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Xbox1 1TB Console + Guitar Hero Live/Halo5 Guardians/GoW: Ultimate/Rare Replay/Evolve/Sunset Overdrive/Skylanders/Ori - $478 @EB


Absolute full cred to TheEarth @ BS for this one!

1TB bundles are gonna be cleared out in preparation for the 2TB model coming out, so grab yourself a bargain! This one is a crazy bargain considering it includes GH Live!

This bundle includes:
1TB Xbox One Console
Xbox One Controller
Halo 5: Guardians
Gears of War Ultimate
Rare Replay
Guitar Hero Live
Sunset Overdrive
Skylanders SWAP Force Starter Pack
Ori and the Blind Forest Download Code

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    Insanely good deal

    • +2

      Another good deal is the BigW Name Your Game Bundle. For $299 you get the 500G console, Minecraft, The Lego Movie game and your choice between Forza 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War or Rare Replay.

      It may not seem like as good of a deal, but games like Forza and Tomb Raider are still relatively highly priced ($70 odd for Tomb Raider last I checked). So something to consider if you're on a budget.

    • -1

      Bit of an exaggeration, don't you think? Compared to other XBO deals on the market at the moment.

  • Guitar Hero Live! That's almost $120.

  • +3

    Halo 5 Multiplayer - Amazing.
    Sunset Overdrive - Amazing
    Gears 1 - Great
    Ori - Amazing
    Rare Replay - Sweet.

    Great deal.

    • -3

      Halo 5 Multiplayer amazing ?

      It's widely regarded as the weakest in the series.

      • Really? I've never heard that. Who widely regards it that way? It's way better than old Halo combat wise, it has an active dodge!

        • Everyone, warzone is ridiculous.

          Way better than old Halo ?, nothing is better than old Halo.

        • @Tasmaniac:

          Old halo is the most basic of FPS, years after we got actual good fps.
          Tribes 2 foreverrrrr halo was for basic bitches.

        • @RI4V4N: Basic was good, we don't all need rainbow coloured weapons and req points to hide our lack of skillz.

        • @Tasmaniac:
          Man, tribes, so much more skill. So much faster. So many more people.

        • @RI4V4N: Tribes will be forgotten and gone long before people stop playing the halo.

        • @Tasmaniac: yeah just like a ton of people like Drake and Kanye West, doesn't mean they have good taste or its actually better. Just more proof that that the majority are sheep.

        • @RI4V4N: I agree, as soon as something new like Tribe or req packs are developed the sheep jump across regardless of quality. Kanye however will always be awesome.

        • @RI4V4N:

          Tribes 1 fan here… ah that game stole my year 12 from me! 1 of the few games that could be played with dialup (ping of ~250!)

      • +3

        I disagree. Halo 5 Multiplayer is great… and all DLC is free too.
        It's the single player campaign that wasn't very good.

      • +2

        Maybe you're thinking of the campaign.
        Multiplayer is awesome.

        • Is there split-screen for multiplayer (or Co-op)?

        • +1

          @Crashdown: Edit: Not being as much of a jerk now.

          No. No co-op. First FPS Halo in the entire franchise to take co-op out. And for what reason? Why, glorious pursuit of frames, of course. Doesn't matter if we go against 20 years of videogames to get those glorious 60…. 30 frames per second.

          343 has said that Halo 6 will have splitscreen, but it's too little too late.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Thanks. I enjoy you. Any previous versions of Halo have splitscreen?

        • +1

          @Crashdown: If you want to play splitscreen Halo, definitely get the Master Chief collection. Though I can't speak for reports of bugs/framerate issues, I can say that I know Halo 1 to 3 are incredibly enjoyable and fantastic shooter experiences (also a piece of history!) I will refrain from voicing my opinion on Halo 4.

          Halo Reach is also backwards compatible now if you can get a copy of that, it's easily one of the better halo games made this side of Halo 3.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: Cheers

  • For anybody whose claimed most of the games with Gold since the beginning and occasionally buys digital titles, would a 1TB model be enough?

    My digital games on my 360 alone are close to 400gb.

    • +1

      1TB is fine, i've had a 500gb since the start, had to delete games often so ended up buy a 2TB external drive.
      You can pick one of them up of here quite often really cheap (Less than $100)

      Make sure to get a portable (No power required if you buy one, as I had to external powered drives that didn't work with the XB1)

      But 1TB will last you quite a while!

      • +2

        Incorrect. External powered hard drives will work. I have 2x 2tb hard drives connected to my Xbox one as I type. Both are full of games for 360 and a lot of purchased games and updates.

        Yes, external hard drives, both externally powered and USB powered drives will work, but you have to make sure they are USB 3.0 drives, or so it says on all the information I read before buying drives for it.

        The reason I run external powered drives is that after the RROD from the 360 days, I get a bit paranoid about loading up too many power draining devices to the USB ports on my xboxs now…

        • +1 I have a powered external HDD. Just have to remember to turn it on with my Xbox otherwise half my games don't show up. I installed Fallout 4 twice before I realised what the problem was.

    • Not for the entire time you own it, but buying a HDD and plugging it in easy easy and fairly cheap.

    • +1

      Thanks for the feedback- i thought as much. Guess I'm one of those who hates the idea of deleting and downloading games as required and had completely forgotten that you could extend storage with an external drive.

