When Has Your SO Offended Your OzBargaining Sensibilities?

The missus came home after doing some shopping for face creams and stuff. And proud as punch she was showing off this Avene Thermal Spring Water spray she got for the bargain price of ~$20 for 300ml, down from ~$26.


That's right folks, $20 for a 300ml can of water.

So when has your SO come home with a bargain that has just made you shake your OzB head with despair?


  • +58

    I want to know what you said in reply
    And how long you are going to be sleeping on the couch for.

    • +53

      I didn't say anything… But my expression betrayed me, so yes tonight is on the couch.

    • +5

      This is when OP should buy something for himself; if she tries to argue he can say "oh, but you spent $20 on water spray".

  • +131

    A $1600 dress and hat for Melbourne cup… "Marked down" from $2200 and got a free belt thrown in… Spewed on dress on end of day and never worn again…

    • +7

      Wow, im lost of words

    • +4

      Hahaha this wins everything!!

      • +5

        I just spewed reading this comment '~'

    • You shouldn't have worn such an expensive dress to the Melbourne cup!

      • +13

        Chick logic. They don't want the embarrassment of being seen to be spewing on some cheap povvo dress from Target, they've got standards you know! ;)

        • +3

          So buy that $1600 dress from the OP shop for ~$30

        • What is wrong with Target?

        • +3

          Maybe no one was noticing her expensive dress, hence the spewing on the dress to attract attention.

          Males: gross that chick just spewed on her dress
          Females: ZOMG she's wearing a designer dress, I recall seeing that go for like, $2200!!!

      • +6

        People should just wear disposable ponchos to the racing. Throw up, roll on the grass and when done just throw in the bin.

        • +4

          Haha, that and an adult nappy. You'd be set.

    • +14

      did she push a cop too? ;)

      • -2

        Lets face it, that girl was kinda hot

    • -1

      did she contract chlamydia too?

    • +2

      LMFAO - that is really funny and so typical of what I have seen at the Melb Spring Racing!

    • +5

      Just to clarify, she is a classy girl. The spewing wasn't from getting white girl wasted, it was a dodgy lunch that came back up later in the night. So it wasnt just a wine stain, it was red food, presumably the beetroot in a salad.

    • +2

      How much for the dress $50?

  • +12

    'But we actually save money by buying this'…no, we don't.

    • What was it?

      • +29

        To be fair, that's the mentality for most deals on OzBargain.

    • +2

      I've heard this one far too many times.

    • +4

      Hey you gotta spend money to save money

      • +5

        Give me the money you saved, I'll invest it for you.

        • Golden

      • +7

        There's actually truth to that according to a study


        TLDR; the poor can't afford to buy toilet paper when it's cheaper in bulk because they don't have the finances at the right moment in time. They thus end up paying more per roll and not saving like the more well off can do

        Edited for phone grammar !

        • +2

          Stuff editing for phone grammar, bloody phone grammar Nazis.

        • +1

          I'd agree with that. When we were students and super poor (like not enough money to catch a bus to work, had to ride in or call in sick) it was pretty crappy not being able to buy good specials. Now when we know we'll use something in the next few months, we can bulk buy and not have to go out and buy it (and 9 other things). it's a nice feeling and I hate going to the shops too often

    • But we do.

  • +30

    A $1000 graphics card

    • +17

      I know they're ridiculous, it doesn't make me want them any less though.

      • +6

        I swear Nvidia have some sort of corporate deal going with Emperor Nasi Goreng…

        • +2

          I'm not getting the reference but how about emporer 'mi goreng' to afford buying it

          Edit: bigpond ad, I see

    • They're only $600 now =)

      You can consider the time investment in a hobby like this and weigh it's cost compared to other things, like going to the movies (on special.. of course)!

      • the 1080?

        • ~$800-900 ?

          But the $600 GTX 1070 exceeds the previous generation anyway.

    • but was it a good deal?

    • +5

      A spray bottle can do the same thing.

      • Can you taste the difference in water between different states? Eg. Sydney to Adelaide etc. Why is that?

        • It's called having a good quality water filter ;)

        • -5

          You sound like a a huge makeup skincare fan! I guess you've actually used this Avene product so many times that you can give reviews based on experience.

        • +2


          Woah, aren't you a tad aggressive - simply voicing my opinion. You would be mistaken, I just don't fall for marketing :) Enjoy your water in a can.

        • +3

          Demineralised water is really cheap at woolies.

        • +5

          @macrocephalic: Super Cheap Auto are fairly reasonable too. Usually on the shelf next to the car batteries. I won't put anything else in my dermal tone rejuvenating spray bottle!

        • @macrocephalic:

          Why buy it when I get mine for free

        • +1

          @Ughhh: I am a mild skincare fan of sorts. I don't care about makeup however.

