This was posted 8 years 7 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Batman V Superman - Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition | 4K + Blu Ray + UV $29.99 @ Sanity


Just browsing Sanity and saw this. A good price to jump on if you plan on purchasing a 4k player in the future. Same price as the regular Blu Ray. First bargain I've posted so hopefully done it right, cheers

EDIT: Includes Theatrical (Blu-ray disc only) & Ultimate Cut featuring 30 minutes of additional footage plus 120 minutes of bonus content! (4K UHD disc only)

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Not a good movie, IMHO.

    • +11

      The Ultimate Edition adds a much needed 30 minutes to the film which vastly improves it over the theatrical version. Worth watching the complete movie rather then a edited down version of it.

      • +4

        Having only watched the Ultimate Edition I cant image how bad the theatrical version is… Even the ultimate edition was just awful.

        • Yes, the additional footage certainly throws a lot of spakfilla in the most glaring plot holes, but it is true that it doesn't fix it completely.

          That said, they really came close with this one, it's far & away the best recent DC big screen effort to date…I'm looking forward to Suicide Squad! :)

        • +1


          True, nothing could be worse than Green Lantern….

        • I'm probably going to be heavily scorned for this but I only saw the ultimate edition and I loved it. Sure there was some really terrible stuff in the movie but I still really enjoyed the movie. It probably helped that I went in there expecting Michael Bay.

        • +1


          new fanastic four is worse than green lantern

        • @frozenkuku: yes that was painful.
          Pity that Marvel are killing DC movies.

        • -1

          @arislan: I must admit, I kinda enjoyed GL, but I do agree it wasn't a great movie per se.

          It was funny to see Deadpool/RR having a dig at the CG suit in GL; it's precisely that tongue-in-cheek approach that sets the Marvel cinematic universe apart in this regard…judging by the trailers, I'm hoping that DC has learned this lesson with Suicide Squad, it looks like a lot of fun.

    • +3

      Actually fans are apologizing to the director on Twitter after watching the UNCUT R Rated version!!!

      and side note why do all 4k films not look very good at JB although 4k demos look real 4k?
      That said this is an amazing price since 4k is $50 Bluray is $30

      • +2

        4k demos are shot and edited purely to be displayed on a 4k tv at the shops. HDR and contrast maxed to wow the viewer. Scenes are often bright with a variety of colours.

        In contrast a lot of 4K blu rays are actually 2K, upscaled to 4K, which is why I am not jumping onto 4k any time soon. When I do, I will only buy 4k blu rays which are actually 4k, and not an upscale. A bit of a scam selling essentially the same resolution as a standard blu ray and calling it 4k IMO. Chances are you were viewing am upscale. There are only like 3-4 UHD blu ray titles which aren't upscales.

        • +6

          Upscale sounds like such a dirty word to me, like what a pervert fish might do to other fish while on public transport

        • +1

          The LG OLED demo reel is the ultimate example….lots of solid black with bright neon colours to show off the awesome contrast. Makes you just wanna watch paint being splashed on black walls when you get the set home.

        • @MrMaxwell:

          Yep there was a torrent of 4k LG demos that were a ridiculous size. I remember downloading them and playing them when selling my monitor, it may have just sold it haha.

        • That makes sense as my 1080p plasma displays much better image quality then the 4K movies I saw so I was really confused. Upscaling is done by default by the tv anyway.

        • Guess ill wait to see if the ps4 neo/xbox one s upscale or play true 4k.

        • @jubbing:

          What doubt do you have that the UHD player isn't true 4K? Don't think you have anything to worry about.

      • Because movies add stupid film grain that demo creators wisely avoid.

      • There is an uncut R rated version?! I got to find this!

      • +3

        Unless the uncut version fixes the entire plot, the reason why batman and superman fight, stop fighting, edits out retarded dream sequences and twists a 12 year old English student gets told not to write, removes jesse eisenberg entirely from the movie and makes it so louis lane doesn't throw away a certain item, then spend like 20min immediately after getting it back, then I don't think any apologies will be given.

