- Phil Collins - No Jacket Required (Deluxe Edition) - 2 discs, 24 tracks - $1.99
- Kate Bush - Hounds of Love - 12 tracks - $1.99
- Billy Idol - White Wedding - 2 tracks - $1.69
- Bing Crosby - Swinging On a Star - 94 tracks - $2.19
(https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Bing_Crosby_Bing_C…) - Various Artists - 70 Classic Christmas Favourites - 70 tracks - $1.69
$1.99 Albums @ Google Play - Phil Collins, Kate Bush + Billy Idol, Bing Crosby, Xmas Favourites

Last edited 23/07/2016 - 16:15 by 2 other users
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Do you really need it explained to you, or was that just a state the obvious style attempt at humour?
Are you really patronising, or was that just a state the obvious style attempt at humour?
Well, check out the image descriptions (both covers are shown in your link), it makes the difference fairly clear :)
It's a remastered album, it's quite special actually.
The whole thing is really just a reference to the song Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now), with the album covers recreated with an older Phil Collins.
Aside from the very impressive remastering done by some dude the albums have a second disc with tracks selected personally by Phil Collins. They are rare demos and live recordings of songs from the same era as the albums. All of them previous released and most of them not really improved in sound quality, but it's nice there's a personal touch from Phil after he has lost the physical ability to sing or play the drums.Most artists stick to the original artwork with their reissues. Interesting choice. Phil must have an odd sense of humour :)
Like that time he told his missus he was leaving via a fax. Hilarity.
PIC 1: Old bald scrote.
PIC 2: Older balder scrote.
Love a bit of Bush every now and then.
When i'm having a good time with Bush, sometimes i can feel it coming in the air tonight. Oh lord.
Hi OP, Not sure why but following any of the 3 links provided will get to a page that says "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server."
Edit: It seems the legit link for Phil Collins which goes to deal has CGI args, but the ones that say "not found" do not have them. Seems like the args are needed.
It seems not to work anymore (I can confirm it did work earlier). I think it may have been a pricing error.
Phil is working at $1.99. It is a double album (2016) remix.
This is why he looks old, the guy is 65 now and they updated the cover of the album.
Actually, the deals are still on
Here are the links:
Phil Collins - No Jacket Required (Deluxe Edition) $1.99
Kate Bush - Hounds of Love $1.99
Billy Idol - White Wedding $1.69 (only two tracks)
Edit: OP, just saw that you have fixed them as well.
Just on Kate Bush, I was so amused with the The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever story the other day. I love the song Wuthering Heights, but have never actually seen the video before. So I went and checked it out, due to this story. Hmm.. quite interesting and strange.. But not in a bad way, before I get flak from Kate Bush fans :-)
LOL … Good for aerobic excercise.
Hey, this is really good … I love it. Thanks!
I still don't know why the video the Age posted was from when people were learning the moves, rather than when we were all running through it properly afterwards when a lot more people were in sync and had the moves down pat (well, at least more so than in that video).
Does a video exist of the actual run (not the dry-run)? Put a link, so we can go check it out! It looks really fun! :-)
(Perhaps someone there would have recorded it, and post it somewhere?)
Sweet metaphysics in chiffon, as I remember it.
Great price on the Phil C album.
That's a recent remaster which goes for $33+ new. (Massive rip off, if you ask me.)$33+? Amazes me that the likes of Sanity and other ripoff record shops are still in business…
Those shops are for people that want to support the artists because a lot more money goes into their pockets.
The shop's pockets? Or maybe the record company's?
1.99 for 24 Phil Collins songs, or 1.69 for two……
Ones clearly better value…..Or free to stream on your Google Play subscription
You mean 'free' to listen to temporarily until your paid subscription runs out and you pay again… hahaha But I get what you mean if you are a music lover you would just subscribe to get access to the entire Google Music library :-)
I consider myself a music lover but prefer not to subscribe. Honestly I don't want all that choice!
I am wondering if anyone under 40 listens to Phil Collins? The 80s must seem so old fashioned to youngsters. The music was much more homogenous back then, and society much more stable than it is now.
I'm 21 and yes Phil Collins is part of my music library. I'd say that much of my musical taste came from listening to the radio in the car in my childhood days.
What happened to his face?