This was posted 8 years 8 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Swap 'n' Go 8.5kg Gas Cylinder $19.85 at Bunnings Warehouse


8.5kg Gas bottle exchange - swap and go.
Not sure when it started or ends

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Just wondering if anyone used this service before? Is it just a matter of bringing one of my empty bottles down and swapping it over for a new full one? Is the Bunnings bottle refillable elsewhere if need be?

    • +1

      Yes. Just swap and go. The bottle will be refillable elsewhere.

    • My local Bunnings and Matilda don't seem to care about what the bottle is. But my local 7-Eleven is very particular, so I don't go there anymore.

    • They'll even take out of date bottles.. its pretty cool!

  • +2

    Where's the best place to buy the bottle itself?

    • If it's your first time they just give you one (I'm pretty sure). I can't quite remember, but you can definitely just get it from them, maybe there's a small fee?

    • +2

      Just go to your local tip and get an old gas bottle for free, they usually store them seperatly so the can be professionally recycled. The refiller tests and can restamp expired bottles.

      • Just be careful with and check you are allowed to take it first. The tip near us has signs saying no removal of stuff.

        empty bottle go on gumtree for about $10

      • -1

        How do I find out where my local tip is?
        I live in Sydney and a quick Google search turns up with nothing useful…

      • Most swap-and-go places won't take expired bottles - I've tried it.

        • +1

          I took a decade old bottle that was rusted as to Bunnings and they didn't even look at it twice.

        • @flipfire: I know where I'm going next time ;)

  • Damn - just swapped at Mitre 10 … they were more expensive than a servo! Great price.

  • -5

    if I inhale this will I get high

    • +6

      Your body will remain, your soul will be high.

    • It's a bit dark right now, come closer, inhale this cigarette and find out…

  • +1

    My local Bunnings has stopped looking at dates on the cylinders and now looks at whether the nozzle is in good condition and that there is no rust. So, even if you have really old cylinders they should be able to swap them as long as they are in a good condition. YMMV

  • +1

    Not Swap N Go, but there should be local places (servos or hardware shops) that will refill 9KG for under $18.
    Just gotta keep an eye out for them.

    • Yep, servo around here refills them for $13
      … not sure how they measure/weigh how much they should put in as it looks dodgy as when they do it but I swear to God I never had a bottle last so many bbqs in my life!!!

      • Wow, I haven't seen anyone do it for $13 in a long long time!

      • Connect both your bottle and their tank together until the gas starts spraying out. That's how it's done everywhere I've ever been.

        • Saw that happen once… but they left it overflowing for a little while as I was waiting for a pump to free up..
          Saw a guy walk out of the shop, then light a cigarette as soon as he was outside…
          Yeah… I was outta there quick smart lol

        • @SuiCid3: Yeah, the dodgy bit I mentioned was the ridiculously intense smell of gas and the guy receiving phone calls like he's a drug dealer in the 90s

    • +1

      yep theres a few around near me which will refill 9kg for < $18..

      only will consider swap in Go if my gas tank needs a face lift.

  • -2

    The promo price will last until the 19/05/16 it will then return to $22.98.

    • +2

      Its the 8th June 2016 now….

    • +1

      My fingers are too fat for my phone. My apologies. The promo price will last until the 19/06/16!!

    • Edit: 19/06/16

  • Are the 2Kg ones they sell on the site swap and go as well or just the bigger ones? Looking for something to take camping

    • No they are not part of the swap and go programme and will have to filled at a servo or similar. The swap and go bottles are 3.7kg and 8.5kg.

  • Swap N Go: You have to buy the first bottle. Bunnings for inst has the prices for both swaps and new (full) bottles usually displayed at the cage. The real value with Swap n Go is that you need never have to get the bottle re-tested nor throw away.
    Servo's around Perth charge around $28, Bunnings was a little less, Masters $22/23. I think Bunnings are running this promo to get people back in the habit of "just go to Bunnings".
    For smaller bottles I found BCF pretty good (3.3 Primus bottle, $13). Used to have some 10kilo bottles in Darwin I could get filled and be charged for an 8.5/9kg

  • +1

    I have never used this service for the simple fact that I want my bottle to be my bottle. Not swapped. It saves them time because refilling is already done. So it's cheaper on their end.

    I want my bottle to remain mine.

    • +1

      Until it's near expiry, then swap and go and continue as before.

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