This was posted 8 years 8 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] (Pre-Order) Battlefield 1 - $59.49, Watch Dogs 2 - $53.73, Titanfall 2 - $57.57 - (Digital Keys) @ CD Keys

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For those that really like to pre-order! Who knows, these prices could form a benchmark for future deals as well :)

Should be able to get 5% off with a Facebook like

Battlefield 1 PC

Pre-Order - Key will be available on or before 21st October 2016

Watch Dogs 2 PC

Pre-Order - Key will be available on or before 15th November 2016

Titanfall 2 PC

Pre-Order - Key will be available on or before 28th October 2016

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closed Comments

  • i swear the price went up for the BF1 pre-order - saw it for $50 last time.

    • My new top dollar for any Battlefield game is $4.49! :D

      • Hey big spender!

  • +9

    Considering how bad Battlefront and Watch_Dogs 1 ended up being, whoever preorders the games listed here are very brave.

    • +1

      This is Battlefield, not Battlefront. Just have to see the popularity of BF4, and then the popularity of the BF1 trailers to know that's a non-issue.

      • +5

        Battlefield 4 took about a year to come out of beta! When people stop buying unfinished games EAs revenue will drop. They will have to release a better product to get sales back up. While people keep throwing their money at glossy adds for an inferior product they wont change.

        Just skip one big title, that's all it takes. Unless you are happy paying to be a beta tester.

        • +1

          I play the 'wait for steam sales' card. Last two years the only game I bought for over 30 was FO4 since I thought that'd be up to snuff and worth it. Nope. And I'm still quite backlogged in games to this day :P

        • +1

          Well, i bought NFS 2015 at full price and see where it went.. Just after 2 months of PC release, they stopped the development and already stated to create a new game next year when the current game is considered as "unfinished game" by most of the players

      • +1

        BF4 multiplayer was complete garbage on release. By the time it became decent you had to buy DLC to find games. Never again EA.

        • +1

          Or you just by the Premium version from the Origin Mexico store when it goes on sale.

        • +1

          Destiny multiplayer was complete garbage on release. By the time it became decent you had to buy DLC to find games. Never again Bungie.

          Hmm, sounds familiar… :P

        • @StewBalls:

          Possibly? I have no interest in that RPG thing.

        • @PainToad: Destiny is a FPS dude…

        • Yeah k, wasn't personally affected as I didn't play it, but I remember the stories. Point taken :)

        • @StewBalls:

          Isn't it a FPS MMO RPG by the ex Halo guys?
          Not a traditional FPS?

        • I had no major problems with BF4 multiplayer since launch day. Yes, it did crash to desktop occasionally, but it wasn't happening so much that it made the game unplayable.

        • @PainToad: You could be right there, so I suppose it's neither a traditional FPS nor RPG, somewhat of a Chimera! ;)

        • +1


          I had no idea what a Chimera was. Glad I Googled it! lol

      • EA DICE (who are making Battlefield 1) were also the developer of Battlefront. That said, you bring up BF4 which was even more notoriously broken on release, much to the frustration of everyone who pre-ordered it.

  • So many good games coming out this year. I'm probably one of the few that loved WD…. with mods of course ;)

  • Experience a captivating single player story. TitanfallĀ® 2 features a single player campaign packed with action and inventive twists.

    Nice to see some devs have learned their lessons; MP is all well & good for some, but there's still plenty of gamers out there who want a campaign.

    • Same with SW Battlefront, apparently they almost had the single-player ready, but time constraints meant it had to wait till SW BF2. Hopefully that means it's polished!

      • Kinda makes Expon's comment even more salient though…all it takes is enough people to not buy crippled shit & devs might start doing things right first time around.

        • And for people to not vote Labour/Liberal, and for people to not buy $1/L milk… the list goes on. People suck :P

        • +1

          It is not the devs at fault, it's the publishers and the people up the top that makes all the shitty decisions.

          I can imagine what it's like to be a dev working at EA

          Devs: Based on player feedback and posts on social media, an overwhelming majority of players dislike Day 1 DLC, in-game micro-transactions and expansion packs that cost more than the base game and divide the online community.

          EA Games: But we can't refute the fact that DLC makes up for a lot of sales and therefore, profits. In-game purchases are also pretty much free for us to provide and has 100% profit margin.

          Devs: That is true, but gamers are starting to catch on and they will get sick and tire of the franchise we're working on.

          Ea Games: Put in the Day-1 DLC and micro-transaction store. Or, pack up your things and leave the office.

          Devs: ….sighs

        • @Spackbace:


          • Your friendly political corrector
      • You can only polish a turd so much !

  • BF1 key would be standard edition key I assume? Pretty good price really, but not gonna bite this time. I got BF4+premium for like $60 on release via Origin Mexico, hoping for something similar.

  • +1

    Going by the last few battlefield games and battlefront i thinking im going to pass on this one.
    Was really disappointed with battlefront. felt like i was playing battlefield just with different skins and heroes put in.
    Might be interested in titanfall 2, that was good fun.

  • +2

    Don't pre-order Ubisoft, that just encourages them to release unfinished games.

    • +4

      They do finish it. Sort of. But they have a habit of over-promising and under delivering. Like dangling A-grade Wagyu steak right in front of your face, but when you finally order it and get it delivered to your plate, it turns out to be a meat loaf.

      And for those who haven't seen the infamous (or famous) Ubisoft downgrades video on Youtube.

      The video game industry has gotten way too soft on misleading everyone and putting out broken, unfinished products because they've known 'all sales are final'.

      • They aren't though. You can get your money back 100% of the time for this very reason of deceptive advertising, alone.

  • +8

    Pre-order Watchdogs 2

    Hahahahahaha…. nah.

    • +1

      It does feel like a moral victory that it's not in the top 10 best sellers on Steam, where Watch Dogs 1 was somewhere in those numbers for the better part of 9 months. I enjoy it when people learn lessons about publishers.

  • +1

    Just a friendly reminder, real friends don't ever let their friends pre-order. Not even once.

    Two of the three listed games here were among the biggest ever AAA release flops of all time & there is nothing to indicate their follow-up's will be any better.

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