        Noting I don't even care about the "lore" of batman and superman straight up murdering fools, I didnt mind man of steel, but this is just utter garbage, expensive pretty garbage, but like, the very worst of expensive pretty garbage, like jupiter ascending.

        • You mean the plot that was derived from 3 actual comic book stories?

        • I'm curious, I just don't get the angst about lois lane throwing away the weapon…. it is the only thing that could kill her lover and she does not know about doomsday… anyone would throw it. In fact, I more surprise she didn't try to destroy it… but then there's rubble all over, so nothing quick and easy.

        • @furythree: if your referring to injustice it's not even close to that.

          Mingling 3 plots doesn't mean it's going to be good (and it def wasn't). Too many cooks.

        • @arislan: it's more it was just super tedious. That she threw it away makes sense that she went to get it again makes sense. It took her like 30min tho and didn't really add to the story that she was there at all.

        • @RI4V4N: it was a romantic subplot and supermans motivation for sacrificing himself

          the MOS movie was his origin movie. Hes a complete noob and twat despite his noble intentions

          BVS is him gaining experience but also battling his inner self wonder why does he bother and whether humanity is even worthy.

          Lois and his mother are his primary motivators to make him see that it is worth it. so he sacrifices himself at the end.

          The maternal theme doesnt resonate with everyone but it is what it is. Saying its illogical is incorrect. but saying its a dumb idea is just personal opinion.

          its injustice, dark knight returns and death of superman.

          The actual fight is based on DKR and the motivations are pretty much the same as the movie, only slightly tweaked to add lex luthor manipulation

          even as a fan, the entire Lex character plot was really shitty and unnecessary. But i guess they needed someone to manipulate behind the scenes to draw batman and supermans attention on each other in the first place and also to setup justice league with Steppenwolf as the villain

          Batmans "knightmare" was based off just that, but featured darkseid who wont appear until JL2. Steppenwolf is the stepping stone villain for the final boss.

          Zach had so much shit to fit into this movie that it wouldve been better if hed just make made it two movies. but it wouldve been seen as a cash grab. He did a great job with the ultimate cut for what it was but i just wished Lex's character was more Kevin spacey and less Jessie Eisenberg

        • @furythree:
          The plot was twisted, made no sense, motivation from characters was weird and forced. The entire Batman vs Superman fighting plot was badly written and forced, especially when they could have just copied injustice to some extent.

          Batman doesn't have prophetic dreams, his nightmare about the future nazi Superman land was rediculous, as was the flash yelling random crap, then him waking up again. Also why would villains in prison attack people who were branded by Batman? No sense at all.

          To be fair the actual acting was good (except eisenberg), it's just the script and its directing which is atrocious.

        • @RI4V4N: the plot made perfect sense…


          Lex hires goons to stage a superman attack
          Expects superman to arrive and save lois since she'll be the one reporting

          Following the events of MOS, the public and govt is already divided in terms of liking vs hating superman

          There are those who benefited or see him as a savior from the aliens love him and erect a statue for him

          Then there are those who fear him and hate him (those who suffered directly or indirectly from collateral damage, and especially luthor and the government)

          And in the middle there is the senator who isnt against superman, she just wants to hold him accountable for his actions

          Following the terrorist framing, lex hires an african woman to lie on tv (this was cut and changed in the theatrical release, but changed back in the Ultimate cut). This paints superman in a terrible light in the eyes of the public

          Bruce wayne during this whole time already despises superman because he witnessed first hand the chaos and pain the "aliens" dealt.

          Throughout the various scenes with alfred (best parts imo) they reveal through their banter that this is batman after 20 years of dealing with villains and the like. the whole "even you are too old to die young" and "im older than my father ever was" quotes indicate that this is an older batman (in reference to Dark knight returns). Again since this is an adaptation, they are setting up the justice league toward the end of batmans career.
          Batman also states hes kinda tired of fighting crime, because you take one out and another pops up to take their place, its never ending.
          And since hes been doing it for so long hes kinda over it and superman taking out a city was like a final straw

