Thanks to HarrydHarry's post, I searched for the cheapest way to get to Europe, and anything sub $1000 has to be a great deal, especially from a quality carrier like Etihad. Dates for travel are Sep 27 to Nov 25. There are plenty of seats available at these prices through the travel period, and don't forget to apply coupon HOLIDAY20 when searching. Also available is Rome at around $70-$100 more. Safe travels :)
Istanbul Turkey Return ex Melb $975, Bris $976, Syd $985, Perth $1022 (Rome +$70) @ Etihad Airways

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Dates for travel are Sep 27 to Nov 25. There are plenty of seats available at these prices through the travel period
I'm going blind. Help!
Not suggesting you don't go, just thought I'd share.
Note that Turkey charges a USD60 visa fee for Australians.
Great place to go right now given the current political climate. Suicide bombings are now only bi-monthly. Might I suggest a side trip to down town Karbala. I've heard its great this time of year.
I don't know who negged you, but he/she is an idiot. You stated facts.
Oh please, "facts" is a bit generous don't you think? Read the post again.
- First sentence was irrational sarcasm.
- Second sentence was a poorly presented tidbit that is a guess, it's poorly presented in that it suggests s/he knows the future and that this occurrence will continue occurring at the same rate. Better to say "there have been x suicide bombings this year" if you want to present a fact.
- Third and fourth sentences were drivel.
Perhaps he could have said the nation is trending terribly at the moment. That human rights are being eroded as it swings towards a caliphate.
I bet you are a whole bunch of fun in real life.
@T1OOO: "reconsider your need to travel " is a serious enough warning that will stop me from going there
it should be,… unless your transiting through there stay away,.. they only good plance is taxim to do sight seing in the old city, and really those are the places that suicide bombers target.
I think you should have a look on the news today. You will be so shocked…
I got negged for sharing the Smart Traveller link. People are weird.
yeah, I've heard some pretty bad things recently. but more to do with the government arresting anyone who mocks the leadership
What's new in these Muslim countries.
I heard it's illegal to eat in public during their ramadan in dubai and you'll get arrested.
Yet here we allow them mosques and halal products.there is no 'we' and 'them' when it comes to being Australian.
that's assuming that the plane doesn't get shot down before you land
has a passenger plane been shot down over turkey? didnt hear about it?
yeah the muslims are good at cover ups
Exactly, and here you have people trying to be deny the truth.
The Turkish government's international policy is horrible. Boycott.
And Australia has a wonderful policy for refugees. Boycott.
Was just in Turkey recently! 10/10 Would go again! so many good restaurants and CHEAP CLOTHING!
Our dollar is GREAT against theirs too
LC WAIKIKI - go there for high quality CHEAP clothing (similar to cotton on)
Turkey is a huge place and like anywhere not without its risks.
If you are that worried, you could just fly in and spend time in the north of the country - few tourists and travellers (so not a target in that sense) and not bordering anywhere contentious. Turkey is one of the worlds most visited countries, 40+ million people visit each year and whilst yes.. there are risks, the odds of actually being impacted are pretty low if you act smart I would think.
yes, ill def take the risk.
Oh yeah, I'm sorry! forgot about the Islamophobia still around!
best you stay away from all these terrorists
I just got back the other day.
I bought about 12 pairs of jeans/pants. All for under $30 each.
Shirts were around $15-20.
tshirts $5
All top quality textiles & made in Turkey.Branded shoe prices end up roughly the same as in Australia.
Stores to look out for:
LC Waikiki
DeFacto (cheapest out of the above)Also, as locals for a tailor, I got ALL my pants tailored for less than $2 each no joke.
Might as well post cheap flights to Baghdad.
Pyongyang is nice this time of year
Pyongyang might be under the rule of a brutal delusional dictator, but it is considerably safer than Turkey right now.
Agreed. Not to mention Australia also being controlled by a mad dictator
But you'd probably still go to Bali. No bombings there at all.
this made me laugh in a packed train like a weirdo
Not bad price. But I was able to get Europe returne 3 years ago for 1159. I had to book single tickets throughly Malaysia and Turkish airlines. So I wore the risk. But it worked out.
never had an issue,.. but i guess i did get lucky.
Might want to look up the European rankings.…
They're also one of the most profitable in the region too.
10 serious incidents in the last 3 years? No thanks…
I've been flying with Turkish Airlines for like ages and I am sorry but I don't agree with you. Turkish Airlines is one of the best airlines in the world.
I can't agree. Below average service, seemingly narrow seating, food tray is too small and slides all over the place, not to mention last time flying Turkey -> Tallinn we had to take a bus for over 10m out from the terminal to the plane; the staff was so disorganised they allowed a family with a young baby to stand in the cold and rain outside of the bus for 10m before opening the doors. Never again.
How much would be a one way ticket, as there is a possibility your passport may be cancelled?
Thank you to all my bargain brothers and sisters. I have booked my honeymoon to Rome.
Wish me luck in finding more EU bargains
anybody getting $1k deals for bris pls post destination n dates here. thanks.
How come Perth is more expensive - isn't it a shorter trip (presumably they all go via Abu Dhabi)?
If that's their pricing policy I'll continue to fly Emirates. No reason why ex Perth should be more expensive other than gouging.
It annoys the hell out of me too - but I would guess that Etihad probably flies out of melbourne much more frequently than out of Perth.
More seats - more sale options.… or more competition?
Istanbul is such a beautiful city, and had a blast when I went last year. But with the political climate right now, I'd reconsider the need to go.
But if you do go, I'd recommend mentally preparing yourself for the Turkish customs experience.
The lines were about 40-60mins long because there are only 2 customs officers.
And there are A LOT of Russian tourists who are professional line cutters. They'd cut right to the front of the cue in front of the customs officers, and they get processed first despite your protests.
Was in instalbul only a few weeks ago - the line was 10-20 minutes. Agree with the russians - kinda shitty
Sounds like Phuket Airport too…and Phuket generally. Fugging rude Russians everywhere!
Any flights available? Can get no less than $1200
From Melbourne.Probably more likely to get king hit by a drunk in our cities than cop a shrapnel from an attack in Istanbul. Don't let your fears get a hold of you. I just got back from Istanbul and it's one of the most beautiful cities you will ever visit. It's ridiculously cheap with plenty to offer. This is a great deal!! Stay in Karakoy!!
Oh man karakoy is a very dangerous neighborhood hahaha. Full of brothels and stuff like that. But yea it can be good then :)
has anyone even been able to find $985 fares from Sydney?
You could always fly in, fly straight back out to where you really want to go… most flights to Europe are $1000 one way. This is a really good deal. Hopefully something like this comes up for April 2017 when I plan to go to Europe!…
Guess those urging caution weren't wrong.
Why are people negging comments that are spot on the truth?
because they are not 'spot on the truth' but are in fact a biased opinion usually based on the daily telegraph or channel 9 news. both very informative & non-prejudicial.
It is what it is… how is it biased when attacks are clearly a monthly occurrence now?
I don't think anyone was disputing the frequency or anything like that, more just the stupid comments.
So I'm guessing a lot of you in this thread are eating humble pie? (Again)
Glad you were able to squeeze an I told you so out of this situation. On ya, champ.
What travel period?