This was posted 8 years 9 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

See "La Bohème" on May 25 at The Melbourne Arts Centre for $1 (Normally $65), Sale Starts May 25, 10AM (100 Tickets)


Similar to this deal, Opera Australia is offering 100 tickets to La Bohème for $1 each for the 7:30PM May 25th performance. You must go to the Arts Centre Box Office in Southbank at 10AM on the 25th to get your ticket. Tickets to this show start at $65 so this is a steal.

  • Tickets are limited to two per person,
  • Cash sales only (no Paywave!)

I know nothing about opera however I have heard about La Bohème. It's a very popular and long running (120 years) performance that's performed worldwide (referenced in Frasier on occasion).

PDF Press Release

Again tipped off from our Instagram friend curiousxcharlie.

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Opera Australia
Opera Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    Melbourne, what a pity. I would line up early in the morning even if my tiny hand is frozen. ;)

  • +1

    Missus will be very happy if I manage to get a couple. Thanks OP!

  • What time is everyone coming? We'll be there 9.30am.

    • +12

      9.30 am? By God, you'd be the 2000th person in the queue! Once a deal has been posted on OZBargain, you'll have to be prepared to take do anything to secure the bargain.

      Well, I am bringing in a sleeping bag, which I borrowed from my neighbour 5 years ago and never returned, and will start queuing from 01:00 AM…on 24/05/16.

      • +1

        For a $65 ticket people sure seem to do a lot. You could work an extra 2-3 hours and just pay for it.

        • +2

          Remember, we're on a forum named OzBargain, where every dollar counts! :P

        • @silverrat23: to be exact $64 (every $$ count)

      • Ooh, ok maybe 7am then :P What's everyone's record for waiting? And what was it for?

        • are you seriously going to go at 7am?

        • @nnolan: The office is a couple blocks away, so could always stay overnight. Though it seems like a lot of effort…

    • Try to be there by 6:30 am. Even then, I doubt you can secure your tickets since this promo has now posted on Ozbargain.

    • If u wanna know how hot stuff is once on ozb, check out the uniqlo heat tech tops, always gone in 30 seconds, I'll be lining up at 4am I reckon!

  • +1

    I saw this show a week ago. Really excellent.

  • Misread…deleted

  • Will Louis Winthorpe III be there?

    • No, but I hear Billy Ray Valentine might make an appearance in his place

  • +2

    Saw this about a week ago. Not an opera buff but quite enjoyed it. Recommend reading the synopsis before you go, if you score a ticket.

    • +1

      Good advice!!! I saw similar opera things with my GF who loves them, I had NO IDEA what was going on… you had to know the story first and then enjoy the re-creation of it.

      • Exactly. There's one point in this opera that's a bit difficult to read the surtitles and follow what's happening on stage, but if you have an idea of the plot it's more enjoyable.

  • Given that anyone rural would likely need to organise transport, accommodation and meals to enjoy the Opera I can understand why this promotion is organised to benefit City dwellers. In the country we're far to busy working for slave wages and mortgaging the future of our farms so the toorak tractor drivers wont have to spend a cent more on the ejaculate milk froth that sits atop their cappuccino.

    • +7

      La élection, premiering free on July 2. Discount snags available at intermission.

  • are people joking about getting there hours before 10am just to secure a ticket to the opera ? wow….

  • +2

    remember: only 100 tickets, so that's basically the first 50 to line up. too easy to count when you arrive and give up.

  • +1

    I'll pay someone $20 per ticket to line up for me from 5am.

  • Tickets all gone. Any ozbargainer managed to get one??

    • +1

      Yep. Got myself a 265 dollar seat. 2nd row on the Circle.

      • Wow. Nice work. What time did you line up?

        • +2

          I was in the city before 7, did go by and take a look first. Was actually abit lost as they had a sign saying queue up by the Kingswalk stairs behind the NGV fountains. This sign later disappeared altogether and people just line up at the box office. In any case didn't go line up til 9, by which time there were about 30 people in line. People trickled in over time, and by my guessimate 9.30 or 9.40 people should have gotten tickets as well.

          I think I got a good/pricy seat because I only wanted the one, since there were a group of 2 to my right and group of 3 to my left tonight.

          But looking at the seat map/pricing for Saturday (which I assume is the same as today), I would imagine most tickets were in the 100+ range. Only the ones way at the back are 65 bucks.

        • @garratt torlesse: I didn't end up going, due to past experiences with lines overall. Regret not going this time though! Hope you had a great time! :)

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