Some very nice price drops and the cheapest delivered prices in Australia.
Will be dispatched from PC Byte's Sydney warehouse. Enjoy :)
Some very nice price drops and the cheapest delivered prices in Australia.
Will be dispatched from PC Byte's Sydney warehouse. Enjoy :)
Hi. You haven't stated if your purchase was from PC Byte? Which sale are you referring to, and have you tried contacting us? Please PM me your order number and I will chase this for you.
Francesca is good, they'll sort you out :)
From your eBay store ordered on 10May.
Well that narrows it down.
I have no idea how I can help you unless you contact us. As above, please PM me your details. Thanks
I have contact you vs eBay a few days ago but they asked me to wait until Friday (today) but still nothing show up.
Just PM you.
@francesca2148: Hi Francesca, i ordered one and chose to pick up 3 weeks ago but i haven't had time to get to PCByte office yet. Can i pick it up in 2 weeks from now?
128GB should be $45 now !!
They are under that now, just not with Australia tax.…
Waiting for Samsung to bring out the 200gb/256gb micro sd card. Got my 128gb Evo last year during one of ebay's 20% off deals for around $81 :(
Yep, same here. Need to juice up the SGS7 with as much as possible. I know the 256s were only released last week but if anyone knows where they can be had for less thean RRP then please let us know.
I just bought an S7 too! But the specs say it only takes max 200gb. What would happen if we put in a 256??
I've read/heard splatterings of rumours that 256Gb cards will in fact work however I can't find anything substantial about it sorry. Either way, if the price was right I'd still go for a 256Gb card and just use 200Gb worth… but only if the price was right ;)
The S7 obviously supports the SDXC standard where card capacities can go right up to 2TB. As such I don't understand why there would be any artificial limitations imposed (unless they are software limitations, but software can be updated).
This 200GB idea only got thrown around because at release time it was the largest card on the market.
@cainn: YES! My thoughts exactly however I still can't find any clear proof of it working even though the cards have been available for a week :(
If history has taught us two things about this, they are these two things:
1) most people wont really believe it is possible until they see some first-hand success reports, regardless of how much talk there is about the necessary specifications having already been met
2) it is generally always the case that modern devices that utilize the latest technology support memory capacities that are larger than those available at the time that the device comes to market
And there's really just no way that the S7 will be an exception, particularly with Samsung talking up the benefits that their new 256GB EVO+ card will bring to smartphone users:…
Note 2 things: they mention VR, and when talking about other uses for all that capacity they specifically mention a 4032×3024 resolution for 12MP photos, which is exactly the resolution of the images that the S7 puts out by default (but not the exact resolution for all 12MP cameras).
I think the only reason they don't explicitly mention the S7 is because they're just not aware that there are a bunch of people out there suffering from S7 SD card support paranoia :)
A good point, and I keep thinking its simply marketing people telling the IT boffins 'no, just make it support xyz GB, we can make it support abc GB in the next version, gives people a reason to upgrade and increase our profits'.
@thehulk1969: Yep however 200Gb isn't the issue. We're discussing if the new 256Gb cards will work and appear as the full 256 or if it'll have to be split partitions or whatever. 200Gb is excellent but 256Gb would be mindblowing.
My point is, the S5 was only supposed to take 128gb, 200gb was unheard of at the time as is the current 256gb variant. If I was a betting man the 256gb should work.
@thehulk1969: Ah yes. Sorry, I misread and thought you were talking about an S7. Yhat was pre-morning coffee! Point taken and fingers crossed :)
Has anyone noticed a lag in the Gallery app with photos stored on the Sd card on the s7edge? I have an extreme San disk and it loads some photos so slowly to the point of semi freezing.. I have about 3000 photos in that album which didn't seem to be too much of a problem in my old s5. I was thinking a faster sd card would fix it..? Any ideas
@djdavy69: i cant offer any technical advice but i can say that my S7 does take a second or two to show thumbnails of my photos from the sd card. As i scroll down further in the album, i have to wait for them to appear from top to bottom. Im using a Samsung Evo Micro SDXC Class 10 UHS-I 48MB/s with over 5000 photos/videos on it. I cant recall exactly how it was on my S5, maybe it was a little faster? Memory is very vague though but it wasnt so bad that it was a problem for me back then or now either
Edit: i've been using my S7 for about 3 days and it hasnt frozen on me whenever i have accessed the gallery
@djdavy69: YES!!! There is something strange about using External memory in the S7. My S7 was riddled with over-sensitivity, freezing & battery drain problems from day one… so much so that I was just about to take it back to get it repaired/replaced. Funnily enough my wifes S7 (purchased at the exact same time) was fine so I thought I ended up with a major dud. Luckily the latest software update from about 10 days ago fixed everything except the occasional freeze problem and the battery drain was still an issue but not all the time. It was driving me bonkers… until I realised 'Media' was the culprit of the battery issue (whatever that meant). Looked further into it and discovered it was having major problems indexing the 128Gb of music on my 128Gb SD Card so assumed there may have been an issue with a corrupt file or something. Formatted the card in the phone (I have all my music on the NAS anyway so can easily copy it all back across) and bingo, both the battery drain problem and the freezing problems are now completely solved. It's like a completely new phone!
