We need to replace the fridge due to age, need and replacement kitchen.
So far we have not found suitable one size fridge.
Do you see any disadvantage in buying 2 fridge freezer combo's. We were thinking of one top mount freezer and one bottom mount.
The need is everyday use in one frige and the second frige for replacement/storage use and overflow of items such as surplus seasonal or garden fruit and vegetables till freezing, or preserving ect and later in week usage items of meat, milk and wine if allowed.
Due to health issues daily use of bottom mount is difficult for one of us thus this can be used for longer storage.
The benefits as I see them are no need to buy a stand alone freezer, better management of fridge and maybe better use of power, less opening of one unit which requires less cooling capacity rather than excess in haveing a larger frige which will have greater access as the smaller second fridge. There is cost difference as two drives and same size larger unit is less than one large fridge and supplementary stand alone freezer.
Any comments will be appreciated and please go to town with your views of this strategy.
In theory, a larger fridge will be more efficient than two small fridges as it has larger thermal mass, but I reckon in practice it won't matter much for a family size fridge/freezer.
I think from an energy use stand point your set up should be fine if you buy efficient appliances. You can probably get a better price for 2 medium size than one huge too.
We have a large fridge/top freezer plus a stand alone freezer. Saddest day of my life was when I came home from holidays to a blown fuse and thawed freezer.
Compare some energy star usage figures and you will quickly be able to see if the difference is material.