Hey guys,
It's been almost two months and the prices haven't really depreciated and was wondering where the cheapest place for preferably a standard edition would be and whether the Taiwanese version is still working even though it's expired.
Hey guys,
It's been almost two months and the prices haven't really depreciated and was wondering where the cheapest place for preferably a standard edition would be and whether the Taiwanese version is still working even though it's expired.
I've heard conflicting stuff about G2A on the Overwatch subreddit. I'm mulling over my decision, but might try the Taiwanese Battlenet soon.
How can people justify paying an exorbitant amount to Blizzard for a blatant TF2 clone is beyond me …
enter fanbois and my comment is negged to infinity … Brace for impact!
Yeah that's what I thought too. But I just want to try it out myself. Shame that Blizzard don't have trials for OVerwatch, but they have to prevent hackers and moneymakers somehow :P
I have a few mates that have really got into it … they are religious WoW players though so methinks Blizzard ride on their devout user base somewhat. In all fairness it looks to be a fun game.
It's probably because Blizard are pretty good at making a polished gameplay. :P But same with some of my friends and DoTA
They had a relatively long open beta period prior to launch. I was able to test it and fortunately found that it wasn't for me.
Awww cute. I've clearly offended a couple a butthurt BlizzardBros already.
I think they neg with the sole reason of pissing people off.
Nah, you're just an (profanity), getting negged for good reason. You think not playing a videogame makes you superior to other people, which is incredibly pathetic.
You just made my day my man. Hook, line and sinker.
Paging Dr. Hurt from proctology. Your afternoon appointment has arrived.
Just remember you can get aids from listening to too many assholes … hearing aids that is.
@MrMcHairyHead: Sure thing pal. I value your opinions and will reevaluate my life. Thanks for the heads up. Ad hominem attacks are a sign of butthurt though.
is this the one that looks like c&c - can't believe it's been re-invented for mobile…
Hahaha, no I don't think it's the game you're thinking of. Unless it is…
nah, darn, tha;s rite - Mobile Strike I am thinging of.. OW is TF2
Careful mate … negs inbound!111
arguments aside,any real suggestions?
i already wasted money on d3 expansion, dont want to give bliz theAU price gauge they always do
The Taiwanese site should still be working by the looks of it. I didn't end up buying it myself but yeah tell us how it goes
it worked in incognito mode 56 bucks