Got a few of these at Cebit yesterday and thought I should share it ;)
Mod: Linked to site, changed Title to reflect more information
Got a few of these at Cebit yesterday and thought I should share it ;)
Mod: Linked to site, changed Title to reflect more information
I got an account as well, any chance of using the code?
thx brock!
Get a $2 prepaid SIM and signup again :)
Why would you need to buy another sim?
I might as well create another account, this is about $50 in value (if you go by what Voda, 3, etc charge you).
The password gets sent to the mobile number you use to sign up.
Ah good point.
Well good thing I have access to my parent's phones :D haha.
I think promo code: "gloss" from last year is still working, 225 smss.
Great service, has an API which you can use to send SMS via web/email/whatever.
EDIT: Nevermind, use rock.
The coupon gives you 200 free just like this one.
The extra 25 is what you get for signing up.
Ah right, good spotting, trance.
I tried 'gloss' a few months ago and only got 125 (100 plus the 25 you always get free for signing up).
So unless someone confirms - you might be safer with 'rock'
it is but reduce to 100
bad luck
Yeah I got the one from last year its a winner.
Can't sign up a new account with the same mobile as another account. Can't use these promo codes to recharge an existing account (or I couldn't figure out how). Don't know if it is poss. to cancel an account and then sign up again with the same mobile. I have found this service very useful… plus the 200 credits has lasted me over 1yr.
Same here
I find that I only use this when I need to urgently contact friends when I'm at home otherwise Voda is still ripping me off at 28 cents a text…..
I used to use it all the time, I signed up last year with the bonus code then. Now I'm on an optus iphone plan with free SMS/mms's though, so the $10 (100 pack) I bought after using up my free ones have been sitting there for 6+ months.
Good thing is they don't expire (unless of course the company goes under), so 1 day I might have a use for them again. :)
thanks brock u rock
Does not rock only got 25
Worked for me (225 credits) when I just signed up. Did you enter the code "rock" as part of the signup process?
used "rock" code, got only 25… :(
UPDATE: tried with another sim and it worked this time :)
update 2: emailed the company and they fixed the missing credit on my first account!
I also received only the 25 free credits. I've emailed the company too (hopefully with as much success as you've had).
I have an existing account, just paid for $1 (10 credits) and used "rock" but as yet nothing has been added to my account, not even the 10 credits. Perhaps the system is lagged a bit. Paid with paypal. Will update on whether it worked. $1 for 210 credits would be a good deal :)
I'm keen to know what happens Click_It. Thanks.
Took a few days for the credit to appear on my account when I purchased credit, which is very annoying as I purchased it to use there and then, I'd have thought being paypal the transaction could be instantaneous/automated but unfortunately it's not.
+1 for reminding me that I have an existing SMSGlobal account from yonks ago, which happens to have 225 SMSs left on it anyway…
thanks good 1 :)
does the scheduled delivery work for anyone?
Last used it months ago but yes it worked then. Handy for sending messages to people when you know you'll be busy driving a car or in a no coverage area etc when you need it delivered.
Is anyone noticing a delay getting credits added?
I purchased $1 of credits 45 minutes ago, havent received those nor the free credits. I've had my SMS Global account since 2008 and in the past credit purchases were instant.
I've purchased once (about 6 months ago) and it took 2-3 days by memory, which really pissed me off as I needed the credit there and then.
Other than that I'd never had a problem other than a delay in messages arriving every now and then.
Cheers Brock
can u sms o/s with this? and does the credit expire?
yes you can sms to anywhere in the world
Thanks win :)
cool thanks. Got all the credits immediately
It only gave me 25 credits :(
Did you enter the promo code?
Entered "rock" when signing up…nothing but 25 points.
Use the promo code!
Thank you!
This rock! :) Thanks!
I still have 215 left from last year!
I dont, and i am desperately trying to remember who were the 87 people who i spammed during my reign.
(I have 138 left)
ok so how does this work? Do you sms from your phone and is it for free or do you have to sms from the computer? Im a bit confused??
SMS must be sent from their website.
Ok Thanks!
You can SMS from the smsglobal web site or you can set it up so that you can SMS from your email account. Very handy if you are overseas and haven't got a local SIM or roaming. I used to use my provider's web sms page until they turned off the service, saying that it wasn't something they were required to provide.
Thanks!! :)
BTW, those options are not exclusive, you can use web or email to send SMS. You just have to enter the email address(es) that are allowed to send SMSes in your preferences.
I have 69 left . from last years promo
but sometimes it errors… i had one of my sims only receive liek 25 aswell
I have 69 left . from last years promo
but sometimes it errors… i had one of my sims only receive liek 25 aswell
anyone remember what the user name for login is? an email address? mobile number? thanks
It's an 8 letter username. It took me a while to figure out that it had silently truncated my username which was over 8 letters.
I think you mean it's a username with no longer than 8 letters. :)
anyone know how to recover the user name?
EDIT: dw i managed to figure out^^
btw, does anyone know how it can be access via mobile? because i have net access on mobile however does not seem to be easily sent other than via their email servers
Their SMS via email service works really well. I used a lot never missed a beat. You use the format of mailto:[email protected]
SMS from web is ok too but because you have to log on each time I prefer email to SMS.
careful mate, your phone number is up there!
Might be his ex's ;-)
na dw, its a made up mobile number, its fine
Haha, some poor bloke will start receiving all these text messages!
See pewpew's link.
I've already used my quota of free Global SMS messages from a previous promo. Does anyone know of a cheap prepaid SIM I can buy that can be activated without needing to add credit? This would enable the opening of another SMS Global account and 225 free messages at a really minimal cost.
