This was posted 8 years 9 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Hungry Jacks Vouchers (Expiry 8th of August 2016)


Hey guys, here are some hungry jacks vouchers. Valid till August 8th 2016.

Picture Quality.
Mobile friendly link:…
Thanks to Nikunj

Related Stores

Hungry Jack's
Hungry Jack's

closed Comments

  • +10

    2 flame grilled bacon deluxes still $6.95. Pimp.

    • +2

      This is all i get.

    • +1

      The 2 brekkie muffins, hash brown and small coffee for $5.95 is pretty good aswell!

      • +3

        Then add on whatever is free on the shake and win. Yummy.

    • can never have enuff of them things =)

    • +1

      I cant shit properly for a couple days after eating those flame grilled bacon deluxes …

      must be extra cardboard and sawdust in the beef patties … lol

      • Me too buddy, clogs me up mad like.

  • +16

    pretty much exact same as last month

    the $5 for large fries and 10 nuggets is killing me… literally

    • Likewise… I always get x2 of it.. then I feel sick. I think I have spennt $200 worth

  • So printed copies also valid?

    • They should be, most people don't even ask to look at my voucher when I go through drive through..

      • I had the same girl serve me 3 days in a row.

        Ordered 2 Bacon Deluxes.

        First day asked to see voucher, I said I could bring it up on the phone she said don't worry.

        Second day, same thing but I pointed to the Vouchers hung up behind her.

        Third day, …

        • +6

          You shouldn't eat poor quality highly processed food like this 3 days in a row.

        • +6

          3 days in a row is pretty intense. Haha

        • @Puska:

          Yes I know, but that was it. No more for a while.

        • +7

          Dory "I'm not having any more bacon deluxes!"
          Dory "oh look, HUNGRY JACKS!!!"

        • -6

          @28Degrees: You should mind your own goddamn business.

        • +1


          Hey, it's a fast food thread; always gonna have some douche from the Sanctimony Brigade turn up!

        • +2

          @28Degrees: Are you a doctor?

        • +1

          @thescarecrow84: Damn right Mr. Crow.

    • +2

      Phone is fine.

  • +10

    Phone is fine.

  • +2

    Can I show it on my phone?

    • +3

      Phone is fine

  • Where can you get the mobile version of these? I thought it was from their website but now when i try it just asks me to register everytime and no vouchers show

    • Picture is fine

  • +1

    Exactly the same but I have to print them off again.

    • +2

      Phone is fine.

      • I don't have a phone

        • +17

          Telegram is fine.

        • +1

          @Puska: Don't have that. What abount pigeons?

        • +3

          @Savas: the game of thrones ravens are looking for new work

        • +2

          @Savas: In that case, fax is fine.

  • Bastards.. no more brekky wrap

  • +1

    This link might be helpful to find a "clean" copy of the vouchers

    • +1

      As stated, I'll be scanning the copy when I get home.

    • +1

      Those vouchers have expired on 20/06/16.

      • Sorry… your 100% rite. The resolution on the print out makes the "0" look like a "7"!

        • +1

          Photos have been uploaded.

    • Sorry all… these vouchers expired already.

  • I had one of the angus grilled burgers the other night and I was in a OMG moment, it tasted like a betty's burgers. Was amaze balls!

    • The grill masters bacon one is epic, yum

  • anyone got any phone friendly vouchers?

    • Is there an issue with the current photo?

      • Error on my Nexus 4 running Lollipop is "cannot display PDF. Invalid format".

        Never seen that before, I can always open PDFs on this phone.

        Opening the link directly with Chrome produces the error, downloading the link with ES File Explorer first and then opening with Chrome = win.

      • its just the phone friendly voucher is tiled vertically, so its much easier to scroll down vouchers when using several vouchers

  • +8

    Hungry Jacks might be the cheapest fast food in Australia. It would cost more to pick up road kill, forage for potatos and cook it yourself.

    There are so many stores in the Sydney CBD that it's the perfect food to pick up on the way when your rich friends are having French-Asian fusion for $100 a head and you're "running late but not hungry".

  • +5

    Wow, HJ is actually cheaper than in 2011.

  • I was sort of happy in a way, when the last deal expired.
    I don't think my body is ready, so many 10 nuggets and large fries were had.

