This was posted 8 years 9 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Overwatch - Standard Edition NT $1300 (~ $55 AUD) from Taiwan (No VPN Required)


For those of you who just want the Standard edition, and don't want to pay the $69.95AU on

I knew in USD the standard edition was $40US (~$55AU) but couldn't find a way to purchase in $USD on the Then I found out that the Taiwan was also ~$55AU ($1300NT) for the standard edition.

Just change the region in the top right of the page to Taiwan, and you can purchase it for cheaper. The game will appear on your account as the global edition, but when you play you can just change your region back to the Americas (which includes Australian servers)

Edit: So the Korean price is cheaper 45,000 Won (~$52.36 AUD), but you can only pay via funds which apparently takes 3 days to appear when using Paypal. Not sure if those funds need to be in Korean currency, or you can have any currency in

Note: I paid using Paypal, but people in the comments appear to be having issues. Another comment says there could be issues with AMEX cards.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I saw that it was $45,000 Korean Won as well just in case it might help. Missed beta due to work :(

  • +10

    I checked all 3 regions:

    1300 New Taiwan Dollar equals AUD$55.00

    45000 South Korean Won equals AUD$52.36

    198 Chinese Yuan equals AUD$41.91

    The first two state "Play in any game region." but the China version does not so it looks like the South Korean version is the one to get.

    • +1

      New to the bargain hunting haha. Didn't see Korean price was even cheaper. I read though that in Korea, you can only buy using funds. I just used paypal on the taiwan site as it was more convenient.

      • Hey bud, quick question (hopefully you get to see this) How'd you go buying it through the taiwan store? Trying to convince my mates to buy it, I reckon it'd be easier at $55. Did you have any issues?

        • No issues so far. Level 16 now and have been playing with friends who bought it from US bnet. Just make sure you choose America region when launching the game and you should be fine.

          If you have issues paying for it with PayPal, you may need to remove the PayPal from your account and then re-add it, also it has issues with Amex cards.

        • @OsakaBoi: Had a go at buying loot boxes through the taiwan store. Seemed to work, thanks man!

    • Hmm not sure if its because im on mobile. But i cant seem to buy from south korea region using anythig other than bnet credits. Anyone else having issues?

      • You could add to bnet balance using Paypal but it takes 3 days to clear.

        • +1

          Yeah i gave up and spent the extra $3…

    • +5

      IT ONLY INCLUDES Chinese mainland version.
      In a word, it's only access to Chinese mainland server, and your account could not log in Chinese mainland yes, it's separated).
      Maybe I was wrong, but it's how it works with Diablo3 and SC2.

  • +3

    Thanks for the bargin it worked for me.

    I did have an issue purchasing via Paypal, It turns out it won't work if you're using an AMEX-backed transaction on PayPal. Has to be visa/mc.

    • Thanks, was wondering why it kept blocking me!

  • +1

    So this is a worldwide version? Can't find any info sorry!

    • +3

      Yes, this is the global edition.

  • I wonder whether you can do the same with Argentinian or Russian copies which are considerably cheaper. Anyone tried?

    • +1

      Russia and China are region locked. I noticed in the description it tells you if it is the global version. Buying from those regions may also require a VPN.

  • Awesome, no need to go through the hassle of a CD key onseller.

  • I played free during the beta. It's pretty good, but it is up to others whether they want to buy it.

  • Any reason why we can't VPN to the US and buy the US version for USD$40?

    • +1

      Doesn't work, your country of residence as set in your bnet account is what counts.

  • Damn, if only the origins edition was cheaper too.

    • Ohh you must've missed out on the G2A sale, it was around $54-$57 directly from G2A.

      • Yeah, didn't want to pre-order without trying it. But I did during the beta weekend and had a blast.

      • Think the currency conversion was around $54 but then g2a add a bogus "Sales fee" of like $3 on top. They also try and make you do the checkout with g2a shield enabled even though the order is fulfilled directly from them. Grey market is so dodgy sometimes lol 😁

  • +1

    Looks like Korean region is slightly cheaper though only accepts credit which takes a few days to get.

