I've noticed a trend of multi outlet USB chargers popping up and given I've got a number of devices nearby my desk that are USB powered; Raspberry Pi, Bluetooth Speaker, and charge even more devices than before - Motorcycle helmet, Bluetooth headset, mouse, torch, cellphones I've grown curious.
At present I shuffle around cables to keep everything charged from a Xiaomi powerstrip with 3USB ports onboard. However it's quite a noisy unit and leaves me a little concerned about it's safety and longevity. I've seen the Tronsmart unit on sale recently but it also had reports of noise coming from it. Has anyone got something with high current and quality they can recommend?
I use a Aukey PA-T1 5-Port USB Wall set up and only buy Anker micro/lightning usb cables. I'm aware it is cheaper but was concerned with overseas stock in case of fires so wanted local supply. No noise, reliable and excellent quality.
I've caught my kids (both under 4 y.o) using the usb cables as skipping ropes and other silly things and still works perfectly.