This was posted 8 years 9 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[AU PSN - PS Vita] Persona 4 Golden $14.95 AUD


I believe this is the lowest price that Persona 4 Golden has ever gotten in Australia (in Europe, it's the first time it has dropped to 10 euros). Considering that NIS America doesn't do sales as regularly as Atlus does in North America, this is a pretty good deal, especially for a game considered to be a must buy for the PS Vita.

Also good if you want to get to know the Persona series in the lead up to Persona 5 (although that's releasing on PS4).

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I have this game. Played for 4 hours and I just don't understand what's so great about it V_V

    • -2

      It doesn't get any better after four hours

      • +3

        It does. I'd say the first 5 hours are slow and then it just all clicks.

        • This is true.

    • You only need to understand one thing "Different people have difference preferences" and…….. that's about it. Excluding objectively terribly-made games, of course.

      • yes that's right not everyone can enjoy the same game.

    • +1

      The first four hours is nothing but text.
      It gets a bit better but I like the demon negotiations of mainline Shin Megami Tensei better, plus the grittier atmosphere.

    • I completely agree. I don't understand all the hype about it. I've played about 14 hrs now. The characters are great and interesting and I love the colour schemes and art style… Just the gameplay isn't much to write home about… Dungeons are drab and uninteresting and the whole "go attend practice" to see a small cutscene has a lot of lost potential I though. Could've at least chucked in a few minigames to keep it interactive

      • you can find sort of minigames in the sub-stories if you interact correctly with classmates or citizens. gameplay wise, remember it's from PS2 game.

      • Maybe it's just not your thing.

        If you aren't the kind that likes watching cutscenes or reading text, it's not going to be for you.

        I notice you have a strong preference for interactivity, and I would suspect the entire JRPG genre is not going to be your cup of tea.

        • It's weird. I love jrpgs and I can play through ff4, ff6, ff10, chrono trigger over and over again. I think the fact that personas over world has 10 or so locales that you traverse through over and over again sort of ground me down. That said I'm persisting given the story and characters are pretty gripping

        • @mirun100: This isn't one of those. You're an every day student, not some hero in a fantasy world.

          Just like in real life, you aren't going from one big place to the next like a nomad without a home. You live in a house, and experience every day life like a real person. That's what makes it different to every other RPG, and that's why you revisit the same areas over and over.. because you do that in real life.

          The social links are the best aspect of the game.

    • OMG - this is the best vita game in exsistance.

      did you manage to do the turn based fighting… didnt that do anything for you?

      • Yeah, the fighting is great, monster designs are sick and the strategising is on point. Dungeons suck. They suck hard. Btw I'm watching the animated series as I'm progressing through the game and wow that anime is seriously well done.

  • +5

    Its one of those games that you either love or hate. For me it had me hooked from day 1. Played it for about 6 hours a day for a month. Fantastic story, gameplay etc. Definitely one of the best games on vita.

  • +5

    I can confirm that this is the lowest price in Australia to date according to PS Prices. Everyone who buys digital Playstation games should bookmark PS Prices. This link is to the AU region and you can change to other regions in the top right corner.

  • Bargain

  • Keen to try this out but I don't have a vita. Anyone know the best place to get one?

    • +3

      2nd hand. find the OLED model, better screen than the LCD model.

      • -4

        That is debatable. My lcd looks better than my oled

        • +3

          It's not debatable. It's a fact.

        • -3

          Sharper maybe but the color representation is much worse and so is the vibrancy.

        • @Agret:

          Each to their own. My lcd looks brighter and yes sharper (possibly the oled has degraded over the years)

        • +1

          Your correct about the lcd being brighter, not about the sharpness though, that is only perceived by our eye due to the other factors like brightness, they both have the same sharpness in actuality. Basically lcd is brighter while the oled has deeper blacks and better colour accuracy. Colour accuracy does not mean brighter colours, lcd has brighter colour, but the oled is more accurate and vivid, aka each colour of a shade is distinctly better represented while lcd is more indistinct between the colours. So the oled is clearly the more reference display, but that doesn't mean you can't prefer the lcd if only for being brighter, it does help a lot in a bright environment, the oled is a bit hard to see in a sunny car for example. Still for me it's the oled all the way, but I'm an image quality buff.

        • -2

          @TRANCE: for some reason I got negative votes for saying that but I guess people do not understand the differences in the screen technology and how they represent color. LCD will last longer and be brighter though.

          I still think OLED is slightly less sharp than LCD because the pixels are not as defined, it has a slight blur from the production materials compared to LCD. I might have to read up on it though, could just be me tricking myself from comparing it on Android phones.

        • If anything the oled will have less space between pixels, which ironically might make lcd look sharper due to our perception playing tricks. As for motion blur, that is another big reason to go for oled. lcd will blur during fast motion while oled won't.

        • @Agret: You have got a negative vote because you said something ignorant and still claim that you understand the differences in the screen technology.

          OLED is generally sharper and can achieve higher contrast ratio than LCD. OLED have an even spread of light across the picture due to each pixel cell being lit individually. By contrast, Brightness of LCD won't be even as it has backlights and that's why you always see some greyish tint around edges of LCD displays. Only con of OLED is the endurance because of short lifespan of blue pixels. Best Display on the smartphone market is whatever is on the latest Samsung flagship and exactly same display was used for the first PS Vita which I still have today. I know many people want to believe OLED isn't the best display since their phones don't have OLED. I mean I do love my HTC M8, but never claim that so called SLCD(which is a gimmicky term for IPS) on my phone is better than OLED on the latest Samsung flagship phones.