          Additionally, its implied through all this that batman used not kill people. its only with the recent events, his age, his fatigue and hints of prior loss (his parents, Robin, his employees) that hes decided to take out superman as he sees him as the ultimate threat, not just to gotham but to the world. He wasnt sure at first but "if theres even one chance" that superman goes off the rails, it could end the world. He clearly states that this is his final act and sacrifice for humanity after alfred warns that it will cost him his life.

          this all relates back to alfred telling him how "this is how it begins, the fever, the rage that turns good men cruel" and because of this, we see batman kill villains without a care. However if you notice he couldve just machine gunned the entire floor of villains but chose to attack them hand to hand and only killing the grenade (technically self kill) and crate guy (which was actually censored in the TC to imply he didnt die from the crate)

          With batman on a rampage, lex and the news is at the same time making superman constantly see a ruthless vigilante taking out bad guys illegally and ruthlessly. Thus leading to their initial confrontation.

          meanwhile while all this was boiling, lex then bombs the senate hearing right after the african woman reveals to the senator she was lying this whole time. This is a pivotal moment because it gave the senator a chance to wipe the slate clean and superman even voluntarily showed up to set the record straight. But again lex manipulated events to make it seem like superman "fled the scene" to piss batman off even more

          and in turn tried to make him do something crazy to make superman angry enough not to hold back against batman

          However you'll notice right up until the end, superman never wants to fight batman. Even when lex was holding his mum hostage, he told lois he was going to convince batman to help him instead of fight him. The actual fight in itself was brief and purely fanservice. The original Dark knight returns version also had superman holding back and pleading batman to stop cause hes no match for him. Although in that setting theyd known each other for years already.

          regardless, to say that the fight had no premise is stupid and incorrect. They had plenty of reason to fight. Its just that both were being manipulated by lex very well due to a series of misunderstandings that were part of his plan.

          whether its a "dumb" plot idea is irrelevant because the fact is the fight made sense

        • @furythree: oh the fight had premise. It was just badly written and lacking in real depth. It also barely made sense when Superman can hear Louis getting shot at in Iran, but can't hear his mother a city over. Then the reason they stop fighting is basically the most poorly written thing I can remember I have ever seen in a movie, ever.

          I really like the obvious meaning your pointing out in all the scenes. I get what they were going for. The movie was not a scholarly article. It's just really amateurish writing which especially stands out when seen with the amazing special effects.

        • @RI4V4N: i believe it was implied that clark knew lois was heading out to the terrorists to report on them so was actively monitoring her. Superman is fast, but he cant fly from Metropolis to the middle east that quickly so he was probably nearby.

          Whereas his mother was a surprise. The way he only incidentally aware of Lois drowning implies that hes not like a supercomputer thats processing all events at once simultaneously. it has to catch his attention

          Plus, if this is a problem then all movies will be problem since its just typical plot armour. Its only a story worth telling because crazy unbelievable shit happens. otherwise why tell a story at all

          not the best writing. but i disagree that the movie can't be broken down and dissected like a scholarly article (because ive had this debate many times and wrote a 11 page analysis scene by scene of it)

          this is one of the best scenes in the whole movie which starts to explain the motivation for killing (along with the scene where he visits his parents grave) and also explains that up until now batman didnt kill people, thus alfred asking "new rules?"

          The Dark knight rises was even more stupid, but nobody whinged about that like they did for this movie which is why im so annoyed with the unnecessary negativity

          it also annoys me that the fantastic action sequences which were so well shot and choreoregraphed and didnt drag one were completely dissmissed over trivial plot discussions that weren't inherently wrong, just didnt agree with peoples personal opinion.

          I dont get what the deal is with the Martha scene, after seeing it three times. His reaction makes perfect sense. Part of his motivation for attacking superman was personal loss, including his mother. It was a catalyst for him to become batman. So for him to hear his mothers name uttered makes sense for him to pause and hesitate for a second

          and it wasnt even the name that made them stop fighting. the name merely gave clark a chance to finally explain wtf was going on. and it was the explanation that made bruce calm the farq down after realising lex was behind all this. He is a really logical person once he calms down from the "fever and rage" that alfred talks about, so is able to process it all quickly

      • The 4k videos are usually boosted by a smooth motion filter and show scenes with slow pan. So it's a mix of 4k and smooth motion that makes it look so good. The problem is that it only works for slow pan. Speed it up and you get the soap opera effect and motion sickness. Plus everything else people listed here.

