• expired

Bonus 256GB MicroSD from Samsung When Preordering the Galaxy Note 7 ($1,349)

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Notice (3/9/16): The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone has been recalled due to concerns with batteries exploding or catching fire.

Think the cheapest 256GB micro sd card deal as been around $188.

Per samsung site,

Have to pre order from these stores:

"Participating Retail Store" means each of:

the Samsung Online Store, accessible at http://www.samsung.com/au/shop/;

  • each retail store in Australia operated by the Promoter known as a "Samsung Experience Store"

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  • The Promoter recommends that prior to purchasing a Participating Product, the claimant verify that the retailer is authorised to participate in this Promotion;

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closed Comments

  • +19

    Prices of phones are getting ridiculous

    • -5

      What else are you going to spend your money on? eggs??

      • +6

        Yes, Lucky Eggs.

        • -2

          But Orpheus, all eggs are lucky :3

      • Pokemon hunter ideology

      • +1

        House, car, shares.

      • +2

        No, hookers!!

    • +1

      value of AUD getting ridiculous too!

      • According to rba

        • thanks obama

    • +2

      Nah they included the cost of the sd card but some may think it's free… Nothing's free~

    • +1

      What's more ridiculous is people saying this and then choosing to buy it.

    • Some people definitely have more dollars than sense!!

  • +2

    You can buy a car for that price!

  • +2

    Too pricey, can even afford 2 note 5's.

    • Yes, to me it's no such big difference with note 5. 32GB/64GB is enough for me. Curved screen is not a good idea for taking notes. I will not through the phone into the water.

      • +6


        • Go2home

  • I'd love to buy this phone (had the Note 2 and 4) however the non-removable battery is an absolute deal breaker for my needs.

    • Does anyone know of any newer full featured phone with a removable battery other than the LG G5. I'm still waiting - almost a month - for a warranty repair on my second G4 so LG is a no go for me now.

      • -1


        • Still LG. Did they finally release the V10 in Aus? There are rumours the V20 is out next month.

      • nokia 8250

    • +6

      The so-called 'non-removable' battery is pretty easy to remove. I just replaced the LCD & Frame on my Galaxy S7 Edge after it was dropped, run over and shattered (yet still worked perfectly mind you!). A few minutes spent carefully heating the edges of the rear glass panel with a hairdryer it prys off relatively easily: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/67715/41452/1.jpg Once you're inside the rest is pretty basic as it's all just Phillips head screws so another few minutes later and you can just pull the battery out: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/67715/41453/2.jpg … but be careful as the battery is stuck down well and as it has no protective housing the whole battery will bend like a banana and therefore if not handled properly could end up in a flaming smoky mess.

      So, ignore the 'non-removable-ness', just buy the phone then when the battery gets tired in 18-24 months simply buy a new one and replace it yourself! Easy.

      • +3

        Your 'easy instruction' is no good when I run out of batt and need to replace it with a fully charged backup battery in my carry case.

        • +2

          … but isn't that what Power Banks are for? You don't need one of the big ones either, you can still buy lower capacity versions if size/weight is an issue.

        • Power bank needs time for the battery to go back fully charged, with backup battery I get 100% again by replacing the batt and booting the phone up, overall time 1 minute.

        • @SteveAndBelle:

          They also wear out the USB port without which the whole phone cannot be charged. Granted the included USB-C port is likely going to be more durable than the prior microUSB slots.

        • @SteveAndBelle:

          And what about power off resets? There have been a half dozen times I've absolutely needed to pull the battery to recover or confirm a hardware issue.

          The only reason manufacturers are doing this is to push obsolescence. It's anti-awful for the environment and ought to be illegal.

        • +1

          @sengork: OK, tough crowd by the sounds :) The previous three Sammys I've owned have never had issues like USB port wear etc. All good & each to their own.

        • @syousef: True, I have experienced this a few times myself where the phone gets into a state that can only be fixed by pulling the battery out. This tends to happen in summer when the temperatures are causing the phone to malfunction. Something that likely does not happen to this extent in most of the Samsung's smartphone market.

        • @syousef: Similar to my other reply to sengork, I actually haven't needed to do a power off reset with the Galaxy S7 Edge. Had to do it a few times over the 3 years I owned my good ol' Galaxy S4 but only because it was an easy option, there were probably other things I could've done instead.

