Another huge price drop, what a ripper of a deal. Full credit to HUKD once again.
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Another huge price drop, what a ripper of a deal. Full credit to HUKD once again.
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Came here to warn people of this… you cannot play it out of the box and it requires a massive update first…
There is no box, this is digital…it's 100% 'update'! ;)
You might be thinking of Halo 5…my physical disc copy of that travesty came with a ~60GB update! :/
HAHAHA… Yes, yes, yes! now I see my stupidity! Even as a digital download code, it is still a massive game either way.
@Agret: I got it with ODST as well (It came free later though) It would have been nice to only download the one you wanted to play at the time.
And I'm still afraid to put my halo 5 disc back in… I played it through and have missed the last few updates…
@pegaxs: does the Xbox not do background updating? On the ps4 it updates your games while the system is in standby.
@Agret: Yeah, you can set it to do that… But on my internet, it's still a big chunk of time to download…
If there is two updates, it wont update again until it boots, Killer Instinct is the vain of this… 25GB download if you dont play it for 2months
may well be the best value in gaming ever
Tempted to buy this & onsell my disc version, just to save swapping it out whenever I want to play.
That's not such a bad idea. I'm tempted to do the same
For a brief moment I read the title as Halo: The Master Chef Collection …
Glad I'm not the only one.
You get the sense if it follows the price drops of other XBONE games that have followed a similar path in recent weeks, it will be about $8 in about 3 weeks time….
no it wont lol
Why are you so sure???
coz common sense
Well I will have a friendly wager it is no more than $11 within 6 weeks.
That would follow the price reductions of other XBONE games on in recent months.
@GreatWhiteHunter: what other games? i had a look through the site while i was there and nothing else stood out to me as particularly cheap.
Assassins Creed Unity and Black Flag have followed the same price path that Halo Collection is.
Both are less than $8 now.
Erm not sure how I lost??
Six weeks has to pass before we can determine if my prediction is right or wrong??
coz common sense says your prediction is wrong.
StewBalls does too.
And Futurama.
Common sense eh?
Well let's see in 6 weeks time…
Is common sense like religious faith ??
Is common sense like religious faith ??
Umm, yeah exactly nothing like it IME, but each to their own I suppose…
I didn't neg you either BTW, probably Master Fnog & Leela! ;)
@Forrest Gump: Hey guys the price is still falling on this title
So much for your Fools Gold "Common Sense"
It's a sad day for the halo community
Why's that?
It's great for the Halo community… more people playing this game.
Was the matchmaking still never fixed?
I still play matchmaking games every now and then. It's good if you got the bug to play some classic slayer.
Not fixed very well.
Can you elaborate on this? I've been considering getting it but paying for an xb1 and Xbox live when I already have a ps4 and have to pay psn is a sizeable investment
@Agret: it works sometimes but with long wait times because nobody else is playing it online anymore.
I wouldn't buy it for more than the campaign.
@XCOM v2:
Well it still seems to be a bit broken. The issue is you could never tell if it was broken or nobody was playing it, that was the issue. But because it was broken for so long, nobody kept playing it meaning the numbers are lower because of that delay, so kind of can blame them for that too.
@RI4V4N: There's always a game of Slayer going and big team battle is still pretty popular to. The only time it's difficult to get a game on any of the playlists really is when the Americans are all asleep.
Source: I play about 5 hours a day.
Bought at $20, drats!
This still worth it. I paid $70 and still think it was a good price. This is a great bundle.
Do you have to install all at once?
Yes, its an amalgamation of the 4 games not 4 seperate programs you so can't install piecemeal.
You can pause the download/install on your console at will though, if bandwidth/quota is a consideration.
Thanks. My 500gb is full. Might get a hdd
@mlburnian: *your ~ 320 GB is full
just get a usb 3.0 1TB portable, wait for one to appear on ozb for about $70
Cheers OP.
That Facebook code doesn't work for me. Any trick to it?
Just bought … how does the code come through?
Great price