This was posted 8 years 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nintendo eShop Anniversary - Up to 50% off 2DS/3DS/Wii U Games


to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the eShop since it first started back on 7th june 2011
nintendo is having a massive discount sale up to 50% off a list of eshop games for the 3DS / 2DS and wiiU
the sale starts on the 10th june and ends 23rd june - all of the details are in the link
the list of eshop games receiving special discounts are listed below (thanks to user durd for updated information)


a huge thanks to (australias best nintendo community) for manually calculating the prices for each game :D
a link to their site about the discount sale is here (admins please allow this source reference link)…

please understand some of the price discount calculations might be slightly off
WiiU discounts
50% off

Art Academy: SketchPad – Was $49.95 now $24.95
Child of Light (Wii U download software) – Was $19.95 now $9.95
Metroid Prime Trilogy – Was $26.00 now $13.00
Super Mario Galaxy 2 – Was $26.00 now $13.00
Donkey Kong 64 (Nintendo 64)- Was $13.00 now $6.50
EarthBound (Super Nintendo) – Was $10.40 now $5.20
F-ZERO (Super Nintendo) – Was $10.40 now $5.20
Kirby’s Adventure (NES) – Was $6.50 now $3.25
Little Inferno (Wii U download software) – Was $9.99 now $4.99
NES Remix (Wii U download software) – Was $13.00 now $6.50
NES Remix 2 (Wii U download software) – Was $13.00 now $6.50
Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) – Was $6.50 now $3.25
Super Mario World (Super Nintendo) – Was $10.40 now $5.20
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64) – Was $13.00 now $6.50
Super Metroid (Super Nintendo) – Was $10.40 now $5.20
The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (Super Nintendo) – Was $10.40 now $5.20
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) – Was $13.00 now $6.50
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance) – Was $9.10 now $4.55
Toki Tori (Wii U download software) – Was $2.60 now $1.30
Trine 2: Director’s Cut (Wii U download software) – Was $19.99 now $9.99

30% off

Cube Life: Island Survival (Wii U download software) – Was $11.00 now $7.70

25% off

FAST Racing NEO – Was $22.49 now $16.85
Nano Assault Neo (Wii U download software) – Was $13.00 now $9.75

Nintendo 3DS
60% off

Zen Pinball 3D (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $7.50 now $3.00

50% off

3D Classics Kirby’s Adventure – Was $9.00 now $4.50
Colors! 3D – Was $9.00 now $4.50
Dillon’s Rolling Western – Was $15.00 now $7.50
Kirby’s Dream Land (Game Boy) – Was $6.00 now $3.00
Gunman Clive (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $2.50 now $1.25
Pokédex 3D Pro (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $19.50 now $9.75
Pokémon Link: Battle! (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $10.40 now $5.20
Pokémon Trading Card Game (Game Boy Color) – Was $6.50 now $3.25
Pullblox (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $9.00 now $4.50
Shin Megami Tensei IV (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $26.00 now $13.00
SteamWorld Dig (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $11.99 now $5.99
Super Mario Bros. (NES) – Was $7.50 now $3.75
Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) – Was $7.50 now $3.75
Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) – Was $7.50 now $3.75
Super Mario Land (Game Boy) – Was $6.00 now $3.00
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Game Boy) – Was $6.00 now $3.00
The Legend of Zelda (NES) – Was $7.50 now $3.75
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (Game Boy Color) – Was $9.00 now $4.50
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Game Boy Color) – Was $7.80 now $3.90
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Game Boy Color) – Was $7.80 now $3.90

25% off

Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $4.50 now $3.35

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +3

    I could have saved myself 9 dollars

    • haha FeelsBadMan xD

  • +4

    Vooks seems to have some prices.

    • thanks durd ill update the information :D
      **actually i jst noticed its only really for the wiiU games
      they still havnt done it for all the 3DS ones

  • Cheers I will def be checking this out

  • +19

    If you're going to copy and paste my prices (which I manually looked up and calculated) can at least get a link in the post?

    • +6

      ohh goddam im so sorry yes

      • +1

        Thanks dude.

        • +1

          i updated it with your information is that ok?

        • +1

          @Taipan20: All good. :)

    • +4

      Appreciate your site, Vooks!

  • is mario kart included?

    • +1

      No. Its not on the list. That is the full list.

    • +1

      Is it ever?