          Splashing or spraying water or water with tiny amounts of solutes in it would not hydrate skin with or without makeup. Water will temporarily create an osmotic imbalance if it is adjacent to the skin cell and the cell will grow by taking in that water however once the water evaporates it will revert back to its initial dry state. This special water will however leave you with some salt residue.

          Moisturisers have an oily phase in them and the more oily it is the better of a moisturiser it is. The compromise is how oily the patient is willing to be. They form a barrier to the evaporation of water. So they slow the rate at which water can leave and that changes the steady state position. An analogy would be a thick jacket, it does not produce any heat itself but since it slows the heat from leaving your body then the surface of your body is warmer.

          Also more importantly anecdotal evidence is the worst type of evidence, it is actually even sort of a joke. However if you really believe this product works (and it may well work in some way that modern science is not aware of) then you should do a double blind trial, it will be easy to find a control because you can use the right and left side of the patient's body.

          I personally have a limited budget and limited time so I generally don't do things like buy $10 products multiple times to make sure they don't work.

        • +3


          These type of sprays work well with makeup, especially to set to makeup so its less powdery. Of course, like with anything, experience varies from person to person and from skin to skin. Im assuming you're a guy?

          Moisturisers have an oily phase in them and the more oily it is the better of a moisturiser it is

          I have used creamier and oilier moisturisers before, the results were breakouts and non-lasting makeup.

          If you read my first comment "This water is apparently different to tap water… supposed to be good for redness and sensitive skin"- claims by the company on what it was designed for (not my claim of what it does), followed by what I use it for and where you can get it cheaper if you're looking for this product (which many guys here obviously are not). Most skincare and makeup beauty products are based on anecdotal evidence and reviews from users, it's all trial and error. Specific ingredients eg. Vitamin C may have evidence, but you can't buy and apply it in pure form. If you can find a scientific journal about, for example, this particular foundation is the best for a specific skin type (eg. oily and dehydrated), then let me know, I'm interested.

          Like others said, the mist is very fine and soft, other spray bottles I have used don't quite give the same effect. Everyone values different things differently, especially depending how you use it and what for. If you were going to use the Avene can to spray a table for cleaning, then I would say that is crazy expensive. Since you don't wear makeup and you like oily moisturisers (where as I prefer light gel water types), I don't see how its fair to judge my experience. I'm not claiming anything as facts.

          I personally have a limited budget and limited time so I generally don't do things like buy $10 products multiple times to make sure they don't work.

          Thats your life and your reasons. No need to push your agenda or reasons onto others. I don't like buying things to find out they don't work either, which is why I look up reviews. If you wanted to buy a brand new lux car, I'm not gonna go tell you what to do and how its a bad idea. Maybe you like the feeling of the car or it's something special to you. Though I have no doubt many here would neg you to death for expressing yourself and enjoying something that you find worth it.

          Anyway, what doesn't work for you (which you don't know because you haven't tried it) doesn't mean it won't work for others. For those who do want the Avene spray, they often go on sale 2 for $20, $10 each or free with purchase. If you want to buy full price, go ahead. If you want to spray tap water or buy a filter for this, then go ahead. Don't assume everyone is the same as you.

        • @rolypoly:

          I said you can't buy it and apply it in pure form, do you scrub this powder on your face?

          And thanks for your confirmation on your comment being unrelated.

        • @rolypoly:


        • @Ughhh: I assume that you use it as a bronzer.

        • @macrocephalic:

          I hear that's what the kardashians do.

        • @Ughhh: Who knew that people would get so upset about a product that:
          (a) you and I get for free
          (b) we think feels nice
          (c) WE GET FOR FREE!
          It might be a good idea if we both bow out of this conversation.

        • @JoFord63:

          I know right! There's so many sad things happening in this world, yet they're upset about my little review on a can of water LOL.

        • @Ughhh:

          I've bought L ascorbic powder, made vitamin c serum by adding glycerin and water. Vitamin c oxidises quickly so it's better to make fresh batches often.
          Retin A is also proven to help with wrinkles and acne.

          I personally would not buy the can of spring water, but I understand it helps with setting makeup.

        • @tikei:

          I've tried DIY but with other powders, using glycerine and water too. It's ok for night time, but it did not sit well under makeup. Too sticky for me. I've also read that lots of these unstable compounds are useless unless it's at optimal conditions Eg. Right pH. hence cosmetic and skincare products isn't just about the main ingredient, but other additives to stabilise it, allow optimal delivery/penetration, right texture for different skin types and subsequent applications such as makeup. Thus some brands/formulations/delivery methods work better than others, despite having same active/main ingredient-similar to medicine. The can in this case, is a different delivery method (finer mist imo), again experience varies from person to person. Some others seem to have a hard time grasping this and apparently makes their blood boil when others express what something like this could be used for where you can get it cheaper. Tbh, that makes me laugh.