        • @wildstone: Hmm, interesting. So what phone are you currently rocking wildstone? Sounds like it has pretty limited battery stamina if this is such a concern?! Not having a dig, just genuinely interested.

        • @SteveAndBelle:

          My experience on more expensive phones is with Galaxy S4 and LG G4. The LG was worse but the Galaxy also required a battery pull or two.

        • +1

          @SteveAndBelle: I appreciate the instructions you've posted, it indeed helps those who want removable battery for the sake of replacing battery once it loses charge capacity. This is half of my use case as on a phone like this you'd want to use the screen as much as possible (eg. videos, games…). This added strain will no doubt wear the battery faster than phones with smaller screens. One tip to pro lengthen the battery life is to disable Fast Charge.

          I always make sure to use original (OEM) cable or a higher quality cable in order to preserve the microUSB port. Whether this is actually helping or just a placebo effect I am not sure yet. Hopefully I won't have the chance to find out!

        • @syousef: Yeah, I have a feeling they've greatly improved things so pulling batteries is slowly becoming a distant memory these days. I've heard terrible things from friends with Sonys & LGs over the last few years and a battery pull seemed to be required at least once a month just to keep things running as best they could. Not saying Samsungs are perfect but it seems they generally don't need as much of this old skool treatment. I'd say there's also now a 'battery pull' alternative in the service menu at bootup too but as I've never needed to do it I haven't bothered to go looking for it.

        • @SteveAndBelle:

          Galaxy Note 4. Battery life is great, but still a plus where you could get 100% back up in 1 minute, especially when shooting videos and photos all the time.

        • @wildstone: Yeah coolies. I suppose their design decisions come down to how 'the masses' use their phones. The 3600mAh battery in my S7 Edge seems to just keep going & going & going but of course it's still only a 'new' phone and I rarely use it for more than 20mins at a time. Good to know that I can now DIY replace the battery in it down the track instead of having to buy the Galaxy S10 or 12 for $3500 ;)

        • @wildstone: How do you recharge your spare battery? Power bank can be charged by any USB port, if it has QC2, it will be so fast you won't even notice.

          Finally there is wireless battery pack, which just attach and bulk your phone up, and your phone is juicy again.

      • Not everyone has the time nor inclination to play phone repair technician.

        My solution for the foreseeable future looks to be moving to a dedicated camera and a cheaper phone. I just don't have $1000 to waste only to end up with a crap loan phone for 6 weeks because some idiot decided to cut costs by using cheap solder and his bosses are too cheap to recall the phone.

        • Or skills! Gotta remember the skills steveandbell. Not everybody has them.

        • +4

          @outlander: This is quite concerning. It seems society has lost the ability to just give things a go! In this over-information age it only takes a few clicks to witness others doing exactly what's required to complete a most so-called 'technical' tasks and if not 'exact' it's easy enough to find something very similar. This is exactly what I did and within 5-10 minutes armed with only the wifes hairdryer (shh, don't tell her!) and a $10 'mobile phone' toolkit I had the thing apart and the screen/frame assembly replaced. Another 5 mins putting it all back together and job done.

          Did the same thing to replace a timing belt on a car a few years back. Many hundreds of dollars worth if taken to a mechanic but with a $40 belt (eBay), simple tools, a few videos and the desire to increase my knowledge/experience I had the thing done in 25-30 mins. This is OzBargain afterall :) DIY usually results in a LOT of money saved, a better job performed plus added reward of 'know-how' for the person involved.

        • @SteveAndBelle:

          Great that you are in a position to do that but that doesn't mean everyone else is or that it won't go wrong. I have changed out a usb plug on a galaxy tablet before but it was a pain in the rear and no 5 min job. A DIY repair shouldn't be required to swap out a freaking battery for pity sake. The risk is that you stuff up your phone completely.

        • +1

          @syousef: This is my point… no-one knows they're 'in a position to do it' until they've done it, not even me! Sure there are risks involved sure but I fear the statement above is becoming commonplace by the 'creative generation' which will rear its ugly head in so many ways in the not-too-distant future. People go out of their way to take stupid risks ALL the time, many are life threatening to either themselves or innocent bystanders so it's just interesting to me that many of the same people aren't willing to take much less threatening risks by finding DIY solutions to their day-to-day problems. Maybe I'm an old soul with old-fashioned values but fark, it sure beats handing out cash to some idiot tradesperson or technician to do a lesser job plus you get the priceless benefit of personal knowledge & know-how as a result! If you stuff things up in the process then hey, you've learnt even more about the issue and about your own capabilities which is worth a lot more than the device itself. Live a little people! Take controlled risks, improve your life and save a fortune in the process. 1st world problems.

