Looking for a 22" - 24" LCD Monitor for desktop

Hi Guys,

I am looking at purchasing a new monitor for my desktop. I am wanting at least 22" but looking at prices it seems worth it to pay an extra $40-$50 and go a 24" screen (23.6)

This is the best value for money that I have come up with so far: ASUS VH242H - $229 at msy.com.au

Does anyone recommend something else?? Cheers.


  • My only comment is go for the 24" for the extra $50

  • If you don't want to spend too much, and don't mind being a little less than 22", then this is a decent deal: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/25645

    Otherwise, this deal is great for a 24" IMO: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/25630 (page shows deal has expired but it hasn't)

  • Yeah I really think I will go the 24" screen… I like that Dell monitor (price is also a little cheaper) how does it compare to the ASUS one I am looking at??

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