  • Do not think this is correct

    25% off
    FAST Racing NEO – Was $22.49 now $11.25
    Nano Assault Neo (Wii U download software) – Was $13.00 now $7.50
    NES Remix (Wii U download software) – Was $13.00 now $7.50
    NES Remix 2 (Wii U download software) – Was $13.00 now $7.50

    • ok ill fix it thanku :D

      • I believe nano assault and fast racing neo are 25% and the NES remix games are 50% if that helps :)

        • are you sure? cos i jst want to put all the correct information :D

        • @Taipan20:

          European prices show Below. I have just gone by that

          NES Remix – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
          NES Remix 2 – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
          Nano Assault Neo – Sale price: £6.70 (was £8.99) / €7.49 (was €9.99)
          FAST Racing Neo – Sale price: £8.20 (was £10.99) / €11.20 (was €14.99)

        • it might be different for us in aus dany not a direct conversion of EU prices

        • @Taipan20: Na I stuffed up, should be correct now.

  • Some one 1v1 me in Mario-kart you will be walking home… But you would be able own me in super-smash i cant jump for some reason!

  • +3

    Sweet. Cheapest I've ever seen Super Mario Galaxy 2. They still want 40 bucks for USED copies.

    • It was that price at eShop launch too. SMG1 never got that price so I bought it last week at full price of $26.

    • Wish I could somehow buy these (I don't have a Wii, I play all my Wii games on Dolphin).

  • +5

    JB has 10% off on eShop Cards too now. Unsure if EB does too.

    • +1

      Is that currently on? They never usually advertise those.

      • +1

        Saw a poster in store yesterday.

    • +2

      Apparently EB Games has them for 10% off too.…

      Awesome deals. I only just plugged in my new WiiU from that Target deal a week back, and was looking at the store literally last night. Glad my inner ozbargainer got the better of me and I cheaper out because I thought the games were too expensive.

      • Thought it would, it's a Nintendo Promo I believe, looked too official to be JB only, they often do it around release Windows, and they've had some of late (Kirby this week I believe).

  • anyone have a deal on eshop prepaid cards?

  • Are DLCs included?

    • This is the list, so no.

      • +1

        Oh damn. Was gonna rock up on fire emblem fates DLCs

  • +2

    Aww yisss - time to spend the Eshop cards I bought when EB had their last sale on

  • +1

    I can remember that Pokémon Trading Card Game was the worst thing

    • What. That game was pretty great!!

    • That game was great!

    • It was great, just took forever.

  • Seems like the same games they always have on periodically sale.

    • The virtual console titles are rarely on sale, usually only a promo price on release. The other stuff yeah…

  • +2

    The Nintendo Wii had far more classic virtual games on its eShop than the Wii U did.

    • +1

      Hence another reason I like original Wii more

    • +1 Agreed.

  • -2

    cough freeshop cough

  • +3

    Metroid Prime Trilogy for $13 is a steal.

    • Was this price on launch I believe too. Awesome games.

  • -2

    S U P E R M A R I O!! [NOT Balotelli!]

    • Doot, doooot, doooot, foot, doooot,doot. SUPER MARIO !

  • +6

    Don't forget to sign up to, you'll get the gold point reward value of the games' regular price (not the sale price, so double what you pay) which you can use to trade in for more games/discounts!

  • I can't buy online?
    I need to do it through the console?

    • +1

      Yes, I believe so. Unlike Sony and Microsoft they don't show prices or allow purchasing on the web

      • They do now, but it is still to launch here.

        • "Nintendo: keeping up with the times"

          One day we'll have accounts not tied to consoles and consider using "the internet".

          Picking up Steamworld and Zelda for sure :D

  • If you do not own the Metroid Prime Trilogy, please just buy it :) Best bundled game series ever, imo.

    • i would buy it and fast racing neo but i dont own a wiiU :(

      • $16.85 for Fast Racing Neo?

        People might want to rethink that in terms of value :

        • +1

          theres more to value than just length of time to finish it kid
          the focus isnt on a single player epic story its a racing game
          all racing games are about multiplayer, time trial scores and local play

        • @Taipan20:

          Haven't gotten into a racing game since Burnout 3 on PS2 though.

  • How do you put credit on your account?

    • +1

      in the eshop you can add credit or you can get an eshop voucher from a retail store like JBHIFI, eb games, kmart, target, big w, or harvey norman and redeem the code

      • Can we add credit like $10.40, or does it have to be in certain denominations ie. $10, $15 etc?