    • Not a good movie because you clearly havent even watched the beauty that is the ultimate edition

      completely different movie

      so stop spouting nonsense you know nothing about


      being downvoted by Avengers fans

      • It really wasn't bad at all. Yeah some terrible scenes (Martha!) but overall the action was well worth watching and some of the best Batman ever to grace our screens.

        It's just cool to hate still in 2016 I guess.

        • It's cool to hate it because it was terrible.

        • @RI4V4N: even jumping on the hate bandwagon wont make you cool

        • +1

          some of the best Batman ever to grace our screens.

          I thought it was some of the worse.. Made Clooney look less terrible.

        • @SBOB: At first I thought you were trolling, now I know you are trolling.

        • -1

          @rhz: nobody is trolling, you have terrible taste in movies.

        • @rhz:

          definitely not trolling. I watched it last week with no preconceptions of the movie, and it was just a poor movie (not a comic book fan, so not biased in the other direction either like some in this thread seem to be)

        • @RI4V4N: You can't judge my taste in movies based off my comment, all I was saying was there was no way Affleck did worse then Clooney, Affleck was easily the best part of the film and critics all agreed it was some of the best Batman on screen to date.

          I never even said I liked/disliked the movie, you just assumed you muppet.

        • -1

          @rhz: Nobody ever mentioned comparing Ben Afleck to clooney, just said the entire movie made clooney look less terrible and I agree.

          Also best part of a bad thing is still bad.

        • @RI4V4N: I think you might have missed SBOB's comment for the comparison.

          The movie wasn't even half as bad as you are making it out to be, definitely had its problems though.

        • -2

          @SBOB: its got nothing to do with being a comic book fan

          People are missing really critical aspects of the movie that would change their interpretation and understanding of the story and characters
          I can pretty much counter every argument thats come up (i dont mean that in a hostile way, i seriously have seen criticisms that were completely invalid because ppl missed a key piece of dialogue or didnt string scenarios together to get the correct understanding)

          In any case. Im not trying to prop this up as a 11/10 movie.

          Im saying its not deserving of a 4/10. Its much deeper and complex than it appears upon first watch (even while researching quotes to explain breakdown of scenes to people, i encountered new dialogue that i myself missed which made the movie even better)

          it easily deserves a 8/10 at least, especially for the choreography and action. Everything actually makes sense story and character wise if you pay attention hard enough

          it definitely loses points because of the unique setting and interpretation of characters and the amount they were forced to cram into a single movie just to set up Justice league

          Just really tired of the knee jerk hostility its getting, none of which is justified. I want a sequel goddamnit

      • It's not a bad movie it's just that the bar has been raised and it was a p*ss poor effort to cash in.

        • -1

          the only bar that was raised by marvel is the action

          The story telling is nonexistent.

          This at least tried a complex plot. but it failed cause it was too ambitious and messy for general audiences to understand. even for hardcore audiences it takes multiple watches to get all the little tidbits.

          And the action was superb. How awesome were two one shot batman scenes and the awesome Wonderwoman theme

          It also doesnt help that the theatrical cut was a crock of shit

    • -1

      Possibly one of the worst movies Ive ever seen IMO, unsure if better or worse than dreamcatcher.

  • +1

    Its a LONG movie.
    Slow to get going…but not a bad movie.

    • +8

      You're only saying that because your mum has the same name as the director's!

      • +1

        Huh that makes no sense

        • -1

          Do you even swim ?

        • @Tasmaniac: What does swimming have to do with anything???

      • +1

        hahaha! the comment wins

    • Agree. If I didn't know the lore of DC, I would have enjoyed the movie more to be honest. It's nt a bad film but not what a DC fan would expect I think.