I put it down to a corrupt file sending the phone into a spin therefore killing performance and guzzling the battery plus the fact that the card was close to chokka block must've also been causing issues as it's now absolutely perfect! Seems as though the S7 Camera/Gallery rely on SD Card space even if you instruct it to only use internal memory, maybe for temp storage? I'm not sure. Strange thing is that the SD card I have in the S7 was 'as is' from my old S4 and the S4 didn't have any problems like this at all. The S7 must need a little bit of breathing room on the SD card so make sure you give it some. The ultimate test for you now is to format the SD Card in the phone and use it for a week. I'm 99% sure it'll act like a completely different phone so it's worth a shot. Either that or just use the phone without the SD card and see how it goes.
I'm now waiting for the 256Gb Samsung Evo cards to come down in price so I can carry around all my music plus still leave 128Gb free for other stuff… including whatever the S7 needs as an overhead. Should work nicely :)
Don't forget cashrewards gentlemen
and gentlewomen
I'm impatiently waiting for the Samsung 32GB Evo Plus to drop down to around $14 from a reputable seller.
Hint, hint, Shopping Express and PC Byte ;)
Hi Rep, would the above card in 64 GB be compatible with a GoPro Hero+LCD ?
Does it support 64gb cards? If so, then yes it will be compatible.
Thanks macrocephalic…64 GB is the maximum it will support.
"If yes, then yes. If no, then no"
I can confirm that "yes" :D
I'm using 3 Samsung 64gb for my Gopros.
Is the regular Evo fast enough for 1080P on the Hero+?
Yes, i have no problem using it for FullHD recording.
Awesome, thanks for that! Now I have a purpose for all these micro sd cards I keep buying… :)
Are Samsung Evo microSD cards the new eneloops? I already have 3x 32gb cards, which is more than I can use on a single day of photography, but I'm tempted to buy more.
Need a 128GB Samsung Pro/Pro+ (or equivalent, or better, in terms of WRITE speeds). Anything going?
I just took delivery of a 32GB card for $12.45.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (or as they say in the classics "Do not want!")
I support TA and PCbyte and I have posted deals from PCbyte before myself. I think the 128gb is not that cheap really. Just sayin'.I would go the Sansdisk 128Gb 80MB/s $64.75 The rest are good prices BTW.
According to this site, the 32gb samsung is faster than that 128gb sandisk:……
Is this good for 4k video?
Good timing TA! getting a couple cards to go with a couple dashcams - presents for the relos.
Damn that's good price
Bought a 32GB one. Did I need it? Probably not. What the hell.
Nice drop on the 64GB, wasn't it 29.95 a while ago?
You can get the 64gb $0.06 cheaper here:…
EDIT: They changed the price up to $24.99 :)
TA you may need to change the price to $22.89 for the 64GB. Found it cheaper from PCbyte other eBay deal :) and $22.90 HERE
EDIT: LOL the price changed as soon as I posted this.
Noobish question but can anyone confirm if this comes with the SD card adapter?
Why is the 128GB still so expensive??
Because not enough devices to support 128gb and hence it's still in a niche market.
What are u talking about? It is a software limit if not supported.
Are these permanent prices? Or how long they on sale for?
Thanks TA…finally have a memory card in every single device I have haha
Do these come with the adapters?
I bought my Samsung Evo from Futu on ebay and there was an sd card adaptor. I think they all come with one. Just not the usb adaptor.
I've bought 3 before from PC Byte and they didn't come with the SD adapter. :/
Oh what! The two that i bought looked exactly like this…
Awesome! just what I needed. Thanks TA
awesome just got a new phone and needed one of these bad boys thanks!
Can you please post real pics of the MicroSD card you have for sale?
Anything sold on eBay where pics have been retrieved from the manufacturer I don't trust
mine has been delivered. transferring music from my ssd. speeds ~10MBs
The one I ordered still hasn't arrive from the last deal.