• expired

Logitechshop Is Back! Big Discounts on UE Earphones and G19 Keyboard $139! See Description Detai



[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi 220vi $29.95 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/Logitech-U.E-MetroFi…
[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi 220vi x2 $55 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/2-x-Logitech-Ultimat…
[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi 200v $49 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/Logitech-U.E-MetroFi…
[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi 200v x2 $85 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/2-x-Logitech-Ultimat…
[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi SuperFi4vi $69 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/Logitech-U.E-SuperFi…
[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi SuperFi4vi x2 $125 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/2-x-Logitech-U.E-Sup…
[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi SuperFi5 $95 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/Logitech-U.E-SuperFi…
[SOLD OUT] UE MetroFi SuperFi5 x2 $179 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/2-x-Logitech-U.E-Sup…
[SOLD OUT] UE 700 $135 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/Logitech-U.E-700-Ear…
[SOLD OUT] UE 700 x2 $249 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/2-x-Logitech-Logitec…

[EXPIRED] G19 $139 delivered: http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/Logitech-G19-Gaming-…

Only 2 of same items per paypal account is allowed.

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closed Comments

  • Missed out on the 220vi by a 1000 miles :( Been refreshing all last nite. Oh well.. Hopefully I get sent the m950 discount code…would like to get a new mouse for my laptop for gaming ^^ And no, I hate corded mice. Been using the mouse from my old pc, so my old pc has no mouse lol.. Can you release more earphones with mics prettypretty please? Ta!

  • +5

    No offense guys, but this deal was plastered on the walls for days.."6PM Sunday 6PM Sunday 6PM Sunday"……and then it still wasn't live until around 6:35pm……And people still have the audacity to cry foul as if the seller has done something wrong….will these same people have a hissyfit at a department store if there are limited quantities and they are late for the sale?

    A big plus for many who have said oh well I was late missed out …next time 99.9%, but the others…….
    How people change behind the screen…

  • bc or Livert

    what does this mean

    Representative for
    Fluidtek IT

    someone said u guys got taken over that true?

    sorry had to post again
    no response

    • it means that BC is ozbargain's rep for fluidtek and LTS.
      and i think you mean, LTS is a division of Fluidtek, and trading under their ABN or something

  • Logitechshop is managed and operated by Fluidtek Information Technology Pty Ltd A division of Fluidtek IT ACN: 113 418 296

    not that this changes anything
    but was this always the case??

    • Logitechshop as far as I understand was trading under Bestbuytek not long ago and was affiliated with Fluidtek (to what extent I don't know). It appears that there may have been a change at some point in the past couple of weeks and they are now a division of Fluidtek. BC has always been the rep for both although he was active only with LTS deals before.

  • Hi BC, what happened with our accounts from the old website? Was the data migrated to the new one, or all is lost and we all have to create a new account?

    • Yeah. New accounts need to be made since the introduction of the new site.

  • Just wondering, how long is the warranty with these earphones? I don't think this is mentioned in the website

    • Okay, I found the 1 year warranty period from the Logitech website, can I assume that this warranty also apply to the ones sold here?
      I am asking this mainly because of the price difference ($300 vs $135!!!)

      • they should cause they're an authorised logitech whole/reseller
        and im thinking these are at rediculous prices cause i have this feeling that they're going eol real soon, superfi5s have been out for a while now and with logitech nothing stays on the shelf for long before new ones come out

        oh and also cause these things are in more of a niche market so the markup on these things would be humongous to make an incentive for retailers to stock such a low demand product

  • Hi Bargaincrapt. Here is the transaction numbers (Paypal) for both orders placed on March 13 & 14th:
    Unique Transaction ID #********** (Date:14 Mar 2010)
    Unique Transaction ID #********** (Date:13 Mar 2010)
    Would appreciate if you could look into it and get back to me at your convenience. Thanks.

    MOD: removed personal information for security

    • +1

      kenwit if the issue has been solved you should consider revoking your neg vote.

      • Will definitely revoke my neg vote when the issue is resolved. Cheers.

        • Note that neg votes can only be revoked within the first 72 hours of posting it. Hope BC gets back to you tomorrow.

        • +3

          The matter in question has now been resolved . and understanding on both parties of where error has occurred . verbal contact has been made and all issues rectified .

          • +2

            @bargaincrypt: Thanks for your call bc. Really pleased that you looked into this matter, admitted that there was a system error at your end and offered a refund. Look forward to receiving your formal email and refund tomorrow. As promised, I will now revoke my negative feedback. Regards, Kenwit

  • +2

    Kenwit, I have not replied to your comment directly to allow you to edit the personal info out if it. For security reasons, I think you should edit out the transaction ID numbers. Instead, send an email with the info to [email protected] .

    I also hope the 2nd word was a typo. hehe.

    • +1

      Thanks Livert. Sorry, 2nd word is a typo, should have meant Bargaincrypt.