  • +1

    FYI I believe that the extended version Is on the UHD disc and the theatrical Edition is on the bluray.
    PS I enjoyed the Extended edition also.
    So only good for those with 4k TV and 4k Bluray player which I think is silly

    • Good point, I will edit accordingly, thanks

    • Yeah the Ultimate Edition is on the UHD Disc and the Theatrical Edition is on both the Blu-Ray Disc and Digital Download.

  • What to play the UHD disc? XBOX One?

    • Xbox One S is coming out and will be the cheapest UHD blu ray player. Will be $550, which is good since the only other player is a standalone Sony unit for $599.

      • The Samsung UHD player is currently under $500 now…..but you don't get a gaming console.

        Remember the PS3 biggest selling point was it being one of the first Blu Ray player.

      • The Samsung UBDK8500 can be bought for under $500 at RIO and Myer at the moment.

    • hold on. so do i have to have a UHD bluray player to be able to play this disc? or would it play on a normal bluray player?

      based on the comments above, the xbox one that I bought from the most recent sale won't play this disc?

      • A standard bluray player won't play a UHD disc, same with the normal Xbone, the Xbone S that is to be released in August will play UHD discs.

  • -4

    Don't waste more money on this sh*t.

  • So is there actually an R18+ ver available?

    • It's a US R which is this version

      • lol imagine an Australian R rated version of Batman V Superman. I shudder to think what that would entail.

        So I guess the US R cut of this is pretty tame as it hasn't changed our rating a bit.

        • They're quite sensitive in the US. Too many F bombs will get you an R rating.

        • US R rating is MA15+ here.

        • @DarKBlooD: We use different classification guidelines. So while there may be similarity in the ratings generally, sometimes they do result in starkly different classifications.

        • -1

          Extended scene with Lois in the bathtub!

        • +1

          It's kinda funny someone negged you as that's a legitimate extended scene in the uncut version!

        • -1


          I'm use to being negged here. Some people are just batcrap crazy. I don't waste time on them. It's a movie and while I understand that people are invested (and I am too which is why I hate it) people get so worked up, as if it's their creation.

  • Is it on DVD already? wow felt like last week it was at the movies… I saw it, wasnt very good.

    • -7

      you saw the ultimate edition directors cut at the movies? thats amazing. which imaginary cinema was that at?

      • nah just the regular Batman V Superman

        • the ultimate edition is a completely different movie

          over 30 mins of extra footage and rearranged scenes that completely change the story and character motivations a bit and the pacing and story is so much better

        • +1


          And yet it still only takes about 5 seconds for murderous rage to turn into 'hey, we're best buddies'

          Regardless of version, it's a poor movie

        • -1

          @SBOB: its ok. nobody is gunna miss your empty seat during the next movie. I hear he makes buddies with 3 more guys. might ruin the whole movie for you

        • +4


          Unless you personally wrote and directed the movie, you might want to take it a little less personally and lay off the insults.

        • @furythree: The extra 30 minutes helped with the plot, but in the end it still wasn't a good movie - only marginally improved.

        • -2

          @SBOB: just tired of the hate circlejerk this movie gets

          it wasnt that terrible. theyve been worse movies. the marvel movies arent any better

          if you read all the comments its just ppl jumping on the hatewagon cause its a popular circlejerk opinion to get imaginary internet points

          It ruins the chances of getting proper sequels

          i know the sequels have mostly been greenlit, but the current criticisms will impact viewership of future movies which may be awesome, which will in turn lessen the chance of further sequels for us fans

        • -1

          @SBOB: you people dont deserve this movie anyway

        • @furythree:

          no worries… forgot it was school holidays

        • -1

          @SBOB: not that you attended by the sounds of it even if it werent

        • @furythree:

          ***********WARNING: SPOILERS ***********
          You want to know what I'm tired of? Ruining super "heroes"

          What does the new improved Superman Man of Steel do in response to any situation? Run away and sulk and brood like an emo teen. Take your bat and ball and go home, you super sook.

          What does the new Batman do? Brand and kill everyone (except Lex who most deserved it). Heck he is a bigger villian in this movie than Lex.

          Even Wonder Woman has run away from humans for 100 years? I mean really? 100 years? How long a sulk do you need? No explanation of why she's immortal either. That's not the Wonder Woman I grew up with either.

