This was posted 8 years 8 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Rainbow Six Siege $29, Assassins Creed Syndicate $29, Far Cry Primal $39, The Division $49, Kirby: Planet Robobot $44 @Target


Target catalogue is up, more deals in link :) Starts Thursday

Vodafone Samsung Galaxy J1 Mini 4G $119 (Includes $40 Starter Kit)
Far Cry Primal PS4/XB1 $39
Rainbow Siege PS4/XB1 $29
Kirby: Planet Robobot 3DS $44
Assassins Creed Syndicate PS4/XB1 $29
The Division PS4/XB1 $49

Related Stores

Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • +6

    Thats a great price for rainbow six

    • +1

      It is and the Starter Park is now $15USD on PC


  • +1

    Awesome, was gonna buy The Division for $64 tomorrow! Will wait another day, thanks mate!

    • +2

      same ! finally at $49

  • Excellent. Was gonna wait until the Big W sale to get Kirby for cheap, but now I can just price match for even cheaper, sooner.

    Cheers. (Shame there's no mention of the amiibo, but Target seems to be phasing those out anyway.)

  • +3

    Gee Far Cry Primal seems to have bombed

    • Yeah interesting, I didn't think it was that bad (never played it tho)

      • I guess it hasn't tanked as bad as Mad Max - I haven't played either game, but I know some people say Mad Max isn't bad at all…

        • -2

          Are you surprised that a Movie-turned-Game flopped?

        • +4

          Mad Max is pretty great. Shame it didn't do well enough to get some story DLC.

        • +2

          I enjoyed Mad Max the game, only bought it as it was so cheap. Turned out it is good.

      • +1

        It is a cool concept for a game, however, got a bit repetitive with some of the missions. Worth picking up cheap on Gumtree and playing over a weekend and then flipping it again.

    • +1

      It looked like another FarCry re-skin, I got bored of FC4 myself let alone bothering with Primal. Blood Dragon I loved after FC3 because it was so different and had an awesome soundtrack though.

      • Yep, FC4 sucks and quite boring. Bought it the other day with Zombi combi at $20. IMHO, Zombi worths more than FC4. So not very interested in Primary any more.

    • I think it did quite well in sales actually. Its a great game, very original… same sort of Far Cry formula but at least Ubisoft took a risk on the setting. Definitely paid off IMO.

  • Is this a good price for AC syndicate?

    • Yes, it's the cheapest i've seen for a new copy.

    • +2

      tempted by this but it's just gonna be the same as every other AC game isn't it

      • The core mechanics of it is the same, yes, but it was the most fun story of all the AC games so far for me, plus a few fun new things. They just need to learn to pace themselves with AC releases.

  • Anyone know of the current player base for Rainbow Siege on PS4? I won't bother getting it if no one playing (or get it on PC instead)

    • Can't comment for PS4, but on PC I am getting games within a minute or two regularly.

      IMO FPS games like this should be played on PC with a mouse. However, the benefit of console is no hackers. Either way this game rocks and is well worth it for this price!

      • true thx, I will ask over at /r/PS4 if anyone knows too

        • try the whirlpool thread for the console version. personally suggest just getting the $15 pc version, as usually the 4-7 operators will suffice until you get bored of the game

        • @Pacify: where do you get this for $15 on PC?

        • +1


          steam, but its in usd, so its actually $20 to be fair.

          Also unlocking operators becomes very slow on the starter version after you get to like 6 or 7, like several times slower than the full edition

    • +3

      Not 100% on exact numbers but I find games on PS4 in a minute or two and there is a good number of people with mics which helps massively in game. Definitely pick it up at this price, one of the most intense shooters I've ever played.

      • my bf is obsessed about this game, hes spent wayyy more time on R6 compared to the division, which i thought was supposed to be the epic game of the year :/

        • The division sucks after end game

        • "which i thought was supposed to be the epic game of the year :/"

          According to who? The Division was the biggest flop of the year, typical Ubisoft promising the world and delivering nothing. No idea why people still trust that crappy company

        • @Pacify: i dunno, i dont play it personally but when it came out everyone was going nuts for it.

        • @kza2610:

          Typical pre-launch hype machine. The hype nose dived at the fastest rate I've seen for quite awhile

        • @Pacify: yeah i did hear there were a lot of hackers for it??? he said he wasnt going to bother playing until they updated to get rid of them!

        • @Pacify: oh thats right now i remember. When i was returning the division at eb games and the guy asked why, i said my bf prefers r6 and he gave me the weirdest look and said 'reaaaaally??? Thats a very unpopular opinion, this is like the game to own' i was like um yeah ok..

    • Pretty good. Wait times after the last patch are around 1min or less. Don't play ranked unless you have a mic

  • +2

    It's a shame that Target don't sell PC games anymore. But great deals on those on console.

    • +1

      They likely won't be doing console games soon either…

      • +1


      • From what I heard Branded products will still play a vital role in Target unlike Kmart where all brands were removed bar the powerhouses like LEGO & Some other toy brands.

  • Thanks OP been holding out on getting R6 waiting for a deal like this

  • sigh at that rainbox 6 price drop, this is why my bf shouldnt shop without using my 28 degrees card.. at least i can claim something back for division. <3 price protection

  • Kirby: Planet Robobot 3DS $44, win!

  • Target not stocking Kirby: Planet Robobot + Amiibo bundle?:(

    They did with Chibo-Robo.

  • Buy Kirby: Planet Robobot 3DS for $44.

    Pick up the Kirby series amiibos later when it eventually drops to half price.

    Unless the 3DS game & amiibo bundle is selling for around $50.

  • Looks like there is no Rainbow 6 on PS4, went into Target in Brisbane city as well and none, that sucks. I would have expected it to be available online?

    • +1

      Ask FB Target to load more online

  • Picked up AC Syndicate at Canberra City for $29. Heaps of copies left and sale price was not advertised.

  • Anyone had trouble price matching with EbGames? I went to my usual store, and person there refused and said he has to check with "physical stock" of nearest store, he checked and their were out of stock even though Target was "in stock" Online. This never happened to me before i never had problems price matching with ebgames

    then later i went to another ebgames which was a little bit further away and the girl there just said "ya sure" and price matched.

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