    Also the paypal method in US and Taiwan regions comes from bank account/card - no paypal balance - so I'm guessing currency conversion fees apply at which point this may not be as good a deal.

    • +1

      It uses PayPal balance if available. It won't show this when setting up the payment agreement, but if you go into the PayPal account afterwards, it shows that PayPal balance is used primarily for the agreement.

    • +1

      Pay with Citi bank debit or 28degrees credit and there is no currency conversion fee. Both cards are free with no fees so just sign up for both. Citibank is visa and 28deg is mastercard which is great because some sites will reject one and accept the other.

      • It's all good info but I don't think they will be able to sign up for a bank card and have it delivered to them before the game is released.

        • No but if you are going to say international pricing is not a good deal because of international transaction fee it's just incorrect as you can easily remove that as a factor.

    • I cant add Korea credit in my US account due to different region.
      How do you do it?

  • Bought it on G2a for 52 aud. Origin edition. XD car wait any longer

    • Recently or a few weeks ago?

      • Pretty sure he bought it a few weeks ago. I remember being it 55. Now its like 90.

      • I bought it the day after the open Beta ended. They had the sale going still.

  • Why can't I pay via PAYPAL!!!!

    • Yeah it isn't letting me pay via PayPal either, giving some authorization error

      • +1

        Yeah happened to me as well but it worked when I deleted Paypal as a payment method in my Battlenet account and tried to pay via Paypal again, give it a go.

        • eventually worked for me after a couple hours trying

  • *Scratch that, seems to have worked!

  • cool find i might give it a go.

  • Got it. Plan was to buy the US version, didn't realize you couldn't do that.

    $70AUD is stupid, screw you Blizzard but thanks for the fun game.

    • so far for me, the most expensive price is AUD.
      any other region currency convert to USD will be similar but not AUD.

      what did we ever do to blizzard?

      • yeah its really annoying because is the only way to get the standard edition, so blizzard can charge whatever they want. Its a digital download as well, so there's no reason for a price difference.

        That's why i went out trying to find a way to pay the actual price of 40USD, and found that deal.

  • Awesome Thanks Guys. Been looking for it on the cheap. Bought from Taiwan via PayPal

  • Nice, worked with my paypal.

  • Great find, thanks mate. Wasn't looking forward to shelling out $70 for it but $55 is much better.

  • +1

    Thank you! I had pre-orded in AUD. I asked for a refund and re-bought in NT. Saved myself $12.46 according to my Paypal balance.

    Blizzard staff were really helpful and the funds were deposited as Paypal balance within a couple of hours. Used the balance to re-purchase.

  • Sweet, extra $15 beer money!

  • How do you pay with Paypal? Says I can only pay with battlenet balance, and then it directs me that I can't add more balance in another region.

  • Thanks just purchased, loved the beta so $55 is reasonable for a great game, i spend that on beer on a night out at the pub

    • Can you confirm that it works on the Americas region?

      • Can confirm.

      • yes, im in aussie servers with 20 ping

    • +1

      Did you use paypal? Getting this error: Your payment was not authorized. Please double check your information or contact your payment provider.

      I ended up removing my linked paypal and then adding it through this checkout process, this fixed my issue

      • Yep - that worked.
        Thanks for the tip

  • +1

    anyone successfully purchased it and playing? Because when i switch to the Taiwan region its saying pre-purchase still

    • Yeah works for me. Playing under Americas region.

    • Played it within the hour of it releasing

  • Played out within 4 minutes of buying it

  • Does the preorder bonus come as a seperate key or you automatically have it when you install the game?

  • Installing now, thanks OP

  • So even if you had to click on "Pre-purchase for Windows (64-bit)" to order after 10am? you don't get the pre-purchase bonus skin…

  • wish i would of saw this the other day as the prices all seem to be $80 aud now.

