This was posted 8 years 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Hungry Jacks 'Shake N Win' App - Free Fries/Coke/Frozen Coke/OJ/Espresso/Soft Serve/Wrap/Roll (Windows/Android/iOS)


FREE prizes are back on the Shake and Win app!!

  • Free Regular Fries
  • Free Large Coke
  • Free Regular Frozen Coke
  • Free Orange Juice
  • Free Medium Espresso
  • Free Soft Serve Cone
  • Free Brekky Roll
  • Free BBQ Brekky Wrap

Source is the staff online portal, so have to take my word on this one! :)
Don't forget this deal!
I'll post the new vouchers up asap once they're out

Google Play

Related Stores

Hungry Jack's
Hungry Jack's

closed Comments

    • +2

      Finally! Do you know the reason why it's back on eg. less customers using the shake and win app?

      • +5

        Do you know the reason why it's back on eg. less customers using the shake and win app?

        No clue, sorry!
        I probably get one S&W a shfit through the Drive Through, and they're always 241 Deluxe or Grilled!

      • +8

        2x Small Whopper Meals

        • Thanks, brilliant answer.

          I meant what was included as part of those meals?

  • +4

    The inability to access unless signing in on Facebook is a bit annoying
    But glad its back and re installed the app already

    • +1

      How else are they going to link your behavior to all your friends?

      • The app's post are banned from Facebook now anyway though.

  • Finally! I was getting all the time buy 1 get one free or cheap bacon delux, when i shake it in the suburbs. But when i shake it in Sydney cbd i get free things, once i got a free meal, talk about discrimination lol.

    • +1

      shake it in the suburbs

    • First shake in the burbs and I got a free regular fries!

      • You did now, so did i the other day. But nothing free in the past.

        • I used to get free burgers, now it's only free drinks or discounted burgers

  • +20

    Heres the new vouchers. As I said, I'll post them up if I get them first :)

    National Vouchers
    2x Muffins, Hashbrown and Small Coffee $5.95
    Small Sundae $1.95
    2x Cheeseburgers $3.95
    Chicken Crunch and Large Fries $4.95
    10x Nuggets and Large Fries $4.95
    2x Chicken Crunch
    2x Whopper Jnr & 2x Small Fries $4.95
    2x Small Whopper Meals $9.95

    Kind Regards,
    Your favourite fast food worker from a store that allows thumbnails!

    • +4

      Damn - check out those cheeseburgers and whopper Jnr meals!

    • +6

      Just when I was about to go on a diet…

    • +1

      Damn where's the grilled chicken?

    • -1

      "food worker" ?


      • +1

        He's Food, and he's working for us.
        Checks out! 🍔🍟

    • +2

      2x Whopper Jnr & 2x Small Fries $4.95

      This one tickles my jimmies

  • +1

    Nice theres a store just 1 min walk away from work…woo

    • +1

      A shake a day :)

      • +2

        2 shakes. am and pm ?

        • Long time since I used it (employees obviously can't) so you would know!

        • +2

          More than three shakes and your gyroscope is playing with itself again :P

        • I think used to be 12 hrs in between at least

        • +3

          "The App will only allow claimants to generate a maximum of one (1) Breakfast Coupon and one (1) Regular Coupon in any twenty four (24) hour period."

          Breakfast Coupon timeslot = 6:00am - 10:30am local time
          Regular Coupon timeslot = 10:30am - 6:00am the following day

        • +1

          On graveyard shift tonight…..
          Was thinking I'd go on the way before work at 11pm and try again in morning at 8am for brekky on way home.

        • @moooooooo: I tried it the other day. ie once for breakfast, once for lunch.

          Breakfast time slot, 8am worked fine (hash brown). Tried it again at 2pm and it told me I had already checked in for the day?

          Perhaps I needed to go to a different store for the second check-in?

        • @Tiggrrrrr:

          Still there at 2pm?

        • @Tiggrrrrr: Same, 'won' a $3 brekky which I didn't want. Tried to check in again after breakfast and still saying I've checked in. How to fix this? :(

        • @strangeloops66: Have you been following me?

  • They still haven't fixed the hanging/crashing issue on iOS. 😔

    • but its free

    • +1

      Looks like no physical app update. So I can't access them either on a Sony Xperia E4g.. It just freezes at the shake screen.

    • +1

      found a work around.
      turn on air plane mode.

      launch app

      turn on wifi connect to a local wifi "wile on airplane mode"

      turn off air plane mode.

      should fix the ios issue

      • +1

        Ah yes - enabling airplane mode prior to launching does fix it. Cheers!

  • +2

    There are no burgers this time around :(

    • Nope. Seems not.
      They sold out of of the 2-for-1s…..and $3 bacon deluxes lol

        • +1

          I think you're on the wrong thread?

  • Free is back! YES!

  • -8

    Marketing gimmick. No deal

  • Only Free Bacon Deluxe will be accepted

    • +1

      What about the Free Whopper Jnr?

