I was really surprised recently when someone disagreed with me on referendums. I had pretty much assumed that nearly everyone would feel that the voting proletariate are not being listened to enough by our politicians on issues such as refugee intake and the like. Wouldn't you like to be asked (via a referendum) about some/certain issues? With a referendum on refugees for example perhaps a range from no refugees to allowing some and another option to allow all. I feel we the voters are often not listened to at all but rather being told what will be by political parties.
Someone argued that this is why we vote for a political party and so we should leave the… burden of decision making entirely to the party. I do believe that the overall running of the/a countries should be done by the political party (infrastructure and the like) BUT that on certain contentious issues - people should be encouraged via referendums to have their say. I suggested that around 10 referendums should be allowed each year. What could be more fair???
Are my feelings on the matter so at odds with most people?
Shouldn't the government be somewhat bound by the feelings of the majority via official voter referendums?
*My 1st poll folks - no nastiness please, I'm just reviewing my thoughts on such things.
Will appreciate sensible comments that will either sway or support my thoughts.
I have no desire to defend pollies as more than 90% are an utter disgrace. BUT, people generally don't know what they want or more importantly what they need, people are at the basic greedy, they want more services but less taxes (or at least less taxes paid by them individually). The reality is a government is there to make the hard decisions for everyone that many individuals would NEVER make for themselves (sadly in recent years pollies aren't willing to make them either). A couple of churchil quotes are highly appropriate. "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others", “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”. People are sheep, they listen and believe scare mongering and are easily swayed by those with the loudest or most charismatic voice, more referendums and plebiscites would be an utter disaster.