          I don't buy the can either, I got mine for free with gift with purchase- not sure why people have a problem with free stuff. At least you are more understanding and you can actually read.

  • +10

    I buy bargains. My SO buys nothing, so I guess he wins. (But truthfully, sometimes that does offend me. Not one birthday or xmas present from here in 13 years LOL.)

    I love the Avene water spray because the mist is so fine. These are often included in Avene gifts-with-purchase, so the price doesn't bother me when they're free!

    I was previously using a $2 squirty bottle (on my face) to calm down my panic attacks. I've been meaning to get a better sprayer from eBay, and you might like to get your SO one too. Type in Aluminium Spray Atomizer (American spelling) to see the one I like. Only $5.49.

    • +8

      P.S. Stressful day. Have already spritzed my face 4 times today. Trying to LOL.

      • +27

        Are you a cat?

    • +1

      can you refill the avene bottle?

      • +1

        Sorry, no it's not refillable. It's metal, like a flyspray can. It gives a very fine mist (which feels nicer than a spray bottle).

        • Damn!

          I came to post this same thing.
          If you could, maybe airzone can fill the canzone with some regular waterzone.
          Then post back here on the results of the placebo experiment.
          We're waiting : )

    • +1

      the spray bottles you mention are also at a lot of chemists - look for perfume atomisers.
      you dont need 300ml, a small 30-50ml atomiser is heaps I think.

      • +2

        I agree, a 30-50ml atomiser is a better travel size.

        The perfume atomisers (approx 10 ml) are sold at a huge markup here (up to $25 for ones the same as what I've bought from AliExpress for a couple of bucks). That's why I suggested looking for a bargain on eBay.

        • +1

          Or a bargain buy on AliExpress? Not sure why people are still throwing 10% of their money at eBay.

  • +3

    As long as it's not my CC it's all good ;)

  • +83

    Well my SO threw away 2 of my Eneloops after they ran out of power and replaced them with a pack of regular batteries…

    • +7

      Oh no…. #facepalm

    • +14

      you dumped her right?

      • Lawsuit?
        (like in Judge Judy's court)

      • +15

        Well I'm more a passive aggressive kind of guy. I was quite tempted to throw away her electric shaver and replace it with a disposable one. Just so she'd feel the same pain I did.

        • +8

          Except this would also hurt you as then you would then have a SO with hairy legs

        • +27

          Two wrongs don't make a bargain.

        • @antt: What's wrong with hairy legs? Less sharp then freshly grown hair stubs!

    • Where did you pick them up from? Anyone who throws away Eneloops deserves to be hanged!

    • +3


  • +62

    I sometimes get frustrated when I get a gift from friends that was purchased local at full price (knowing I can find a much better deal online). I know.. I didn't spend any money for it, but I just felt an injustice has been committed!

    • I know, why the hell does this happen to me too. Is it because of OzBargaining??

    • +3

      I agree, I also get annoyed when a limit for presents is put at X amount and if I go to buy something at that amount but find it cheaper I have to get something extra to make sure I have spent X amount (SO rules).. No reward for finding it cheaper!

    • Tell them to give you gift cards!

    • +1

      This is why i just ask for money come birthdays/christmas, because I know to look around instead of just seeing an item and throwing money at a retail worker, maximising the gift

  • +39

    A $30 Telstra starter kit that she paid $30 for….

    • +3

      Ex missus now?

  • +8

    When she declared $800 shoes a bargain….

    • +2

      Which ones? Were the worn by Edmund Barton?

      • No, Edmund Barton shoes would be far too old and possibly a museum piece!
        They were Valentino Rockstuds

        • +6

          Ok,sorry yoonibear….those shoes are total shoe porn,completely amazing and something i lust after myself (and $800 for them ? THAT IS WHAT OZBARGAIN IS ALL ABOUT - getting massive discounts for something you have admired from afar for ages and paying for them with the money you have saved from free anything and pizza discounts)HAHAHA

    • omg.

  • +38

    Sometimes men can never understand why women does some things and vice versa. My wife could never understand why i pay so much for a 144hz monitor when she feels her cheap 60hz IPS screen works just as well. I could never understand why women pay so much for a French manicure when you can just apply $10 OPI nail polish at home. So these days, I shut up. If she feels she got a "real" bargain, I assume it is a bargain. End of story.

    • +3

      Did you fall for the curved screen meme?

      • +3

        Curved screens are an actual improvement in monitors (because you're close to it).
        For TVs, they are a regression/bad (because you're too far).

        • +12

          So that's a 'yes', then. ;)

        • the idea of a curved TV is if you live in a Place were there is alot of light, the curved nature stops the light there for less reflection, if you like the darkness or your tv is away from the light, no point, just get a standard flat panel

    • +2

      I don't understand why people downvoted you on your opinion.

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