I think vodafone and virgin have $2 sims. No need to charge to activate.
Yes, I noticed that Vodafone and Virgin sims were available from Dick Smith for $2. Thanks for clarifying that there is no need to add credit in order to activate them and start receiving messages. It would be great if anyone could confirm that this is absolutely the case.
Careful mate, if it doesnt work out that you can activate with no credit, you'll lose 2 bucks. Wouldnt want that.
@BigglezThePigglez: It's hardly the money that I'm worried about, BigglezThePigglez. What I'd like to avoid is the time wasted in actually purchasing a new sim, installing it etc. And to be honest, I do like the thought of absolutely minimising the amount of money the telcos earn. I've always thought SMS messages are massively overpriced given the tiny amount of data that is transmitted. I use PennyTel's $0.05 SMS feature for 95% of my messages but free is even better.
Hah, interesting idea, activate a SIM and then don't use that number. Hmm, I've got a spare Optus SIM around the place. Wonder what would happen if I activated it, and then ignored calls to put credit into it. Maybe they would deactivate my number after a while, but I hope that shouldn't affect my free SMSes since I would use web or email to send them. Of course recipients would not be able to reply, but that is sometimes a good thing. Hmm. ;)
got mine brock the rock ;)
is this like smspup?
Much better than smspup
Okay for existing account holders - the promo code does NOT work.
My $1 purchase finally took effect 15 hours later and I've only been given the 10 credits. Nice to see them looking after loyal customers.
in what way is it better than smspup?
smspup u get points by clicking on their emails, and what about this 'sms global' then?
smspup from memory was full of advertising and email spam. If you like earning points through annoying emails then it is probably the best pick.
SMS Global is a professional (not free, thus the awesomeness of this deal) service, no spam or annoyances, unfortunately professional services aren't free. They run promotions sometimes, last year I got 800 credits for $20 (2.5c each) which come in handy when I go over my cap. Near instant delivery, very good reliability (never seen it down once in 2.5 years)
Comparing the 2 is perhaps a bit of apples & oranges. Hope that helps.
I bought 10 credits for $1 and typed in the promo 'rock' via Paypal.
Checked my account today and I only received 10 credits, no free credits.
Your an existing customer I take it.
So basically you negged this bargain because you're out of pocket $1
wow your a smart one….. Neggged the deal because u negged out on the reading.
Use your brain please.
You know, everytime there's like 50 or more positive votes, and one or two negs, I go into the thread just to see what the people are complaining about when 50 or more others (which generally means a really good deal on OzBargain) found it to be positive.
Not once, seriously NOT ONCE did I find a valid negative when a post had mostly positive votes. Most of them its because they were too slow (as in slow to know about the bargain and slow in the processing of information). If you miss out on a bargain because you checked too late, it's not the poster fault or the seller's fault, and if you misread information its your fault. Please use common sense before handing out negative votes.
Seriously what are people having a cry over?? ONE neg. OMG! like thats a big deal.
By negging, i looked at his comment and realised that i (as an existing customer) could not use the one dollar purchase and the coupon. If anything he was helpful.
Was the negative comment needed? probably not. But he lost some money (small amount) so he has a right to negative, as the details on the post were not absolutely clear.
@venu: @venu: Yo Einstein. Orpheus didn't know about the offer since there was no image attached at the time he made his purchase. But you can look at the attached image. It says sign up. You wouldn't really need to SIGN UP if you're an existing user now would you? You don't have to make your mind up about a deal based on the negative vote of someone else.
Giving a negative on a deal without reading the terms was his bad, not the poster's. It's not like the poster benefited the 1 dollar that Orpheus lost. Orpheus could have just as easily made his point without giving a negative vote especially since the fault lies on his end for skimping through the details. And chill out man, you're the only one thats crying here.
When I first saw this posted yesterday there was no picture. Since the title and description don't have much information in it and don't mention anything about this offer being for new users only, I assumed it was available to anyone with an account.
But does that qualify for a neg? It's still a GREAT bargain for people who haven't got an account or are willing to find a way to get another one.
I'm starting to think (like others) that your just pissed cause you lost a dollar. And even then your still getting a decent deal with 10 messages at 10 cents each.
Like I said, when I saw this page yesterday the description said type in the coupon rock for 200 free sms.
With SMSGlobal you can change the sender number to any number or word, it's open to mis-use. Also, reliability-wise, it's ok for sending personal messages but perhaps not as reliable as some other business sms providers.
In my experience, no SMS vendor is perfect as SMS is sent in the spare mobile network capacity. And even if they COULD guarentee that it is delivered, there is no guarentee that the recipient will read it. Treat SMS like email - expensive, inconvenient to type and brief email.
Signed up and got 775 credits, then 2 minutes later it said 225. Had me excited there for a while.
How do you apply the "ROCK" keyword to an existing account, that I created two weeks ago?
I have 25 SMS's and want to get 200 FREE as an addition.
Short answer is, you can't. (unfortunately)
I tried to top up my account with $1 using the promo and it didn't work, was worth a try. Also see the only neg voter above, he was so angry about being out of pocket $1 he negged it.
Why not just email the folks and ask them?
This is a great deal. Just a question, I signed up and got 225 SMS Credits. I sent one SMS and now it says 223 SMS credits. Anyone know why it took two credits off instead of one? Could it be because I used the Schedule delivery feature to send it at a later time?
Was your text over 160 characters? Just like normal text messages over 160 characters will be split and sent as two texts and charged accordingly.
no, it only had 1 word (5 characters)
I got charged two credits as well, but I sent mine using that e-mail-to-SMS feature - maybe features cost extra.
Can I use this if I already have an account?