  • Meh, I only recently bought the Logitech Super Fi 5 for $320 at Harvey Norman after haggling…

    I wonder if I should purchase one from here to compare the quality…

    • That was costly mistake buying from Harvey Norman.
      I once saw the whole range of UE @ Bondi Junction HN.
      The prices blew me away.
      The UE 700 would be from $300(Apple store's pricing)-$400(Logitech's RRP) @ HN.

      • I've read through this thread, and there are a few people that said they bought the UE700 for $300+. Looking at static ice, the price starts from around $170~.

        Link: http://www.staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=ultimate+ea…

        Am I missing something here? If you would have paid $300 for it and would have bought it from HN, it looks like you are not looking hard enough!

    • How recently did you get it? What's their return policy?

    • buy this then return the unopened one to hardly normal? :D
      but of all places why HN u couldve gotten em else where for sub 200 easily

      • Hehe, that's a great idea. I regularly see opened and used items in Officeworks' bargain bins with the stated return reason as "not suitable". I guess that means you can return used stuff to them within a certain time period after purchasing the product. Anyone know if HN does this as well?

        • +1

          I think they give you 7 days as long as you have all the packaging etc. I returned my Belkin 54g router last week.

        • HN is not really known for service and returns - the sales people always make it hard. They ignore, grumble, makes lots of excuses and roadblocks. :( good luck though!

          • @hsf: They'll do that because their managers will instruct them to do so.

            AFAIK, for canalphones, you're chance of refund are zero because if it's used, its unhygienic for them to take them.

            • +1

              @grizz_li: no as in buy new ones from here then return the new ones and keep the old ones

              but dont they still have that 110% price beat guarantee? or am i dreaming?

              • +1

                @Trance N Dance: http://www.harveynorman.com.au/page/1255511667120/best-price…

                7 days. Probably too late. LTS may take 10 days for delivery too.

              • @Trance N Dance: LOL thats pretty shifty.
                Maybe they'll find out when the serial no. gets scanned while you're waiting for your refund when they process through their system.

                AFAIK the 110% is bs. I never succeeded in getting it even though we all know HN is usually the last place for bargains.
                If you read their disclaimer in the fine prints, its pretty hard to qualify. And even if you do, they'll reject your claims with crap excuses, eg. they aren't really HN, they're just a franchised HN dept. of HN. You'll need to take it up with the manager and enquire at the consumer affair commission.

  • you've gotta be kidding me!!! I dont go on for one day and i miss the 220vi headphones! FFS, all i wanted from you guys was something I could use with my iphone last time and I miss it this time! pretty annoyed. get more pleaaasee.

    • Hi oneflewnorth. Join facebook or twitter to get more of a heads up the next time a deal happens. The ETA for this one was announced over 24 hours in advance. Also, coupon codes for the M950 and Pure-fi anywhere 2 were released yesterday as FB and twitter exclusives. I'm sure there are plenty more deals in the pipeline.

      On a side note, turn on your personal contact form here. http://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/28221/edit . Want you to know something.

      • how do u join the group on fb? do u hav a link please?

      • ive been watching the facebook page but long weekend and all. ah well. ive turned on the personal contact form. thanks livert.

    • you're really rude.

    • User very late and no read :(

    • Welcome to OzBargain.

  • +4

    Hey what ever happened to the PROMISED Z5500 deal? i thought there was a large shipment coming in? That is the deal we all are waiting for BC.

  • Dammit was camping this weekend, so waned the 4vi. Here's hoping for a 5vi deal!

  • +2


    • It's hard to call 1000+ units low quantities…

      • agreed 1000+ units of each item for sale isn't low quantities
        hell i'd say 1000 of the metrofi's would be more than the total stock level of all HN nationwide combined for that item.

        and they have done sales like this before all of which had plenty of stock.

        and this has nothing remotely like a pyramid scheme. a pyramid schemem is where someone tells their "friends" about a something so that they pay them and in turn their friends tell their friends etc
        this is a real shop putting up a legitamite sale on their website, with plenty of stock

        sounds like baskinghobo is just pissed cause he/she missed out

  • How is Logitech U.E MetroFi 220vi compared to Sennheiser CX-300II Precious ??

    • metrofi should blow the cx300s out of the water

    • +1

      I've owned cx300iis and listened to metrofi 220vs (no mic version of 220vi)
      Sennheisers have a slight warm bassier touch to them, and I do prefer the cx300iis, but hey, the cx300iis dont have a mic.
      Both are very similar products.
      I think metrofis would have a shifted focus into the high-pitched area, while cx300iis overall sound very good, if you're not listening to high-pitched opera.
      Metrofi's do NOT blow the cx300iis out of the water.

      • I'll also add that I personaly find the cx300's to be comfier (I have both).

    • I'm pretty sure that the CX 300 II PRECISION are better than the 220vis.
      Now I'm not rich so I can't say that from first hand experience.

      But we're talking Sennheiser here, a company known for making quality headphones, microphones etc.
      The CX 300 II is no exception and I'm sure most of the headphone review sites out there will agree.

