This was posted 8 years 7 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Foxtel Sport and Drama Free for Two Weeks (Existing Customers)


Foxtel customers can access sport and drama free for the next 2 weeks.

It says foxtel from telstra customers but I can confirm it's available for all foxtel customers (excluding Optus - thanks DU99)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Has anyone been able to negotiate a better deal than what is advertised with their regular foxtel (i.e. free digital HD for instance)?

    • I got $80 a month for Platinum with HD
      I actually rang to remove some packs (movies and Kids.. didnt have sport) to reduce the cost and they just offered it.

      • +1

        That's pretty good. I called to say i'm moving and don't want it at my new place and they reduced mine from $107 to $71/month for the next 12 months for Platinum HD without movies and kids. I actually was moving

        • -1

          That's pretty good…following the end of my 3 months free I rang to downgrade, got some pissweak spiel about how Australia not being a big country means we have to have ad supported content. Might have to try the trick that I'm moving.

    • +3

      Entertainment + Sport Package is only $35/mth at the moment on Foxtel from Telstra which is a pretty good deal. Non-Telstra Foxtel customers could try to get them to at least match that.

      • Huh? How do you get that? I'm paying $60 for base package, sports + HD…

        (Dropped down after conclusion of 3 months platinum HD for free).

        • No EPL, so customers are leaving in droves.

        • @tightwad:

          Sweet, didn't think of that!

        • @Sir Casm:

          I used to pay $70/month for EPL (plus lots of Channels I didn't want) now I just pay $5/month rising to $20/month August 2017 as I'm an Optus customer.

          Screw you Foxtel! Screw you Rupert Murdoch! Viva Singtel!

    • I have free Drama + free HD pack for 12 months.

    • Used to have standard plus kids with an IQ2 at $36 a month (normal price I think?).

      Wife actually rang up to cancel (not just threaten), and got movies added and price reduced to $26 a month for 12 months.

      • Do they make you re-contract? I think we pay $80 a month for HD and all channels except kids, sports and movies.

        • I am not sure at all as I wasn't home when my wife did it. I think she mentioned that we could still cancel, so guessing no?

    • -5

      $25 per month IQ2 Platnium HD.

      Even 25 is a bit too much these days.

      Used to cost me nothing, but firmware upgrade bricked my hacked sat card :(

      • How did you get platinum for that price?

      • Yes please tell.

        • -7

          Ye old multibox on a friends account. They can't tell where the box and s located geographically.

          Used to pay 0 bucks up until a few weeks ago, got to wait until the new hacked cards are released

    • I know if you're out of contract, you call up and say you want to cancel. Then they offer you deals to recontract. You just gotta go through with it. When I did it, they had someone call back the next day, and early the next week offering me deals - even along the line of what do you want to recontract (but they wouldn't take my dollar a day offer for the lot… beats me why!)

      If you're not out of contract, I don't think they have much incentive as they've got you locked away anyway…

  • awesome, more free foxtel

  • +1

    free sport for 2 weeks - kind of generous with the Olympics happening for much of this time?

    (I'm looking for the catch)

    • +4

      Olympics is not on Fox

      • aarg

      • +7

        That's the catch haha

    • +1

      They're losing money, or not making as much as they once did.
      I've been getting free foxtel for nearly 6 months. The first 3 months were premium package, the next 3 have been just sports with the standard package you have to get - whatever that's called (it has news and i haven't figured out what else).
      I've paid nothing, no installation, no monthly fee and all i have to do is ring to cancel - again - prior to the end of the 1 month or i'll be put on a month to month contract. The last two times i've called, they gave me the extra 2 months extension followed by the one month.

      • +1

        Good to know. I'm not far off cancelling my subscription (AFL season nearly over), and have not paid $1 since getting it installed in mid Feb. If they give me free months, I'll accept it and leave it connected, otherwise its gone!

        • Did you have a similar offer - how'd you not pay anything?

        • +2


          The person at Telstra who signed me up to the initial 3months for free offer of Platinum HD + Install gave me a $200 welcome credit which would take a few bills to show up, and I confirmed directly with her that I'd be able to use the credit for months 4,5,6,7 etc.

          Needless to say, the credit never appeared on my account until I called up, asked about it, escalated the compliant of a sign up promise not being fulfilled etc.. and got my $200 credit added to my account. Bit cheeky, but it was promised at signup…!

          3 months free + $61/month for Basic + Sport + HD = nearly 6months free foxtel using the $200 credit for months 4-7. Will end up paying about $44 in total for the 7 months, which sees out the AFL season.

          I did try to get better than $61/month when my 3 months was up to make the $200 credit last longer.. no luck!