        • +2


          Sir, I like the cut of your jib :) I did a DIY battery replacement on my Nexus 5 but not the timing belt on my Ute.

          I am really liking the look of the Note 7 but the cost has me… considering other options even though I can write it off in my business. How is Samsung's upgrade/update ? (ie Android N and security updates I get every couple months for my Nexus 5) I know it won't be Nexus goodness but ??

        • -2


          Again not everyone is fit to or wants to learn to take a phone apart.

          That's okay. I have no expertise in or desire to learn knitting and textiles. I still expect to be able to be a consumer of clothes. I don't expect K-Mart to make clothing with woven in soluable dye capsules so that if I wash the clothing in anything but one of their special washing machines or learn to unweave and reweave it I have to buy new clothes.

          Not everyone has the time. What's your family situation? I have 2 young kids. What's your work situation? I do shifts. If I had more spare me time I'd want to spend it on one of my old hobbies - putting together and flying remote control aircraft (I refuse to call them drones!) or Astronomy. But I'd much rather be teaching my kids something or just spending time with them than pulling apart a damn phone to replace a battery. Just because I CAN do it doesn't mean I want to or should have to!!!

          These companies are burying the battery in the phone for no other reason than to make it harder and less economical to change, and you're encouraging this.

          There are much better DIY projects than replacing a damn battery!

        • +2

          @syousef: o….k….

      • thanks for the pictures

        where did you buy the parts from?

        do you compromise the water proofness of the phone though? and how do you glue the back back on?
        is the glass at the back brittle and risk of snapping?

        • +1

          There are many on eBay who sell the replacement screens but I managed to find a screen AND frame assembly from a seller in Germany for only a few bucks more. This was a far better option as the metal frame itself suffered damage in the initial drop so replacing the whole assembly meant I'd have a nice shiny new phone again.

          I may have compromised the water proofness, I'm not sure and don't have the gear to test it officially however I did dip it into a jug of water a week or so afterwards and everything seemed to be A-OK. The thin layer of glue around the outside edge of the rear panel (seen in the pic in the post above) is the only thing keeping water from entering there so as long as that isn't damaged during the disassembly then it should seal back up nicely when reassembled. Keep in mind they're not actually water proof as such anyway, they're only really water resistant.

          I was concerned about snapping/breaking/shattering the rear glass but after hitting it with enough heat (medium heat for a long period, not high heat for a short burst) I was able to pry it up then while continuing to apply heat and gentle persuasion the rest of the panel lifted off without any problems. Anyway, you can buy replacement rear glass panels on eBay for $30-ish so if it breaks then a replacement panel is easy. A 'wordwide' eBay search is your friend for parts and a basic YouTube search is your friend for the method.

        • @SteveAndBelle: thanks
          ive fixed phones before, but never the gluefest of the recent designs.

          Glad to know a hairdrier is sufficient.

          how much did your parts set you back?

          Also did you consider doing that transparent backglass mod? :)

        • @furythree: Full assembly was $400 which was the cost to get it done by someone locally however no-one had the parts back then as the phone was still 'too new'. Not sure about that now. I wanted to keep it stock as there isn't much to see if the rear was transparent (refer to above nudie pics).

        • +1

          @SteveAndBelle: $280 for samsung to do it
          And they will clean off and replace the adhesive tape and glue to keep it water resistant.

        • @Jarr0d: Sweet info! None of this was available 2+ months ago when I needed it but good to know for the next time ;) Wonder how much they charge for the screen & frame assembly?!

        • +1

          @SteveAndBelle: They said Samsung dont sell retail parts to the public and as part of being a authorised Samsung repairer the stores are under agreement to not sell parts.
          They also said they will not do frames, if the phone is bent in any way at all they wont touch it.

        • @Jarr0d: so he wouldnt have had a choice anyway by the sounds of it

          i bought my S7 not edge for $550 second hand (someone's refurb/replacement with 1 weeks use)

          $400 is like a new phone lol

    • I hear you… Besides LG that comes with free bootloop, is there any flagship phones now a days that would do removable battery?

      • Not too much choice.

        Lumia 950 XL

        Samsung W2016

        • Thanks for the info.