    • The normal version is still ~$55 on the Taiwan

  • Not sure if it was just me but, I had a paypal account already saved to my account and I was getting an error when attempting to purchase via paypal. I deleted the paypal account from the saved payment methods or w/e and then when I went to purchase it, it worked (Had to put in paypal details again).

  • Awesome bargain! Can anyone tell me why the Tiawan version has the bullet points "You can request a refund before the release date of the game" and "Duration of service: Until termination of service" and the US/AU version doesn't? The refund one is fine but what is the termination of service?

  • Thanks OP. Good price and still works as of now.

  • Thanks OP, can confirm it is the global edition. PayPal worked fine.

  • anyone know where to buy discounted gift cards or credit?

  • Also commenting that it is still working. Thanks OP.

  • This is honestly great, all the retailers are expecting $70+ whilst most new release games we get @ $60, so thanks alot.

  • anyone tried using Russian store? it has lower price if im not mistaken, but i don't know if it has english language

    • Both Russian and Chinese copies are region-locked.

      • +1

        Ah i see, thanks :)

  • +3

    Late comment here, but in case anyone was interested:

    To get a slightly better price for the "Origins edition", first buy the base game from the above deal. Then go back to the Australian store (e.g. via the client), and you can buy the Origins upgrade for $20 (price will show at checkout). This works out at the moment to be about $4 less than just buying the Origins from TK, and of course $12 less than buying Origins directly from AU.

  • +1

    Anyone tried this today? Not sure if there was a recent change.
    When I go through with the purchase it says:
    Digital Purchase


    • +1

      Went through with it anyway - Still works :)

      • Still works for US servers?

        • Would like to know too if purchase still can be done and get all servers.

        • @orin: I bought it on that day and can confirm playing on US servers.

  • I tried buying today in Korea, but when i clicked Add Balance, i was greeted with the message:

    You can only purchase Balance in the region associated with your account’s country. You’ll now be redirected to the Americas & Southeast Asia Shop. Learn more about Balance.

    Am i supposed to add the necessary balance in NA/SEA currency then purchase it in Korea?

    • Korea only accepts currency while Taiwan accepts a lot of other payment methods such as Paypal.

  • Yeah it still works :)

  • if i go onto the battlenet website and change region to taiwan and use prepaid card in $55AUD does it convert the amount to $1300NT?

    • When i paid with Paypal, the currency deducted from my Paypal account was 1400NT. Maybe it works in the same way

    • so me buying three $20aud prepaid cards from eb them entering the codes into the taiwan battlenet will then transfer to $NT1438? or do i go to americas/asia and enter code in there and then switch to taiwan?

  • thanks bought on 28 degrees MC. $55.62 on 05/06/16 at 9pm. Cheers.

  • Hey, so I tried doing it through the Taiwan battle net and payed with visa debit. it's now been saying payment pending for over 14hrs. Money has not left my account. Idk if anyone else had this issue???

  • Used my Visa Debit card and it swiftly deducted $56.55 @ 8:45 pm through the Taiwan site

  • Thanks OP!
    The checkout went through real quick and the game showed up in my Bnet launcher instantly. As for playing it, ADSL sucks.

  • I can confirm that when using an Amex card linked to PayPal you get the paypal authorization error. But when you use anything else it works fine.

  • Good deal thanks mate got it for around $56

  • did you guys neweb visa to pay by credit card directly?

  • Hey guys, for those who bought the TW version. Do you need to change the region to US/AU every single time you start overwatch? Thanks!

    • Nope, the region stays the same to the last one you selected.

      • Thank you! :)

  • So what happens when there are updates/patches? Would having a Taiwanese/Korean version make things tricky?

    • +1

      No issues with updates. I've played the latest balance patch (with mccree and widowmaker changes) on the us server.

      • Awesome, thanks for confirming!

  • Thanks mate!!!
    Ended up costing $56.60 AUD in the end via Paypal

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