      Upcoming 2TB model sure is tempting though. Retail price of $549.00 is not.

      • To be honest the new XB1 S isn't worth it, this deal is actually amazing. I just tried to price these individually and I couldn't get more than 2 of these games.
        Guitar Hero Alive with the console alone is more expensive than this deal. If your gonna hold off till the next console I'd wait even longer for the Xbox Scorpio next year.

        • If you're interested in the extra graphical power and VR, then yes. I'm confident though the Scorpio won't be exactly affordable and be even more expensive then the S model.

        • @cala90:

          Just a placeholder price haha, hasn't got a price tag or specs properly released yet.

        • @iJustinz:

          Yeah sorry, I noticed that after I posted it haha.

        • +1


          Excuse me while i pick my jaw up from the floor!

        • If I had a 4K TV or planned to get one soon, then the new ultra HD Bluray drive in the S model would be hugely appealing given the console cost less than the standalone players on the market right now.

  • +4

    the big w bundle for $299 is also an insane deal for those not wanting all these games.

    • Still comes with some alright games though.

    • +1

      This leaves the following to cost $179, compared to the aforementioned $299 Xbox One console. (prices in brackets are at their lowest from various local stores, that are readily available to buy)

      • Halo 5: Guardians ($29 - $39)
      • Gears of War Ultimate ($25)
      • Rare Replay ($25)
      • Guitar Hero Live ($99)
      • Evolve ($15?)
      • Sunset Overdrive ($20)
      • Skylanders SWAP Force Starter Pack ($9)
      • Ori and the Blind Forest Download Code ($20)
      • —Upgrade from 500GB to 1TB—
      • True, however the $299 deal at BigW also comes with the Lego Movie Game ($25), Minecraft ($25) and a choice between 4 games, one of which is Rise of the Tomb Raider which is still $70+ at most places. So in that sense, the difference is about $300.

        Is $300 worth the extra 500G of space and all those other games? Perhaps, but depends what you're after. For instance I thought GH:Live was crap and the other included games in the EB deal are hit/miss.

  • Great deal !

  • Meh, the 1tb's good, the games are all pretty cheap now though.

  • +2

    Just a heads up for those who don't know, there will be a new Xbox One S coming out in August and Xbox Scorpio next year.

    • But at very different price points, or more expensive than this deal. You pay for the upgrades, if that's your thing, great.

  • +2

    You can also get it at the same price but with The Division instead of Rare Replay/Gears of War/Ori: https://ebgames.com.au/xbox-one-800791-Xbox-One-1TB-Console-…

  • Can't believe they're still bundling Swap Force with their consoles. That's two series ago!

    • +3

      One way to get rid of old stock.

    • +2

      Yeah I got Swap Force with my WiiU that I got over 2 years ago now.
      Pretty old game.

    • +1

      Can't believe they're still bundling Swap Force with their consoles. That's two series ago!

      Great stuff at $9 each when bought separately (and they have it for multiple consoles). I wish they also had Skylanders Giants at this price. Me and the nephew would like that. It's good to find these oddball bargains, especially for late-comers to the franchise.

      • +1

        I'm not sure Giants was released for the Xbox One. You can get the Trap Team starter kit from JB for $20 but new, or second hand for around $15 at EB.

  • +1

    Everyone is going crazy for 4k, but seriously, 1080p is beautiful when matched to a 1080p native resolution device. I play on a 65 inch Sony 1080p, and I still say further than 2m out someone with 20/20 vision can't resolve pixels, so with that setup 4k is more or less pointless.

    • +2

      Yeah I was strongly considering a 4K TV when I upgraded but then I did a bit of reading and at 55" and 2ish meters away theres no way I'd notice the difference, and I'm a resolution nazi.

      • I don't care too much about 4K at the 'mo, but the fact that the soon-to-be released version of the console will be 40 per cent smaller is an important plus for me. I'm happy to pay a bit more to get an Xbox One (or PS4) with a smaller footprint. Lots to fit into the home theatre these days!

    • Blu-Ray movies don't even have 50% of the pre-recorded disc market in 2016. I think that speaks volumes about what the masses are feeling.

      The transition from HD to Ultra HD is going to be a very (very) slow one indeed. The tech is amazing (I always felt video was moving way too slowly while digital cameras were "ultra HD" many years before video.

      I'm not paying-up until all of these are common-as-dirt (and cheap):
      * 4k video cameras
      * 4k TV broadcasts
      * 4K TVs
      * 4k games
      * 4k consoles
      * 4K recorders

  • New deal from JB. 1TB with 4 games (Quantum Break, Alan Wake, Battleborn and Halo 5) for $379. Depending on what you're after, it's probably better than this. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/253139

  • +1

    Great bundle! Lots of exclusives, that's the way it should be!

  • Not being able to upgrade the hdd yourself is a joke. I tried putting a 2tb in mine, thought it worked initially, but everything is misbehaving.

    • I tried putting a 2tb in mine, thought it worked initially, but everything is misbehaving.

      As in, removing the drive from the console itself or simply plugging in a 2TB drive externally?

  • Changing the internal drive. Physically it was fine, but couldn't transfer the OS properly.

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