring DNS requests from overseas DNS servers …
I noticed it wasn't resolving with Google's DNS before too, however is hosted in Sydney. I can confirm it doesn't resolve from any of the US based DNS tool websites I've tried either.
abs.gov.au resolves, but census.abs.gov.au doesn't seem to resolve anywhere "outside" of Australia…inclusive of Google's public DNS which is in Australia.
Didn't know it is hosted in Sydney; thanks for the extra info.
Edit: Did a traceroute and it went via telstra syd, and then out to US IP and finally So is it really hosted in Sydney?
yeah, look at the latency between the Telstra link in Sydney and the final destination. There is none.
If it were hosted in the US, you'd need to add 150ms to it minimum.
@bonezAU: That make sense. Thanks.
Did mine last week :D
The site still doesn't work for me even after ABS saying it is now back online. Does it work for anyone else?
Perhaps you are facing the same issue I had earlier. Make sure your DNS server is set to a local one, say one provided by your ISP.
I was getting this http://i.imgur.com/d74Dv4j.png the whole time and I thought it meant the site was down.
Nope, the JS just wasn't loading. No idea why. Didn't matter what browser/device I tried.
Only solution was to tether using mobile data to fill it out.
I haven't even received my password to complete census online
So I did my census lastnight… Why is no one talking about the issue of privacy within your household!? As a renter, we have 4 people living at our place. The online Census form lets allows you the ability to go through everyone else's information… I find it pretty unsettling that I can easily go through this information about my housemates, especially the sections about needing help, and income etc…. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUJT THIS?!
You can contact the Census Inquiry Service to get your own personal form.
What the hell, it was up last night? For how long? It is down again now. I had it all filled out tuesday, saved. I was just waiting to submit.
Hang on, I was able to get to it via my mobile phone, just not my pc. I think the issue was I was on a VPN connection to a Aus/NZ company on my pc, and maybe the ip range shows as NZ.
The amount of ignorance in this thread is (profanity) astounding. Hopefully they record all your names from this website and up your taxes for being so (profanity) stupid.
When Turnbull said heads will roll, Tom started to worry.
Let's start a Change.org petition to save his job!
I really wish you were in charge Tom, your superiority is evident for all to see and we should genuflect at our keyboard in case you are nearby. Can you please be our next Prime Minister it would be so awesome to have someone so open minded and intelligent in charge of us all. Until such time maybe you should takeover OzBargain and be the only one allowed to post anything and the only person allowed to voice their opinion. Thank you, oh wise one, for your input.
say Hello to Kevin!!!
Here's a good read if your curious on the events that took place on Tuesday night.
so what happened if the census data really got hacked. What the heck!!! Sorry Is not good enough.
Basically I think due to the high fine and the forced use of address+other details people (incl me) are much more critical about the census. So I am more then happy to berate it if (when) any problems occur.
If they were more relaxed with handling it, then I think more people wouldn't be so critical. ABS brought this on themselves by handling the masses wrongly, personally feel a DDOS or any other attack was inevitable (or at least unsurprising), instead of saying how "safe" and awesome they thought their system was.
They should've made addresses and name optional and taken it more factual and said that it could be possible but unlikely for any real attacks besides ddos, we hope online makes things easier but if you fear for privacy feel free to request a paper form. Bam people would feel better.
Which joke is funnier
Census or No man's lag ?
Both fail.
Over Promised, Under Delivered.
The chief statistician, who runs the ABS, is on an annual salary of more than A$700,000.
Is this serious? more than the PM?!
They should make the consequence REAL with that kind of salary
Is Census still down? I try to complete mine online today but it is still down…
No it's just knocked off for the weekend.
Because of your comment I tried and now I have just submitted mine - have not found an issue and just need 10 mins per person.
Could someone pls tell me what am I doing wrong. I tried to login to census.abs.gov.au and I still got the message:
"Hmm, we can't reach this page.
Try this
Make sure you’ve got the right web address: http://census.abs.gov.au "
I am not behind a VPN or anything. how do you guys manage to get in at all.
Don't use http://
Just key in - census.abs.gov.au
You Sir is a legend. Thanks to you I am able to login and complete my census. I use the second link that you provided. Works well. Thanks mate.
Finally, only 4 days after, I could login and complete it. Amen.
Does anyone know the last day to fill it online now? What if we have not received the letter from them.
call the census help number. They can SMS the log in to you. Due in Sep.
23 September for online
18 September for paper form
Thanks guys. Hope I get the line on Monday.
OMG, i got two ABS letters in my letterbox, one with a different address… I opened one at my place and uttered the special incarnation code then when I checked the different address in the street, the whole house had dissappeared!…. omfg what is happening
I did think of early submission, was asking earlier yesterday here about this. My thought, probably shared by many, was that, even if the online system allowed early completion, if it was done too early, it might result in a follow-up from ABS to redo later on. Just want to avoid any such hassles.
This article sums it up quite well:
ABS probably expect more even spreading of submissions instead of anticipating peak time 7-9pm.
if they had actually encouraged people to complete the forms early, or late, then perhaps the load would have been more evenly spread with reasonable and manageable traffic spikes.
But the last point was poorly communicated. It is not on the form, and I bet many thought that there is a chance of fine, if not completed yesterday.