          I was awaare of the Lumia. I'll play with Windows Phone on a $39 special from Coles, but I don't want it as my main phone.

          The W2016 looks unimpressive. No temp sensor or compass/magnetometer. No NFC. Resolution is just okay.

          It has more memory and storage than the $59 Alcatel that was on here a couple of weeks back but otherwise looks pretty similar.

        • +2


          me too. Microsoft don't know who to make a phone.

          Samsung W is kind of luxury phone for a tiny special market.

          By the way, for $1,349, you could get a Note 5 + G5.

  • Why did they skip 6 and called it 7?

    • Marketing.

    • because Galaxy s7 is out.. it will affect sales if they called it note6

      • Well it has always been s3/note 2, s4/note 3, s5/note 4 etc all along, if it has affected sales it has been for a few years now.

        • +1

          Maybe but not to the extent until iPhone Plus entered the market. This way Samsung has made it now simpler for customers to chose if they want a larger screen from the same 7 "series".

    • +2

      To compete head on with ip7.

  • Hey Bargrin, where can the 256Gb cards be purchased for $120? Bought a couple of them a few weeks back in an eBay 20% off sale and got them for $188ea delivered and that was the cheapest I've seen, ever! At $120 I'd be keen to jump on a couple more.

    • +1

      My bad got the 256gb mixed up with 200gb….so then $188ea is cheapest for 256gb.

      Have updated deal.

      • Ah, sweet. I thought it would take at least a couple of months before they dropped lower than $188 ;) Inevitable of course, I just needed one as quackly as possible so jumped when I saw them at $188. Glad I did too, such fast cards!

  • Some of you may be interested to know that Samsung did not integrate a UFS card slot despite the on-board memory being UFS.


    • Gotta save some features for the Note 8

    • Probably not enough time to add it in after it's gone in production.

  • Rather get a s7 edge for cheaper with better specs.

    • +1

      but you dont have 5.7" do you? heheee

    • -1

      but you dont have S-Pen, do you? heheee

      • +2

        Just don't put it in backwards, eh?

        • +1


        • You can actually with Note 7, but it won't damage anything, as they have fixed the issue.

        • +1


          Should never have been an issue in the first place though. All the major phone manufacturers are getting away with murder because we all still keep buying their stuff.

    • but you dont have IRIS sensor, do you? heheee

    • -1

      but you dont have an option to change the screen resolution to save on battery, do you? heheee

  • Thanks mate, ordered it after reading your post, it sort of reminded me about this promotion.

  • Just call samsung representative and she confirm that the bonus microsd is an evo 256gb

    • a U1 card? not even rated for 4k video?

      • The Evo will be able to record 4k easily.
        I have used one in my phantom 3 pro at 4k.

  • +1

    A great deal for the Samsung Sheep

    ROFL :-D

  • +2

    Buy it from Virgin Mobile for less. Comes with the 256gb micro sd card also.

    $1176 Virgin postpaid customers
    $1206 for non member ($30 sim included)


    • Ditto this.

    • +1

      It's not available for non members anymore

      • It's not there for members anymore either

  • +3

    $1,349…. daaaaamn Samsung becoming Apple. You could buy a pretty good spec laptop for that.

  • Excellent phone, but way too expensive. Let's wait for the 20% ebay code and the price drop below 1K.

  • +1

    How about using coles mastercard to buy the phone and claim the difference when the price comes down below a grand?

    • +1

      That's exactly I did when I bought Note 5, but price didn't come down much, probably $40. So I'll wait for 20% off ebay sale and will buy from TGG Ebay store

    • Do you know if this would work with this given they are providing a free SD card with it?
      What I mean is if let's say in 3 months they phone is on sale for $900 but they're no longer offering the card free with it, would you still be covered?

  • I had notes, found >5" is just too big for pockets and the price on this is REDICULOUS ~ <$900 RRP with memory bonus for early adoptors, well maybe but no way hosay at these prices!

  • is anyone here intended to sell their micro sd card to me!

    • yea sure. Best price: $120

  • I've had my Note 3 for 3 years now and it has run like a dream!

    After looking at the Nexus, HTC 10 & S7/ S7 Edge, Note 7 for the win! I'm getting an iPhone from my work so I get the best of both worlds too!

    256gb SD card + Optus Premier league subscription, most powerful on the market easily! Plus it looks so pretty!!

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