This was posted 8 years 8 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

digiDIRECT - 10% off Storewide

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10% off storewide. No coupon needed.

20% off filters and memory cards.

This has come in handy as I was looking for the Canon EF-M 22mm f/2 lens to go with my new M3 that I got from the recent Good Guys eBay sale
Canon EF-M 22mm f/2 - $197 -…

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Tempting.. very tempting.. canon 100-400mm II for $2455 to go with my recent sony a6300..

    • +5

      Did you miss the 20% off promotion on eBay with Teds? Only around $2100 at that time.

      • +3

        WHY?!?!?!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT.. hahahaha

        And yes.. obviously i missed it..

        • Er….sorry to bring it up….

          I guess it won't be far to see another 20% off promo on eBay.

          If you are not desperate, may be it's worth to wait.

  • +1

    Haha damn… I was checking digidirect like jus over 2 hours ago and they didnt have a sale. thanks!

    • +1

      lol I actually scanned my emails this morning and saw that they seem to have this sale every year at EOFY and Christmas. Thought it was about time, and then this popped up in my inbox.

      • yeh. wouldve assumed they be on sale nex week instead.

  • You can get the 22/2 EF-M new on eBay for $150 after the Groupon voucher.

    • What's this Groupon voucher you speak of?

      Edit: Never mind found it. Also found that eBay seller - ships from China so it would be a grey import. I'm looking for local stock.

      • +2

        I got this lens for less than $110 (500RMB) last year in China. It is a tiny but firm lens. Grey import should be fine if you pay by paypal.

        • +1

          Ditto, $106 delivered - it's OEM whitebox, but for $106 who cares. It's a nice lens, but I wouldn't pay local stock pricing for it.

        • @nafe:
          Mind to share the link?

        • @yugiyao:

          This was last year when JB cleared their EOS M for $199. Exchange rate was much stronger then from memory. Now they are something like $160

        • @nafe: Oic

  • +5

    Man if only their price is half decent to begin with….

    I am after the Batis and even with 10% it's way overpriced.

    B25 @ $1842 -…
    Teds is $1699 everyday low price -

    Same goes to B18 and B85….

    • +6

      Teds is actually cheaper? Haha wow, that's saying something.

    • +1

      You must realise that not every stock has to be cheaper than else where. But digidirect is generally cheaper than Teds, michaels, and other stores and that's where I got most of my gears.
      It comes down to what you need to get and do your homework.

      • Looking at current prices I'm not so sure this is the case anymore. I bought a bunch of Canon gear from them a couple of Christmases ago and had no issues. 10% off along with Cashback from Canon was a real money saver. But you can't live in the past.

  • I was waiting for Digidirect to have their sale. They don't have many but this will have to do otherwise the wait isn't worth the savings.

    Not as good as their $50 of $200 or 20% off camera accessories

  • Thanks OP! Been looking at the SEL35F18

  • +1

    Nice price on the Sony a6300 for $1436… HOWEVER, you'll be waiting a while since the recent earthquake in japan disrupted sensor supplies..

  • +2

    ARE YOU SERIOUS i bought a (profanity) lens on the weekend. And the salesperson added a filter to my order without asking me. When I asked about it, he pushed it, saying I need it.

    • +4

      Why didn't you just walk out? Was he pointing a gun at you?

        1. Two salespeople there gave me great advice and 2. I have since decided that I probably do need a filter and the price was ok considering it was local stock
        • +2

          Why do you need a filter? What kind of filter was it? Sounds like a load of crap to me.

        • @Munki: "to protect the much more expensive lens". I suppose it's a bit like cheap insurance in a way, and they seem to be popular. Also read that the coat on a filter might only last a few years before screwing up autofocus. It's a popular Japanese brand, btw. $20 or so. Uv cut.

        • +4

          There's a fierce debate as to whether filters actually do anything to protect the lens glass.

          If you drop a lens hard enough onto a pointed rock it's going to smash the filter shards into the glass anyway.

          As for scratches, that isn't likely. But say somehow your keys rub against it, front glass lenses are surprisingly tough. Additionally it's astonishing how little impact scratches have on images produced. If you google it, there's plenty of sources that say the differences between a scratched up lens and brand new lens are indiscernible.

          You can probably tell I'm against using filters over lenses as protection.

          My biggest gripe is… you bought an expensive lens for its high quality glass producing great images. Why slap on a relatively crap piece of glass over that?

          Food for thought :)

        • @rpalmer:

          Not OP, but I like to wash my (pentax) camera under the shower head when it gets dirty. Having a filter means I won't be washing off the coatings :)

          But I agree otherwise, filters don't really do much. Unless it's a ND or cpl..

        • @tomkun01:

          I agree with rpalmer on this one - what's point of buying an expensive lens to throw a crappy filter on the front.

          But, the most objectionable thing I find is he added the filter without asking. I like digi and have bought a lot of gear from them - but that is some pure bs salesmanship.

        • @tomkun01: UV filters do absolutely nothing. I'd take the filter back and ask for a refund. Maybe mention how the rude sales person forced it on you as well.

          Go filter-less and stop babying your lenses. They're designed to take a bit of abuse.