  • +5

    if only they had these for McDonalds

    • +5

      The MyMaccas app doesn't exist anymore unfortunately……

      Free coffees, hashbrowns, Apple pies, etc

      • They might be coming back shortly. I forgot to uninstall their app "Macca's Prize Alarm" and these days I've received a few notifications saying "Pre Prod Test notificiation" seems like they are testing if the app is still working fine ;)

      • A senior McDonald's executive said a "re-launch of the My Macca's app is among their immediate plans".

        • You get free soft serve or mcbites for GE Survey……………………………………….how bout daht


  • +3

    According to the app T&C's, there's also the chance to win a Free Bacon Deluxe.

    • The app T&Cs never got updated after they removed the Free prizes last time, so maybe not.

  • No protein, no care!

  • +5

    OP's name checks out, thanks!

  • +3

    Good. As of a couple of months, all I'd get for breakfast was free hashbrown or free brekky wrap and hashbrown for $3… every time.

  • +2

    Do HJ stores have the right to refuse Shake and Win prizes?

    I ask this question as I have only noticed the HJ store at Westfield Southland Vic has printed signs saying that due to (BS I say) fake applications etc. that they will not accept any free prize or even a 2 for 1 offer.

    If HJ stores do not have the right to refuse a Shake n Win prize … How does one report them? Better still if anyone else has noticed the same at that particular store how can we all like spam head office over it.

    • +1

      Some of them just ignore you for 20 minutes to ensure it expires, they do it at Maroochydore alot

    • +1

      Ring HQ. Unsure on the terms exactly but they're on the web for all to see

    • The HJ store near me just disappeared off of the app one day.
      So I'm guessing that individual franchises have the right to terminate the offer?

    • The App will only allow claimants to generate a maximum of one (1) Breakfast Coupon and one (1) Regular Coupon in any twenty four (24) hour period.

      For maximum value get there just as breakfast finishes at 10:30 and get 2 prizes without breaking the T&C.

  • Guys you have less than 50% chance of getting something for free. The deal post is misleading.

  • No joke, over Summer I 'won' a Free Bacon Deluxe burger 4 times in a row of using the app, followed by a Free Coke the 5th time.
    (This was over a 2 week period.)

  • +1

    Hmm haven't tried for a long time, thought they adjusted the odds, does this mean they actually stopped giving out free items? No wonder I was only getting 2 for 1 everytime.

  • +1

    mmmmm free Food

    • +6

      Mmmmmmmm tdw

      • +4

        slobbers all over you

        • +1

          1-2-3-4 SockPuppets can drool?

        • -1



          Get a Room Guys

        • +1

          @Food: very much so. that's why i'm made of moisture-wicking material to maintain a cool exterior ;)

  • +3

    I had no idea the free prizes were gone
    My HJs kept honoring the free large cokes I've been showing them thus whole time?

  • +9

    If you live ~1km/20mins away from a HJ's, have and Android and want to go for a walk and grab a freebie do this:

    1) Go to Play Store, Download 'Fake GPS'…
    2) Download Shake n Win app
    3) Each time you have ~30mins to kill, open the Fake GPS app and fake that you are out the front of your local HJ's
    4) If it is a decent 'win' = coffee, burger combo etc, press YES and start walking!
    5) Pick up your freebie, Turn off fake GPS and return home
    = Daily exercise + freebie sorted!

    • +3

      You have truly put a lot of thought into this!

      • +5

        Some people are born to be cheap

      • +1

        You should see what I do with fuel, I usually get a $8-10 discount per tank

        • +1

          7/11 Rockingham :)

    • +5

      If you live less than 1km away from HJs, no need for the fake gps app.

      • +1

        But for those 1.5 or 2km its perfect!

      • Tried yesterday and couldn't check in until I got really close, even though the error said "no stores within 1km", so maybe they have lowered the radius.

  • -3

    Had a great android app where you could select what you wanted and it would fake the prize. Was designed pretty nicely. Anyone know if there's anything similar around?

    Or not in the spirit of ozb?

  • Wondering why I only ever got free sundaes and large frozen cokes. I never got anything free like burgers or nuggets :(

  • Tried yesterday and today, all get 2 for 1 coupon.

    2 for 1 is NOT FREE! :(

  • Hmm still only getting 2 for 1s here too, just my luck…

  • +3
    • +3

      I didn't even know mate! So stoked, will update!

      • Had exactly the same reaction thanks.

        • +1

          As a former WP user, I moved to Droid due to the app gap. Great so see a great app such as this come to Windows!

        • -1

          @Food: Yes, HJ is the best! If I could have any app from Andriod on WP it would be the HJ app!

  • dang, not compatible with LG G4

    • I've been using on LG G4 since last year. No problems with this.

      • hmm weird. Mine is a grey import maybe that changes things?

        • Taiwan version here… ..

          Free large coke today.

  • +1

    I want free burger…

  • The app updated with "new prizes" the other day; any additions or changes since this deal was posted?

    • I just now get an error like "There are no more prizes available" :(

      • Yep, gotten nothing except that error on the new version of the app. :(

        • Anyone able to update us to let us know whether they HJ's are finishing this promotion?

      • Same. Though only on iPhone, not on android phone.

    • Got a prize this afternoon so maybe they fixed it?

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