        • @Agret:

          After is right the OLED screen doesn't last that long. My oled is 3 years old and the screen isn't as bright anymore and it just look as good as it used to.

        • @TRANCE: yes that is exactly what I mean when I said OLED is less sharp because in LCD the pixel is more defined in terms of you being able to see the individual pixels. This gives that jagged edge look which is equated as sharpness because the screen has more spacing between pixels. It makes the overall picture less defined on an LCD.

          Motion blur is virtually nonexistant on OLED but that's not what I meant in terms of "blur". With perception on a flat image you won't see the edges of things so sharply defined on OLED, it will look much nicer than if you were viewing on an LCD because OLED shows a "smoother" image as you don't have such big gaps between the pixels.

          @Motor89: OLED is definitely the best screen technology and I can't wait for the production costs to decrease so I can get one as a PC screen. I would never argue LCD is superior in any way except lifespan (which has been made much better on newer OLED technology)

        • Dark scenes look a lot better in OLED than LCD which cannot turn off its backlight in black scenes. Those scenes just look bad on LCD. This is true of TVs and monitors also.

          OLED can turn off individual pixels and the light is built into each pixel. Not only is the contrast better and it's easier to see what's going on in dark scenes, it saves energy because pixels and their lights are being turned off.

        • @lostn:

          No not really. The slim has better battery life thanks to the screen.

          Also the oled screen degrades quicker meaning that it is less bright. So in dark events it is actually harder to see! My oldOled is quite a bit darker than my slims

        • @Circly: I meant OLED vs LCD in general.

          I have no idea about the LCD Vita.

          I have not experienced any degradation. My OLED phone which gets a lot more screen time than my Vita still looks as good as it always did.

          It will degrade but it is rated to last the realistic lifetime of the device. Similar to how SSDs have a finite number of write cycles. It does, but it will not die before you replace it naturally.

          Maybe you've just got a dud? I've played my Vita for over 500 hours and I haven't noticed any degradation.

          My lcd looks brighter and yes sharper (possibly the oled has degraded over the years)

          They are the same resolution and size so I'm not really sure how.

    • -1

      I got the Vita TV off eBay for around $100, pretty good for RPGs :)

      • Gumtree is your friend. Got my OLED vita for a steal off that.

  • +1

    Some of the best music I have heard in 30 years of gaming.

    • +1


      If you told me it would have jpop with english vocals, I'd have told you, no thanks. But it works so well and I love it.

  • got a vita from dicksmith for around $92.

    don't think this game is for me though

  • +1

    Pretty much same game as the original P4, except additional character. If you have already played the original game, there are not many things that can get you excited about. The game itself is a perfect example why JRPG is so interesting, but also can be extremely boring at the same time.

    I bought PS Vita initially only for this game and paid good $30~40 for it a few years ago and I think this is good price for a solid game such as Persona 4.

  • +2

    Apparently this discount is permanent, due to NIS America & Atlus's partnership termination. Also being permanently discounted:

    • Dragon’s Crown (PS3) - $12.95
    • Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord (PS3) - $12.95
    • Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (3DS) - TBA
    • Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (3DS) - TBA
    • Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers (3DS) - TBA
    • Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (3DS) - TBA

    The 3DS price drops will come this Friday.

  • This game had everything I didn't know I wanted.

    FF7 was my first JRPG. I'd played RPGs before but nothing like this. It got me into the JRPG genre, and I played lots more, looking for the next FF7, but none of them were able to live up to it. And eventually I started noticing a pattern. They were all very similar. You're some farm boy with no memory, and your village burns down in the first act, and later when your memories return you find out you're the chosen one from the prophecies and it's up to you to save the world. And yeah, been there done that.

    I was so jaded with the JRPG genre. I wanted something new and different.

    Little did I know, it already existed. Someone recommended me P4G. This is very different. I'd played many JRPGs before, but nothing like this (very similar to my experience with FF7). You're a student in modern day Japan, living a school life, and balancing school with work, and social activities. Decide what you do with your time, club activities, part time job? Or just choose who you want to hang out with or date. It doesn't sound all that appealing on paper, but it's unique and really really good. There's no game like it. The only game I can think of that's like Persona 4 is.. Persona 3.

    Even the music. Vocals in music? For an intro or ending, or maybe one special song mid way, sure. But for every main area to have vocals.. and in english by a Japanese pop singer? No way that would work.. right? But it's extremely charming and I love it.

    It made school life seem so fun. It made me wish I was a student in Japan myself. It's far more interesting than school over here.

    It also contains the most endearing cast of characters I have met in any RPG. They have every day issues that you can relate to. These characters are un-fantasy-like, and very normal.

    Everything about this game, if you tried to sell it to me on paper, I would say, no thanks. There's no way I would want to play an RPG set in the modern day real world. Does not appeal to me. But in practice, it gave me everything I didn't know I would like, didn't think I would like.

    It is on par with FF7 as the best JRPG I've ever played, and it is the best game I've played in at least the past 15 years. Since this game I've gone and played Persona 3 and all the spin offs: two fighting games, a dancing game, and a cross-over Etrian Oddysey style dungeon crawler. Because I couldn't get enough of the characters.

    I loved this game, and you should too. But I say this with the caveat that you like RPGs. If you're the kind that hates watching scenes that are non-interactive, this isn't going to be for you. If your main interest is shooters or action, then no matter how glowing the reviews are, you won't like this because it was not made for a wide audience but a very specific audience. I would say the same of Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Good reviews but definitely not for everyone.

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