Saw this at BigW Canberra Centre. Around 8 copies left. Maybe National Wide since I ask the staff to look for the Diablo3 UEE for me, then it showed $10 on the screen (matched the previous deal) but unfortunately out of stock. Can't go wrong with $5 Titan Fall.
Titanfall Xbox One $5 at BigW Canberra Centre ACT (Nation Wide?)

Last edited 06/06/2016 - 12:15 by 1 other user
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multiplayer story mode believe it or not.
I sort of wonder what the community is like. Since its an xbox console exclusive you got no choice… there HAS to be some people still playing it.
I beleive the DLC is all free too.
Community is pretty dead but I hopped on a month or 2 ago and still managed to have a blast. Basically only 1 game mode is populated though, so not a lot of variety and still not a full of players, but there is always NPC bots in every round so always things to kill
So we can join a game filled with bots everywhere and shoot them?
Since its an xbox console exclusive
Actually, it was released on the PC (via EA's Origin), Xbox 360 and Xbox One and I don't there's cross-platform multiplayer either.
Pretty much - They're not difficult bots but still something to kill. They're not the same characters as actual players, they look like robots
So which means we need XB Gold to connect to the server, then maybe host a game with bots, lock the room with password, then enjoy the "online-multi-single-shoot the bots" mode? lol
No solo player mode at all (let alone offline). Hope this isn't starting a trend
If enough gamers vote with their wallets, it will become a dying trend soon enough. I doubt EA will give up on the idea just yet though considering the success Star Wars Battlefront has had.…
The Aussie servers aren't heavily populated, with Attrition usually being the only available game mode. These days I usually play on the US servers and all game modes available. (and the lag isn'y too bad).
Lots in Brisbane CBD.
they also have a great selection of Bratz games for PS2 on the next shelf.
How much were the Bratz games? Surprised to see them in this day and age.
can anyone confirm if this is nationwide ? im in VIC :)
I believe so. Why not give them a call and find out?
whats the player count like ?
Silly question, is this game for online multiplayer or also has a single player story mode?