4 This promotion is a game of skill, and chance plays no part in determining the winners.
You better not be feeling lucky either!
Watch the trailer (above) and tell us your favourite character from the trailer.
a) 100 x tickets to the Suicide Squad premiere screening in Melbourne at Melbourne Crown on Monday, 1 August 2016, 6:00PM arrival (RRP $100 each).
b) 100 x tickets to the Suicide Squad premiere screening in Sydney at Event Cinemas George St on Monday, 1 August 2016, 6:00PM arrival (RRP $100 each).
4 This promotion is a game of skill, and chance plays no part in determining the winners.
You better not be feeling lucky either!
Mmmm so if you give a description of why you like the character then you may fail….. I just wrote Captain Boomerang and nothing else. Cant wait to see this film.
Omg I won. I never win anything!
Just got an email from Roadshow advising that I'd won! My answer was very boring too :S
Got an email saying I had won double pass also, thanks op.
I won!
woooo! thanks OP! going to the on in Melbourne! Hope OP got one as well! would be mighty awks if he/she didn't.
Haha thanks for thinking of me! But I'm from Perth, so didn't even enter! Just sharing the love :)
ahh that sucks….great find though! well thanks for the night out i guess.
Won some tix to a screening on Tuesday night :) so let us know how it goes but no spoilers!
awesome! I won! thanks
I won too! :D
Damn.. sooo wanted to go for this one… If any winner decides not to go, please consider giving away your ticket:D
Question is 'Who is your favourite character?' but they have left enough room for a 'Why' as well.