FREE: Appeal Your Parking Fines

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We've launched a service that helps you appeal your parking fines and is free for all Australians.

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  • +1

    link doesn't work?

    • +19

      Site was illegally parked, and towed.

      • +4

        Should be back now, towing company made a mistake.

  • +2

    Ozbargain Hug of Death

    • Dammit. You guys broke it already (hah!) - Hold tight.

      • Could you provide a description on how this site works? Does it provide free legal aid as in the case of

        • Sure thing, at face value it's a very similar model. We've also (for non NSW-SDRO) developed a simpler way to locate relevant council submission pages (effectively taking the pain out of locating where you need to submit a form) and provided more relevant circumstances for us here in Australia.

      • Is it running in the cloud? Surely that's where your heads are to have the guts to take on local councils.

        • It's running on hopes and dreams. That's the same thing, right?

          /edit - more seriously, try it out. You may be surprised.

        • or they are champions thinking of the little guys.

          Good luck. Hopefully someday you can take on the SDRO

        • @BKZ:

          Thanks for the support, we're actually really interested in broader traffic law and family law. Small steps at a time. Any feedback is welcomed.

        • @Echos: I've taken on local councils before over parking fines twice. Won the first time and didn't have to pay them. Lost the second time and had to pay an additional fee.

          In both cases I spent hours filling in forms, writing letters (emails) and attending courtrooms to put forth my case.

          In the end you lose no matter what if you value your time.

        • +2


          Try us out next time, hopefully we take the pain away from the mundane form filling and appeal writing. We've also done the research to make it easier when it comes to submission time.

        • @tommyc:
          Wow, good on you for trying to fight them.
          I think most people decide its a waste of time and just pay the fine.
          Do you think you will try and contest any future fines?

          I wish there were more people that had enough resources but sadly thats not the case.

        • @Hirolol: Yes I will if I think I'm in the right or that their signs were misleading, vague or their infringements unjust.

  • This looks more like a data gathering exercise to be honest.

    There isn't anything on this website which you couldn't find from a council's website or other forums discussing parking violations.

    OP - how long will it be before you buy your way into ACA with this groundbreaking venture?

    • +4

      Interesting comment, though I agree on your middle point.

      I do think your time could be better spent doing something else.

      Rather than spending the afternoon researching your relevant state law, applicable circumstance, turning that into an appeal, figuring out what supporting material you may need, and if you're not in NSW, navigating your intuitively designed local council's website.

  • +3


    I can't help noticing that one of the testimonals is "Great idea, I wouldn’t have bothered to contest my ticket before. – Matt from Sydney, NSW"

    And the attached photo is the same one, a mountain in Nepal, used on your twitter account. Matt, have you been quoting yourself as a testimonial for your own business??

    • Sorry is just a placeholder, appreciate it looks misleading

      /On second thought I'll the block down as they're all not valid

      • So I'm guessing James is your surfing mate, and Sarah your girlfriend/wife, you lucky bastard.

        • Actually that's pretty close… (he's not a great surfer)

          Thanks again for pointing that out.

          Any other feedback?

        • @Echos:
          Just "good luck" . Looks like a great idea, very useful in its current form, and I imagine you intend it to make use of user feedback.

        • @manic:

          Appreciate it. We do take user feedback very seriously and hope to use it to improve both the service, and the appeal success rate. Thanks again, Matt

  • Whats your business model?

    • I'd interested in exploring whatever works best for our users. I'll be honest, we don't have that yet. I'm yet to be convinced we've got the best service possible.

      Ultimately I'd be interested in exploring whatever works best for our users.

      • +1

        Will the site continue to run if there is no money to be made?

        • Yeah, or until I get bored? (unsure what will happen first)

          More seriously, we're keen to work with organisations like legal aid, who we suspect spend lots of their time answering queries which can be answered using platforms similar to ours.

          If there is value there for them then I'm sure we can figure out ways to keep it live for everyone.

  • I was a lawyer, still consult to some.

    If you want to monetise your site I reckon 50% of law firms would be all over it, especially if they could get in on a sweet deal. This is their bread and butter stuff that they love charging for. Just 2 cents worth, actually I'm a lawyer, that's my 2 units.

    • Thanks for the comment, for the time being we're focused on providing the best service possible - We've had some really great feedback about the stuff we can improve, so any and all ideas are welcome!

  • someone i know got a fine coz they were over the line, is that total bs and a reason to appeal or is it fair enough?

    • This one is pretty circumstantial - It'll come down to 'Was there a good enough reason to be over the line?'

      e.g was this person driving a vehicle with a large wheelbase? or did they perhaps have to park this way to avoid creating a hazard for pedestrians?

      More detail and I may be able to help

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