This was posted 8 years 9 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1KG FREE Lindor Balls to 1st 100 Spending $10 at Lindt Harbour Town Gold Coast QLD 27th - 29th


Just seen this on the local news. Link above also explains it.

Be one of the first 100 people each day to spend $10 in store at the Grand Opening of Lindt and receive 1 Kilo of Lindt Lindor Balls.

300KG up for grabs in total.

Opens tomorrow 9am.

Related Stores

Lindt Australia
Lindt Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Pretty sweet deal!

  • +4

    Melbourne store should do same deal to help celebrate the qld store.

  • +4

    Sydney stores should join the celebration too.

  • +2

    Queues will be longer than for an new iphone lauch…

    • +3

      yup…for insulin!

  • +1

    I reckon I could do a kilo easy. love those balls

    • +3

      love those balls

      Careful you don't get quoted out of context…

    • +4


  • +1

    Holy shit that's alot of lindt

  • OzBargain meetup?

    • +3

      Nope, it requires a purchase…

      • 10/100=0.10. 100 OzBargainers meetup and all chip in 10 cents each in order to get free balls?

        • 100 OzBargainers meetup and all chip in 10 cents

          and get 10g of lindt balls each…

        • +1


          Thats 50% more balls than I currently have.

        • @jv:

          That's not even 1 ball each

  • +3

    Free diabeetus!

  • Omggggg yes

  • Their plan is to tell everyone they are the 101th. Sorry no free gift for you.

  • ZOMG, so much want! I wonder if I can make it there in time & withstand the crowd-induced anxiety to score a free kilo… I'd really love to grab some balls! 😉

  • Wish i was in the area, i miss those pastries, cakes,

  • How many balls in a KG?
    I'm only 5 minutes away and although I don't eat chocolate they would make a great gift for someone.
    Maybe I should camp out tonight…

    • According to this, a ball is around 12g each, so about 83 balls in 1kg.

      • +1

        Very accurate. I weighed them on my own scale.

        Re stocking up - I know you're not supposed to but put them in the fridge and freezer. I like my chocolate cold so it doesn't bother me, but they do keep longer.

        Get the black ones! They are the yummiest :)

      • but doesn't look like 83 balls!

  • I wonder if the store will sell any bargains normally. It's at harbour town which is an outlet shopping centre but it seems more and more stores are just selling at normal retail price.

    • Probably not.
      They have a warehouse sale every Easter in some random area. You have to google it.

      I know at the discount shipping areas in my area food stores sell at normal prices

    • They also have 50% off pick your own pick and mix gift boxes for the qst 2 weeks tòo.

  • Does anyone know where the store actually is? I mean, it's a huge shopping centre and it's not yet listed on the centre directory or map.

    • According to the link, "Lindt Harbour Town Gold Coast will officially open its 163 square metre retail chocolate shop inside the new north-western mall on Friday 27th May 2016 at 9am.'

  • Holly molly! One kilo! That's a lot of quality chocolates

  • Killer deal!

  • +1

    I cry a little inside as I upvote the deal I would so get if I was a queenslander. Eat some Lindt for me guys!

  • How's the queue looking outside?

  • Staff members are common around with plates of Lindt balls to placate the queue. The staff member I spoke to said she started at 8:30 and the line was quite sizable then.

    Also said the value of the 1kg is $80

  • +1

    Today's supply of the 100 bags has been exhausted.

  • +1

    This is 1Kg of lindt balls.

    $5 note and pedometer for scale.

    • +1 for the pedometer. How about a sugar testing kit too?

      • I'd be in too much of a diabetic coma to use it.

  • I need Lindt chocolate like i need a hole in the head.

    • To put the Lindt chocolate in?

  • Anyone know what time they open tomorrow? Also is this down the strip where boost juice is (old car park for Bunnings)

    • +1

      It's opening at 9am both Saturday and Sunday. It's on the northern end of the center. This was the first time I've been to harbour town in many many years, so can not describe its location relative to anything else I am afraid.

    • +1

      Yes - its around the corner from the new Kathmandu. So head north from Boost, about 3 "blocks" of shops, til you go as far as you can, then turn right.

      Opened at 9am this morning (Sat) and 10am on Sun.

      I got up there at 7.40am and was 32nd in the queue. So if you're going up on Sun to get the free bag, I'd probably get there about 7.30, no later than 8am. I'd imagine the queues will be worse on Sun.

      • Thanks Lina. I was gonna line up today and realised I would just binge eat it all so decided to go to gym instead.

  • Any OzBargainers there today?

    • Yeah, according to the girl that's been running down the line counting I'm number 65.

      • Many behind you? Save me a spot and I'll shout you your $10 haha

        • Yeah there a few behind me

          Dare say there would be riots to queue cutting

        • @SilentDissident:

          Sweet cheers. No worries, wouldn't want to be murdered on holiday lol

        • @Shaw:

          We are at the back, worked out 100 is about 5 in front of us. Might squeeze in.

        • @SilentDissident:

          Head over to Universal next door after and grab something cheap and get a free bag off the wall. I spent $4 and got a $20 gift card.

  • I got up there at 7.40am this morning and was 32nd in the queue. So if you're going up on Sun to get the free bag, I'd probably get there about 7.30, no later than 8am. I'd imagine the queues will be worse on Sun.

    They give you (the first 100 people) a numbered raffle ticket as you go in the door, so once you're in the store you can take your time looking around. There will be a pretty big queue at the cashiers, but as long as you've got your raffle ticket you will still get your free bag.

    • Sweet, we got in around 8:30 and just missed out by about 10 people. Seems like the Hardcores piled in first and then a bunch came along steadily afterwards.

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