      E.g. 220vi: http://gdgt.com/ultimate-ears/metrofi/220vi/reviews/
      CX 300 II: http://gdgt.com/sennheiser/cx-300/review/1wq/

      In terms of the value though, 220vis wins hands down. Especially with this sale.

    • There is no point comparing the products from this deal with other brands from the same RRP range. There should be no comparison if you can get it at $29.95. I was on the same boat trying to compare UE700 with the Q-Jays (highly recommended by many reviewers), but after the huge discount down to $135, vs $260 cheapest I can find for the Q-jays, UE700 is a clear winner. :) Just get it if you can… (too bad there isn't any left :P)

      • UE700 is still available. Or were you referring to the 220vi?

        • Yep, I already bought the ue700. Just replying to HD post for his (pointless) comparison if the deal was still on. :)

          • @KiwiRoo: Well, that's like comparing a half price Toyota with a full price Honda, but if you really want a BMW, then the Toyota shouldn't change your mind :)

            Edit: And don't forget there is also a Mazda around: ATH-CK10!!

            • @SilverRanger: More like the other way around.

              220vi vs cx300 = Honda Jazz vs Toyota Yaris

      • You can actually get the CX300 for $31 on ebay. I got mine and they're 100% genuine.

  • Really hoping for a couple more to be released this arvo? Missed out on all deals so far :(

  • Poll by BC himself. Already pretty clear what the end result will be. http://bit.ly/NextDeal

    • +3

      lol, i think the z5500 might win…just :P

      • Hehe. Too close to call. Keep voting ppl.

  • +2

    Just got 2xUE 700! Bring on the z5500's eddie.

    • You may have bought the last pairs as they just sold out.

  • +2

    +1 on getting a z5500s deal

  • They are not going to release tonight as 2100hrs EST!
    Or will they do a midnight release????
    I mean does everthything have to be sold out first or even have the list up for 5 days and then new items list?

  • Now the waiting to get the parcels.

  • ordered the ue700. cant wait to get it.thanks for the deal

  • -3

    love it when mods remove my post when it had 4+…joke

  • -2

    Waiting for a good deal for Z-5500 . This one w/o the Z-320 would be ok http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/22798

  • +11

    i want to be a billionaire so fkn bad!

    • Voted most random comment ever, lol.

  • Can I ask what does "Awaiting Fulfillment" mean?

    (This time I've only used 1 question mark. Please don't remove it. There's already a slim chance someone will bother to answer such a mundane question. You didn't remove IgnitionS15's "i want to be a billionaire so fkn bad!" which was totally random and not even funny.)

    • it means Awaiting Fulfillment.

    • +1

      Its a Fair question ,
      The first process .
      Receiving the order
      Second Process
      Check , Confirm order meets Guidelines , Payment OK
      allocate stock to the order .
      Get order ready , Boxed , labeled .
      Until then it will stay in the following , awaiting Fulfillment , or awaiting shipment .
      So rest assured its in the process.
      And as clearly stated in the T &C of the sale , and the bargain here . Allow ten working days for the order to be processed and shipped .

    • I asked this question 2 days ago

      • Mine just changed to "awaiting shipment"

        • Mine too! =D

  • Just ordered a G19 Keyboard and tossing between Super.fi 5 or Super.fi 5 pro…Getting difficult :(

    • where are u getting the superfi5 pro? cause the pro have been eol for at least a 10-12 months now
      and the pros over the non-pros, pros have dual drivers the other one has only a single driver

      edit: 1000th comment :D

  • +2

    Thanks BC. Terrific service. I mean this is way after work hours and you still take the time to answer.
    Will let everyone know as soon as I get the parcel.
    KiwiRoo you ****. No offence. You probably didn't know the answer yourself but couldn't stfu.

  • Good deals doesnt last long….

  • An chance that BC can find a few more UE700 !???

  • Woots, the UE is sent already!

    • You received it already? Or is it shipped?
      My order was changed to 'shipped' status today.

      • Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant to say "Woots, the UE had been shipped already!" lol

      • +1

        Received my UE this morning! Thanks LTS!

  • Me too.
    Order status just changed to "Shipped".

  • +2

    Received my UE 220vi's this morning at the office. Using Fastway Couriers is icing on the cake!

    Thanks very much Logitech Shop - very impressed so far!

  • +1

    Received mine this morning also!
    I'm from Sydney.


    25th April- Order placed, AWAITING FULFILLMENT.

    28th April- AWAITING SHIPMENT.

    3rd May- SHIPPED.

    4th May- Item received at my door. FASTWAY COURIERS

    Total: 6 working days(we just had the Anzac Day public holiday last week)

    Terrific service. BARGAIN price.
    UE700 $135(RRP$400) from THE LOGITECH SHOP!

  • Anyones 4vi's been shipped?
    Still "Awaiting Shipment" for me

    edit - status changed to shipped at 5:30pm! Fingers cross I get them tomorrow

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