          ***********WARNING: SPOILERS ***********
          The acting and special effects aren't that bad in this movie. What absolutely RUINS it are the shitty shitty characters and the inane plot! I mean crap on a cracker - is Superman THAT dumb that after recovering from the first kryptonite bullet/cloud he'd not watch out for a second? What is this a universe in which all the characters have the mentality of The Hulk? HULK smash credibility of DC franchise!

        • -2

          where does he run away…the closest he does that is the post senate explosion in the UC and that is AFTER he helps bring people out of the carnage.
          He blames himself for the explosion deaths and carnage. "i was there and i didnt see it"

          And he flies away to self reflect in the snowy mountain (after the lois hotel scene) which he does in every movie. Hes yet to do it in a properly formed "fortress of solitude" as yet. Unless you count the learning to fly scene in MOS. The scene with his dad on the mountain in BVS pays homage to all the superman movies where he seeks guidance from a father figure (normally Jor El) in an icy FOS environment.
          During the reflection scene he asks whether "the nightmares ever stop", obviously alluding to all the collateral damage that follows him around due to other peoples actions that he takes responsibility for. His dad however explains that yes they do "when i met your mother, she gave me faith that there is good in this world". Thus once again adding emphasis on the maternal aspect of both batman and superman that will play an important part at the end (which ppl keep mocking but is actually set up and built upon throughout the movie)

          In MOS, its clearly established that as an alien, both him and his family dont believe the world is ready for him to be revealed. Every now and then he shows his powers and its always at an absolute necessity to save someones life. Like the school bus and oil rig scene. Just cause your bulletproof doesnt mean you cant be harmed. BVS showed that Superman has more weaknesses than just kryptonite. He has vulnerabilities to his public image (if the whole world doesnt want you, then you're better off staying as clark kent or getting off the planet) and his mother is something that can be used to blackmail him which is a weakness.

          However Zod forced his hand to finally hide no more and make an appearance. Unfortunately he only just learned to fly for the first time and gotten used to powers. Just cause you are strong doesnt mean you know how to fight. So it was natural he had to run to lick his wounds a few times.

          By the time we get to BVS hes more experience. He takes out the terrorists in the begining with ease. he stops batman from attacking the mercenaries without lifting a finger (he has no idea the plot that is unfolding or whether theyre good or bad, his focus is only on batman whos been brought to his attention by the media and the photos lex luther sends him). He finally decides to attend the senate hearing in public only for it to go catastrophically wrong and the media is still relentlessly somehow blaming him for it. He feels totally traumatised and guilty about it.

          Lois figures out later in a deleted scene that lex lined the wheelchair with lead so clark couldnt detect the explosives with his xray vision. So it proves that it wasnt his fault as there was nothing he could do anyway, so he can stop feeling guilty about it. He is bulletproof on the outside but a pure soul on the inside, so it stands to make sense that he reacted the way he did.

          Its also this same characteristic that once things were more cleared up toward the end that he decided to save humanity by sacrificing himself, which is covered in the comic books and not something they made up for the movie

          They also show a freaking montage of him saving hauling a ship, saving a shuttle, rescuing a girl from a fire. Things that real life human "heroes" like fire fighters and astronauts cant even accomplish. If that's brooding to you then you've got a weird definition of the word

          The movie was trying to show vulnerabilities in otherwise god like characters. If you wanted a mindless superhero punchfest where everyone has the IQ of tony stark and can figure out problems in seconds, then why watch a movie at all? there'd be no conflict or anything to resolve. Half the characteristics have all be taken from comic books in the first place

          The beauty of the ultimate cut is that it doesnt just show the evolution and strength of superman. It also shows a strong clark kent character which reflects the human side of him. Despite repeated warnings to stop investigating vigilante he does it anyway. And he is the only one who finds something farky with the african woman, so he is the only who digs deeper. later on we see her reveal that she was lying this whole time to the senator because she was bribed by lex luthor.