        • +1

          you cant add a specific value of credit but you can purchase each game and it charges that value on your account
          eg if the game is $10.40 it charges you $10.40
          also yes u can add denominations of value

    • +2

      not all of them the list is like half and half
      alot of games on the eshop are virtual emulator games
      fast racing neo was released in december last year
      ppl are posting cos its the 5th anniversary


  • +1

    Everyone should RSS vooks to be notified of eshop deals

  • +1

    I purchased The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) for the Wii U a few days ago…

    I must say that I'm not impressed with how the game runs on the Wii U, a little bit disappointed. Seems the run quite laggy with a crappy refresh rate.

    Gave it like 20mins of game play and then exited the game never to return. (Zelda OoT is an amazing game! It just that it doesn't run good on the Wii U)

    You just cant beat the console it was made for with a good CRT TV.

    • +1

      3ds one is good

      • Yes! Both OoT and Majora's Mask is fantastic/even improved version of the games for the 3DS.

        Both are actually designed for the 3DS button arrangement unlike the Wii U version. What where the C-Buttons on the N64 is the right hand joystick on Wii U. It's pretty dumb.

        • If you really want to play on the big screen, project 64 runs the original game perfectly. Get a usb n64 replica controller from ebay and you're good to go

  • As a part Zelda fan, part ozbargainer, what titles should i buy in this sale? What's at its cheapest ever?

    • +2

      50% is the highest ive seen for any game on the eshop ever
      the ones that are really worth it would be
      - Child of Light
      - Metroid Prime Trilogy
      - Super Mario Galaxy 2
      - Donkey Kong 64
      - F-ZERO
      - Zelda: Ocarina of Time
      - Trine 2: Director’s Cut
      - FAST Racing NEO
      - Zen Pinball 3D
      - Dillon’s Rolling Western
      - Gunman Clive
      - SteamWorld Dig
      the rest are just not worth wasting money on

      • So no Zelda games? (OoT not v good on Wii U). I will probably get the Metroid trilogy.

    • +1

      Don't bother with Zelda: Ocarina of Time. See my above post.

      • Thanks, I have it on 64 and 3DS so that will do (:

  • +1

    Yay for SMT 4, Persona lovers move aside for the glory of Lucifer

    In summary: (some naughty words)

    • +1

      Man this was my post…. i didnt even know you said this…referring to my comments below hehe

  • highly recommended

    Shin Megami Tensei IV (Nintendo 3DS download software) – Was $26.00 now $13.00

    Not available physical release in Australia just USA.

    So this is your only chance of playing this.

    If you into Perona 4 then this game your will def enjoy.

  • Before you start negging, I have owned Nintendo game consoles since the NES & Game Boy.

    This is an okay deal but not a great deal (for me anyways).

    Whilst there might be some decent bargains for those that are after the titles that are on sale, it seems paltry (in terms of quantity and possibly even variety) compared to what's on offer for the Japanese eShop sale:

    Most of the titles on the Japanese eShop have been previously released to the west, but for some reason it hasn't been released our the PAL eShop

    The PAL Wii U/3DS eShop titles are (still) lacking (compared to the Wii/DSi shop/VC library and also) in comparison with the JAP Wii U/3DS eShop (can't comment on the content of the US Wii U/3DS eShop because I don't own a US console. I do own a JAP Wii U & 3DS).

    Might pickup NES Remix, but this sale could have been better (even though the PAL eShop doesn't that have that much variety) :(.

    The joys of living in the PAL region. :'(

    • +1

      nintendo doesnt care about australia even tho we have a nintendo australia here we still get (profanity) hard
      also the censorship nintendo does to their game is fukking ridiculous we get the worst versions like fire emblem fates etc
      i agree the list should be at least 3x larger :D

      • +1

        Nintendo is a family friendly company, thats there target audience. The "censorship" is just them catering to their market. Alot of that Japanese stuff doesnt fly to well in the west, and they tend to be careful as these games are aim at a younger audience.

        They've been "censoring" stuff since the 90s, this isnt anything new outside of phony outrage, manufactured by the internet.

  • Geez, the normal prices for old virtual console games are a tad expensive.. considering they're the same games that were on the Wii virtual console. Not bad with the discount though. I remember I completed the Wii Connection Ambassador Program all those years ago and got the whole Nintendo library of virtual console games for free.

    • +1

      They were the same price or more expensive on the Wii Virtual Console.
      - NES games 500 points ($7.50)
      - SNES games 800 points ($12)
      - N64 games 1000 points ($15)

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