Cheap cheap cheap :) Though it's just the PS4 version for this price, XB1 version is comparable to local prices!
[PS4] Battleborn - $36.16 Delivered @

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Still happy with Team Fortress 2.
Unsure why you're negged, this game is really bad and is dead online already
Because they r upset they just wasted $36 on this rubbish game.
My last base order took around 10 days . But base for the win
Was half this a couple of weeks ago with Play Asia
Maybe I need to go back to school to determine how $32.36 is half of $36.16…
Lol and you posted the deal and you can't remember how much it was for?! Cmon…
Sorry was remembering the US price.
But thanks for doing the research though.
Are there any issues playing this in Australia seeing as it's from the UK?
It's now £14.99 or roughly $28-$29
Rubbish game, returned it in 2 days. Complete copy of overwatch a far far superior game