          Despite all the crap that was happening to him, he still found time to care for the little things (which coincidentally had a greater impact that he wouldve known at the time, but thats just convenient plot device)

          The new batman's character is CLEARLY explained in 2 key scenes with alfred

          +++++ scene 1 after he returns to the batcave the first time, he talks to alfred about his intentions and motivations +++++

          They clearly mention that bruce has only RECENTLY started to act violently and aggressively, branding and killing people. This was all because of the rage and frustration he feels, that started settling in following the metropolis incident.
          Alfred goes "new rules?" when he shows him the newspaper article

          This means that prior to Zod messing up metropolis with superman, he was the normal batman we've known who doesnt kill. But hes reacted this way due to experiencing continuous loss (loss of his parents, loss of Robin, loss of his friends and employees in the metropolis attack). The whole reason he became batman was to avenge his parents deaths by fighting crime and trying to prevent all this and the kryptonians showing up have demonstrated that it was all kinda futile and that they are an even greater threat to humanity (let alone gotham) since mankind is powerless to stop them.

          It also doesnt help that lex luthor has been manipulating the media and public opinion this whole time, which fuels batman's rage

          Alfred closes the scene with the awesome quote: "the rage, the feeling of powerlessness is how it starts to turn good men cruel."

          ++++++ Scene 2 at the wayne gravesite +++++++

          Bruce reveals to the audience that hes been batman for 20 years and mentions that he's "older than my father ever was". Earlier in scene 1 alfred mentions that "even you are too old to die young"

          Bruce explains and "criminals are like weeds that pop back up in its place after you take one out". Hes frustrated and tired of fighting a pointless battle.
          However he feels that superman is on a whole new level of dangerous compared to the criminals he's dealt with. He mentions that if there is even a 1 chance of him turning against humanity, since we'd be powerless to stop him, then he believes the right course of action is to take him out as a final act of retirement (after alfred warns that its suicide)

          By the end of the movie the true villain has been revealed as lex. in his rage, batman never gives superman a chance to explain himself. And superman has to try and restrain batman without killing him. Batman is the character known to be tactical and quick thinking, not superman whom behaves emotionally (whether that be rage, compassion, fear, courage or whatever). And before the final fight, he did say to lois that he would "try" to convince batman to help him, implying a last resort would be to of course kill him. He resisted to the last moment. Charging a second cloud of kryptonite might have looked stupid, but if you watch the scene again, he hadnt recovered from the effects of the first one fully (he crawls and runs to charge at batman, instead of flies) and batman only fires the canister at the last second. it also makes sense that since he was slowly recovering, that superman would try to run at batman before he got a chance to fire. Just because he failed to do so in time doesnt mean it was a stupid plan. Hindsight is 20/20. Again, hes not meant to be the tactician of the justice league

          By the end of the movie. Superman has grown to be the sefless, experienced and fearless hero we know him to be. And batman has returned back to his former self.
          Therefore it makes absolute sense that he doesnt kill luthor. The closeup of him branding the wall is perfectly juxtaposed to the opening shot of him branding the sex trafficker. Itd be a bigger problem if he did kill luthor. Instead he sends him to arkham which was properly revealed in the deleted scenes

          This movie is a growth and character development movie. Thats what its called the effing DAWN of justice. They havent become the justice league characters we know just yet.

          Finally, wonder woman is a demi god. of course she can still look hot after 100 years

          Know you comic book history before you make criticisms like that

        • @furythree:

          Know you comic book history before you make criticisms like that

          I think you just wrote your own tome on it. If you have to work that hard to defend the characters, you've lost. Man of Steel is not the overgrown Christopher Reeve boyscout of my youth…and Batman isn't a corny Adam West. I don't even like these "heroes". They're brooding murderous thugs. They aren't the dawn of anything good.

        • @syousef: youve added no counterpoints to anything ive said

          its not that i have to work hard to defend anything. Its just clear that you werent even paying attention to the movie and instead keep spouting the nonesensical rhetoric over and over again with nothing to back it up except for personal opinion

          and thats fine. Just dont ruin the movie for others with your negativity

          stop trolling a movie you clearly have no interest in

          the DCCU will not miss you

        • @furythree:

          I don't need to add counterpoints to anything you said. You went completely off on multiple tangents. You didn't address most of what I'd said in the first place. Instead you tried to address what everyone else has pointed out.