        • @tizey:
          The same thing happened to me. But they did credit my account as the benefit of the doubt

        • +1

          @tizey: Nice work. I for the 3 months initially and when i rang to cancel they offered an extra 2 months of just the basic package plus sport then again for the one month. I'll miss the last 2 rounds i think but then it's finals and they should all on Seven so i'm happy with that.
          If i could pay a few bucks a month and just get a few of the Sports channels (enough to watch AFL at least) then i'd probably sign up but having to get the basic package as well makes it unreasonable. I don't even know what channels it includes cos i haven't used it. lol.

      • +1

        so it's costing you 20c a month then (for each phone call!)


        • +1

          Haha, true. However it's from a mobile and i don't use all my credit each month so not costing any extra than what i would've spent anyway.

      • +1

        Yes, same thing for me, 3 months promo free platinum offer before the Euro, then two more months free with sports only+HD, but I'm having Telstra cable at home, that's something valuable to Telstra, as which they gave me Foxtel just as a bonus I guess.

      • i wonder if they sell advertising based upon subscription numbers and have worked out giving it away for free to people who wont ever pay makes sense. of course they dont make it free for all as some people will still pay.

        • +1

          No doubt which would explain why Foxtel count all the people that have free Presto deals as 'Foxtel subscribers' too.

    • I wonder if that include Beinsports?
      I've had Foxtel for over 10 years and the package I have is/was the big value, so I get all channels and any new ones for $91 month. I keep the kids package as the music channels are for some reason included in that. Foxtel cannot change or charge me what it would be now, Also tbere is a Seniors Package cro $50 all sports channels, Drama Package & tbe usual channels, as my mum has it, but Foxtel dont advertise it. Was by chance we found out about it. She loves it, Looking forward to the Community Sheild tonight Leicester City V Manchester United fron Wemberly
      Stuff Optus they will loose so much money it will soon be back on Foxtel, where it belongs!

      • You mean the match tomorrow night?

  • +8

    Instead of them giving free stuff, I would prefer they re-evaluate their pricing, and lower it down permanently.
    try to beat fetchtv for example.

    Foxtel is better than fetchtv, but their pricing is way too high.

    • +4

      Foxtel has better content, Fetch TV has better hardware. Cannot see them offering anything cheaper than $25 per month, hopefully HD will be free eventually.

      • +2

        I agree with that. After having Fetch for years then getting Foxtel, I was surprised at how bad and unreliable the IQ2 was.
        But it depends on what you're looking for. I really only use Foxtel for FOX8 and Comedy and some music channels. Fetch has Nick included in the base package, but Foxtel it's in an extra package.

    • +1

      How about get rid of ads.

      • I cannot agree more, but I still prefer more ad and less cost.

  • +9

    If anyone wants free drama, there's always free drama at our place
    sad face

    • +3


  • I was on the 3month Plat HD free from Telstra. Called to cancel, they asked what i watch most - Sport. So they've gave me entertainment + sport + HD for $10 for the next 2 months :D!

    • That's very good!

    • I got extra 2 months for free. But they did not change the subscription from platinum. So still getting platinum

  • mmm I'm under contract for enetermainment + sports for $50/mth…You guys think I can call up, have a whinge and they'll lower it down to $35?

    • not if you just have a whinge. you'll have to request to cancel, then you'll get through to the right area to negotiate

      • But I'm still under contract and effectively don't want to pay it out lol.

  • foxtel with optus..They don't get it

    • the drama channels are working for me on foxtel from optus

      • optus said that they knew nothing about..It must be a foxtel decision then

  • I had the 3month free platinum through telstra and I was offered entertainment pack + sport for $26/month for the next 3months when I tried to cancel.

    I still cancelled and got another 3months free platinum through the Harvey Norman sign up. So when I cancel this time I might take up the $26 deal

    I also got 4x Ethernet over power adaptors for free which you don't have to return

  • just called Foxtel told them the telstra deal got Movies or Drama Sports Entertaiment and HD for the next 12 months with no lock in. was costing me $91 per month with entertainment plus and Docos

    Now $71 per month so $20 Saving ( $30 with HD)

  • I think I'm on my 4th (first 3 with P-HD like others) free month, but I picked Movies as I get NRL free from the NRL App. So this is an awesome deal :-) Thanks OP

  • I had a flick through these free channels yesterday, only getting the sport news channel?
    Also I'm not through telstra so I'm getting them too.

    • Looks like it starts today?

    • I have Foxtel directly through them, not Telstra. Tried Fox Sports and didn't get them - only checked briefly though.

  • -1

    What if you are already on the Sports package?

  • Bugger…. Sounds like I'm being ripped off. I am paying $135 a month for full Foxtel after 3 months free through Telstra.

    Any suggestions for me to try to get it cheaper?

    • call them and complain that it is only $99 a month now. They should match it if not cancel and rejoin on the new rates.

  • Thanks will try that

  • Cheers OP

  • Thanks, was wondering why I could watch the cricket last night!

  • no EPL or F1 though :(

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