        • @Munki: I already opened it and have it ready for my trip. Thank you for your insight! I probably won't buy another one. The salesperson in question set up my camera for me with recommended custom settings. I didn't purchase the camera from DD. Without him, I probably wouldn't have known about the intricacies of the settings, so I did feel obliged. Anyway, life goes on and the added protection might help if i sell the lens in the future.

        • @rpalmer:

          I had a filter smash when a camera backpack was dropped from a station wagon tailgate. (It rolled out). The lens cap had become wedged in the filter and shattered. I've had online arguments with people about whether the lens front element would have shattered instead but I still say it saved me that lens.

          The real benefit to a protect filter is that I'm not scared to wipe the lens on my sleeve if it gets dirty. A secondary benefit - it improves resale as the front element is untarnished and literally won't get scratches.

          You don't need a super expensive filter but you don't want a dirt cheap Ebay special either. The run of the mill Hoya, Kenko and Massumi filters I've used have only ever affected my IQ noticably in night shooting or shooting straight into the sun as they do increase flare. Otherwise I don't have issues. On the other hand the $5 Massa filters I bought a bunch of on Ebay years ago turn the image into muddy unsharp crap.

  • +5

    digidirect is about on par with ebgames when asking for a price match. Service can be a joke and even rude at times

    • Haha … my experience too … personally avoid that store.

    • +1

      I have to agree.. they used to be quite good, and thats why I keep going back but they aren't so competitive with prices anymore and the service is… yeah…

    • +2

      Hmm, not my experience. Never been rejected (except grey importer)

    • Personally, I've never had an issue with the guys at the Sydney CBD store (I usually deal with Chris, he's temporarily at their new Chatswood outlet).

      • +1

        I've had most of my issues there

        • just curiosity, what store did you try to price match with? I have been successful with camerapro, cambuy, camerahouse, digitalcamerawarehouse.

        • @aldoduco:

          JB Hifi

        • Do it via their website, it goes to their Melbourne warehouse. No problems there. Though they did reject me once but Georges matched it… go figure…

    • +2

      I've found the Melbourne store quite helpful. Ted's on the other hand next to useless.

      • Same experience in Melbourne here. I had guys from Ted's saying Ryda is all grey stock and refusing to price match. Was annoying as they were the only one who had stock at the time. Luckily JB-hifi got the lens I wanted in a few days later and was actually cheaper than Ryda.

        Meanwhile Digi has price matched any other Aus dealer/site without issue.

  • Any coupons to stack discounts? :D

  • -4

    Who else thought this was ING direct for a moment?

  • Anyone know why the new Canon 1dx ii is not included?

    • I think it excludes preorders.

    • Could go in and check. In past it included preorders - but you had to pay the full amount up-front.

      • Was in the shop yesterday and a few ppl asked for that camera, staff said it wasn't on sale.

  • Going overseas in Sept and would loved it had this end date overlapped with my 60 days!

    • No luck, if you would like to claim GST plan your journey on or before August 25th

      • haha yep I will just change my plans, simple!

        This deal is better than the GST refund, but Sunday is too short a timeframe to decide which camera I want!

    • +1

      Ditto, except I'm not away til November as my August trip got cancelled! :(

  • Anyone able to get Harvey Norman to price match

    • I got a JB price match

  • Guys digidirect at chatswood Westfield is offering free A3 prints, your photos or they have a pop-up studio there as well.

    I did it a few weeks ago, they used one of those $1000+ big studio ones with 10 different types of inks. I loved the photo the printed out and even framed it.

    • What do you have to do to qualify? Minimum spend?

      • Nothing for me. Just a good friendly chat with the staff.

    • edited: nvm. found my answer.

    • Might have to take down one of my wedding photos and get it printed! :)
      I was playing with the 11-24 at their store last weekend…. even at 10% off and GST back the budget still won't stretch lol

  • +1

    Great for anyone looking to get Fuji glass, 10% off plus $200 cash back

  • +1

    Couldn't wait any longer.. my CC was burning a hole in my pocket, so picked up a 100-400 II for $2455 from Teds Highpoint. They had one on display and were happy to let me hook it up to my Sony + MC11 and have a play. They were also happy to price match. They thought it was excellent seeing a little mirrorless hooked up to a big white. From a small play, the AF seems really quick, with a little bit of hunting going from close focus to far focus. And I LOVE THE WEIGHT. So small, so compact .. a pocket rocket..

    • Should see my EOS M attached to my 400 2.8 if you want a laugh ;)

      • Sure.. got a link? lol

  • -1

    They thought it was excellent seeing a little mirrorless hooked up to a big white.

    I don't blame them. I would be laughing my head off as well.

    Get a real body.

    • lol the sensors in the Sony mirrorless bodies outperform any of the Canon sensors.

  • Website says sale extended… But with no end date.

    Also to those complaining about Digi service in Melbourne, just walk a block to Michael's - they will price match and the service is more than worth the quick walk for it.

    • Seems it is extended until midnight tonight.

      The problem I find at Michaels is the staff turnover is so high it's hard to get same salesman twice. And, as friendly as the ground staff is, the staff on the second floor, from my experience, are almost hostile in their indifference.

    • Sale is over guys.

  • The website was down on thursday night/friday morning, as in, you couldn't log in.. perhaps that's the reason why..

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