          For instance you went on about how Wonder Woman was a demigoddess. Did you miss that my main complaint was that she went off and brooded (like every character in this franchise seems to now) for 100 years? How are you suppose to have any respect let alone heroic adoration for a character like that?

          Also I don't recall saying anything about wanting mindlessly invulnerable superheroes. Batman and Robin, in the 60s TV show were always getting tied up and having to escape. Superman in the 80s movies could have his powers removed by an alien shower cubicle. Those movies weren't perfect (and IV was downright cringeworthy) but at least the heroes weren't brooding murderous dirt bag thugs.

          It's a free country. I'm not trolling a single thing and you're not going to shut me up just because you disagree with me. Don't waste your time. My "negativity" is perfectly valid. Pro tip: If you ever hear someone tell you not to be so negative it just means they don't want to address your issues. It doesn't make them the king of positivity. There is nothing positive about dismissing the legitimate gripes of others. You can't fix what's broken by pretending it's just fine.

        • @furythree:

          I've never seen anyone write as many essay replies as you have to defend what is, in many peoples opinion, a very poor movie..

          This isn't a first year university cinematography class,and if you have to analyse and dissect an action movie as you have (along with drawing assumptive conclusions from small plot points), it's probably because the movie was poorly made.

          You must be fun at parties….

        • @SBOB: im quoting directly from the movie where they blatantly explain the plot to you

          it doesnt get anymore cut and dry than that

          yet i still see arguments saying the movie doesnt do this, or incorrectly claim the movie tries to do that. When the whole time there are explicit lines of dialogue that directly contradict all these claims

          doesnt take a 12 year old to figure this stuff out and yet you people still dont get it.

          So i think its pretty clear where the problem lies

          and as of now, the general consensus to the UC reaction has been highly positive, so at this point youre just circlejerking the TC hatetrain

          nothing more to say on this subject anymore

        • @syousef: you said how did she manage to be around for 100 years? i explained it was because she was a demi goddess

          you criticised superman for running away, i pointed out he only half does that once and it wasnt to run away, in fact that are 5 times more scenes that show the opposite of running away

          you criticised batman for killing ppl and then not killing luthor
          i explained that the killing was only recent, because the movie explains he hasnt killed for 20 years, only since the metropolis incident due to superman. But by the end of the movie the act of not killing luthor shows us hes returned to the normal non killy batman youve been whinging about wanting. So in justice league and the standalone batman movie, youll get to see him not kill so much if at all

          the fallacy in your argument is that you think your arguments are legitimate to begin with. Other than the personal opinion points, which i cant argue against poor taste, the criticisms against the logical pitfalls of the movie have been completely invalidated
          Clearly the only tangent that happenned is your train off thought that was clearly not paying attention just as you must have been while watching the movie.

          nobody was trying to shut you up. You made some points. which were wrong and i backed it up with direct evidence. Hoping you would see and agree. But instead youve chosen to dismiss them outright. so no point discussing further

          But if you cant see the logic despite the explainations, then theres no point wrestling logic into someone who just doesnt want to listen.

        • @SBOB: is that yourself?

          pretty much sums up all you have been saying so far about the movie

          would explain alot that its been the neckbeard army downvoting this movie

          top kek

        • @furythree:

          I've told you before to lay off the personal insults, but hey..
          Schools back next week so go nuts..

        • @SBOB: says the guy who posted an image reply of a character spoof of nerds

          Because trying to be passive aggresive with images makes it less of a personal insult. even though it backfired since the quote relates more to criticism youve made yourself

          and insinuating that someone is a kid because you cant think of a better comeback is also not a personal attack.

          in b4 your momma response…

      • +2

        So salty lol.

  • -2

    What a shitty movie!

    • you watched the ultimate edition?

      • -1

        I watched the cinema release

        • i recommend this ultimate cut

          completely different movie

          recut scenes and 30 mins extra footage that changes alot of the backstory.

          I have no fkn idea what the studio execs were thinking forcing Zach to cut the scenes that he did

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