    • +1

      The two bacon whoopers look like a good deal, I would like to use a deal which has a small drink because I eat in store at Dural and keep refilling the drink via the fountain. I'm never sure if you are supposed to get drink refills or not but I have never been told not to and I have never asked.

      • Shhhh, don't give away your secrets!

  • +1

    I was hoping for the new ones…….

    just a thought. Still happy with the promos. The nuggets and fries are to die for!

    • +1

      I would like to try the grill range but they are too expensive, like $9-$11 or something. I will only try when they do a special on them, currently when I go I will just get the 5 for $5.95 things and coupons.

      • yea, got excited when the pic showed………sigh, guess have to stick around with nuggets and fries and bacon stuffs.

  • -1

    how to use these vouchers ? Need to print them out ?

  • Went to Macquarie Centre HJ. Phone is fine.

    • I was there a few weeks ago, don't have a soda fountain for refills.

      • +2

        Each store should allow you to hand your cup over for refills. Don't know if it's every store but mine allows it.

  • If I printed out a photo of the vouchers on the screen of my phone, would that be okay to show?

    • +2

      Fax is fine

  • +1

    I really don't get hj, why don't they just lower the price to like 75% instead of these clumsy vouchers every month.

  • +1
    • Thanks alot for this!

  • +2

    thanks, i just got fat

  • Tried to use these, employee asked me for the voucher. Brought it up on my phone, they went to ask their manager if digital copies are eligible.
    Manager said digital and printed copies are not eligible, has to be original copy or something.. (Wyoming store - Central coast, NSW).
    So not all stores will take these vouchers apparently.

    • +1

      that's the first time i heard that digital copies are not being considered as all the hungry jacks i've been to are happy to give me what i've wanted. Sometimes telling the name of the deal on the voucher is enough without presenting the voucher itself, as it is already on their system, all they have to do is punch it on their registers. What a shame, that particular outlet is missing out on a lot of customers.

    • Yes that's strange, especially given HJ provides a mobile friendly version of the vouchers

      • Link?

    • +3

      Ugh the inconsistencies shit me.
      We provide a mobile version for you to use; otherwise why would it be there?
      It really is a store to store based rule system. It really depends on how stingy the managers are.

  • I got the last 2 vouchers in the mail but didn't receive this one.

  • Out of curiosity, does anyone here works at Hungry Jacks? I have a question – does the store actually make a profit or a loss when they sell the 2x Whopper Jr + 2x small fries $4.95 voucher deal? I was just wondering as I must be annoying the store as this is the only thing I order from Hungry Jacks.

    • Nope no profit, a single Whopper Jnr sells for $4 something and small fries $2.1/.20, so you do the maths on how much you're saving and we lose!

      • +1

        Yes, I am aware that A whopper Jr sells for $4, and Small Fries for $2.50 - for the customer.

        I was actually talking about cost of making them from a store point of view - eg: cost of using the ingredients to make a Whopper Jr, cost of a small serve of fries.

        A cost to produce a soft drink [ Drink / straw / cup / ice ] will cost a fast food store about up to 20 cents for a serve, and would sell them for around $2 to the customer. Therefore a store profit of $1.80.

      • See below vv

  • Anyone have the/a new coupon…

    Havn't had Hj for years , feeling like some for some reason now

    • Paging food!

      Also Food, whats up with this -

      • It seems like the new coupons are out there (see the free large upgrade deal on the front page) but I haven't seen them yet. The old ones are still on our registers and still work until they're gone!

        • The old ones are still on our registers and still work until they're gone!


          thanks food, I love you.

    • these expired ones still work for me, 95% of the time they done even ask to see them

      • stopped workin today, bummer. They asked If I want anything else and I said nope.

  • I went to one of my local Hungry Jacks on the 26 August 2016, and the voucher deal still works for me….. I ordered the $4.95 2x Whopper Jr, 2x Small Fries voucher deal.

  • No more vouchers these days?

    • +1

      Yeah no coupons out yet, no clue why! The old ones still work on our registers though!

      • Do you guys accept without the voucher?

        • +1

          You're meant to have the voucher on you, crew would probably refuse

        • +1

          There is 4 Hungry Jacks restaurants close to where I live, 3 of them dont ask for vouchers while 1 of them does.

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