Wondering what everyone puts in their cars when filling up their European cars?
95 Premium
98 Premium
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Wondering what everyone puts in their cars when filling up their European cars?
95 Premium
98 Premium
Please Vote
Just curious☺
I fill up 98 in all my petrol cars even the australian ones.
I drive a Lada- vodka
Vodka? I just put potatoes into mine, runs great.
Does it spudder a lot?
only when the chips are down
You should fill up with whatever octane your car specifies. There's no added benefit of going higher unless your engine has multiple tunes for different octanes.
Also, I think your 'Unleaded' option should be changed to 91 Octane as 95 and 98 octane are both unleaded.
Agree wit this statement. Every test shows that a higher octane if your car doesn't need it does very little. However my cars minimum is 95, for the sake of 3 cents extra per litre I put 98 in it.
The sense you are making is minimal.
100% no sense made. That is the point :)
currently in the UK and they dont have the shitty 91 we get, 95 is minimum. so i'd go with 95 at least.
i currently run 98 in my accord euro back at home, ye it cost abit more but u get the same km out of the tank.
And on OzBargain of all places, they should be ashamed of themselves!
I used to recommend to others to save their money on fuel choice and car brand. Now I'm driving a car that requires 98 premium and appreciate drivers switching to 98 RON fuel since it means petrol stations churn over their supply quicker resulting in less stale fuel.
European cars also require sportier tyres. A bigger tyre market results in competition and economies of scale.
Everybody go nutz! Papa needs cheaper fuel and safer tyres.
car requires 98 so I put 98
In my old 325 I could get away with 95. It would ping bad on 91. On my old 335, 98 no less.
Yep, the 325 was probably designed to run on 93-97 and the 335 97-101. Note: After 500km the ECU will optimise to the mean octane during that period, so they can get better after a big change and some reserved driving.
NOTE: If your car takes 95, you can fill half a tank of 91 and the other half with 98. It'll be happy running on the mix, and you can save up to 3 cents!
Is this not the bargain of a century?
Right here on OzBargain!
Save up to 3cpl without a code, at any petrol station, without anything, not even a shopper docket! (Don't forget, 4-8cpl more with one)
Great tip, but don't forget you definitely need to get the van rocking so that the fuel is well mixed. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?
Van rocking?
No tinderin' in the station forecourt now. You know, microwaves and fumes, let alone naked heat and so on. All things aside, the obligatory 'thank you' powerslide on exit mixes the tank before anything much makes it down the line :-)
What "European" do you have?