This was posted 8 years 8 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Playstation Network "Big In Japan" Sale


A bunch of Japanese related games and probably one of my favourite yearly sales. Even more discount with Playstation Plus Discount.

List of games at Playstation Blog EU

Playstation 4 Picks:
Tales of Zestiria - $30.95 - from $99.95
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster - $39.95 ($32.95 With PS Plus) from $69.95
Gravity Rush Remastered - $22.95 ($18.45 with PS Plus) from $44.95
AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed - $17.95 from $69.95
Rogue Galaxy - $10.45 - from $22.95

Playstation Vita Picks:
Ray Gigant - $22.95 (Playstation Plus - $18.45) from $44.95
Trillion: God of Destruction - $11.95 - from $54.95
Lost Dimension - $14.95 - from $54.95
Persona 4 Golden - $8.95 - from $14.95 MUST BUY Previous Post
Persona 4: Dancing All Night - $19.45 - from $54.95

Playstation 3 Picks:
Tales of Zestiria - $29.95 - from $79.95
Okami HD - $8.95 - from $20.95
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair - $7.55 - from $22.95
Dragon Ball Xenoverse: Time Travel Edition 29.95 from $89.95 - Normal Edition $17.95 from $39.95
KILLER IS DEAD - $5.95 - from $24.95
Tokyo Jungle - $7.55 - from $19.45

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closed Comments

  • +4

    odd, yakuza series isn't on sale
    anyway thanks op

  • +3

    Suikoden 3 half price, first time on sale IIRC

  • Which PS4 game is recommended?

    • +3

      I might be a lttle biased, but FFX/X-2 HD is an absolutely amazing game and the remaster is fantasic. The story, the music and the gameplay is incredible and even though I've played it a lot on the PS2, I still love replaying it with my PS4 and PC

      • Played it on PS2 didn't see a reason to play again.

        The game was from 2001 man, looks like they can't come up anything to beat that game in terms of greatness

    • Yes this deal is so good. worth it

  • +5

    Not a sale but if you're into visual novels/puzzlers check out Zero Time Dilemma on the Vita. Just came out yesterday. It's a sequel to 999 and Virtue's Last Reward. It's also on Steam.

    • +3

      It's probably better to say, get this on special:!/en-au/games/virtue's-last-r…

      And if it floats your boat, the sequel (and conclusion to the story) is out now. ZTD is best enjoyed after playing VLR (999 helps but reading about it is also sufficient, as the story didn't really sprawl out in that game).

      • +1

        Oh didn't realise VLR was on special. Yep definitely get this first!

        • Bought VLR two days ago. :( damn…

      • can vouch for this too, didnt play 999, watched a youtube playthrough plus read about it before playing and absolutely loving VLR

    • Picked this up as well as ARCADE GAME SERIES 3-in-1 Pack (Dig Dug, Galaga & Pac Man)

  • FF :D How does this work? is it download or do you post a disc?

    • All content bought on PSN is digital delivery, like Steam on PC

      • Damn that sucks. Same price for owning the disc for FF or else i'd be all over it! :(

        • Why, what is your issue with not having it on disc? Do you not have fast internet or much data?

        • +1

          @Infinite Monkee:

          Nope, a 5mb connection as i'm 4km from the exchange :( also i'm old school and prefer a tangible item…

        • @bemybubble: I agree, I prefer not wasting data while also being able to loan games between mates

  • Grabbed dark cloud, dark chronicle and rogue galaxy. Thanks ops.

  • For PS Vita: add Valkyria Chronicles II and Muramasa Rebirth

    Time to use your Coles purchased 10%-20% off PSN cards for this sale.

    This is what I mean by not buying into PSN subscription, buy games when they are on big sales like this with discounted PSN cards. I refuse to subscribe as better deals this way. Hence PS4 online is useless to me.

  • +1

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is down to $24.95, has it been cheaper?

    Some great deals in this sale, thanks OP.

    • +1

      PS3 one only $17.95. Very tempting…I recall the difference between PS3 and PS4 on this title is not that much difference at least not worth $350 bucks

      • After playing it on a low-end laptop, MGSV looked so horrible on PS3 that I returned it the next day.

  • +3

    Whatever you guys do, don't buy Tales of Zestria. Its a pretty crap game compared to the rest in that series.

  • Killer is Dead is available on Steam for $3.99USD ATM. Also important to note:

    30fps lock. Can be unlocked with .ini edit, though this does effect the QTEs and also requires an additional edit. Menu navigation also affected.

    Same with Tales of Zesteria though it's $27.98USD so a little more expensive than PS4. This one can be unlocked to 60FPS via an unofficial fix.

  • is katamari forever on sale?

  • +2

    +1 for Gravity Rush price, I LOVED that game. Got the Platinum on both Vita and PS4, and the sequel is probably my most-anticipated coming releases

    Anyone on the fence, go get it!

    • +1 for this comment. :) What a great game.
      Literally could not platinum, despite trying. Getting full marks on some of those challenges was just impossible for me….

      • For some of the harder ones, just use a guide or a youtube video. The hardest one is the one where you have to hit targets on a combo of moving ships and sides of buildings, mixed with some sliding.

        • Thanks MJM but I think I'm over it. I couldn't get on with the touch controls, especial sliding. I could get on with them enough to finish the game, but not enough to win challenges. I could probably do the PS4 version as I'm assuming it has normal controls, but would rather just wait to play Gravity Rush 2, which looks awesome.

    • Damn I want to play Gravity Rush but doesn't work with PSTV.

      So I need to make sure I get a non firmware upgraded PSTV and hack it with whitelist this is crazy!

  • I went for a lot of the older classics on sale. Suikoden 1 & 2, Final Fantasy 6, 9, tactics & vagrant story. I also threw in castlevania the dracula x chronicles, not for the remake but it includes symphony of the night & the OG rondo of blood. Happy.

  • Im going to have to give a shout out for Tales of hearts R, i bought the cartridge on Vita from EB on sale for $34, but for $19.45 its a steal, Graet game if you are a fan of the Tales series.

  • DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours is very tempting at $37.95

    • I'm undecided to get this on ps4 or vita…

    • I was expecting this price maybe less 10 percent but it was $28.85 at purchase and I'm sure I had no credit in my account so not sure why.

  • Anyone know of where to get discounted PS Store cards? Also best place for PS Vita memory?

  • Anyone having trouble buying stuff on their PC? I'm getting an error every time I try to confirm my order.

  • +1

    Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is $29.95 down from $69.95.

  • is Akiba Strip 2 any good? anyone played it?

    • I got it on PS4, I like it a lot - its fully of quirky humour and the combat is button mashy and fun.
      You wack 'vampires' with various weapons until a part of their body glows and then you rip off their clothes. Brilliant!

    • it has a lot of anime tropes, and it feels really cool wandering around their Akihabara. Also the combat is quirky but is immensely fun once you get used to it.

  • +1

    Just downloaded Tokyo Jungle…but says it's region-locked WTF. Did I just waste 7.95?

    • Ask for refund? Unless you are using non PAL

      • Its working now.

  • +1

    Expired. Mark it

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