my situation.
2 staff- contracted 38hrs/week
I've introduced recouping max 15.2hrs of time in lieu. Any more then they will need to take time off.
So I will pay the staff 38 hours per week. Any more or less than 38hrs/wk will be time in lieu.
- hours 38-40 is paid x1.5
- hours over 40 will be paid x2
My question is-
if a staff worked 40 hours one week. I will paid them 38hrs. Will I add 2 hours to time in lieu? or 2hours*1.5 = 3hours?
Then the next week they do 36 hours (because they want to leave early) then do I pay them 38 (as contracted) and deduct 2hours from lieu?
Best practice with time in lieu is to let the employee take it as they choose at a mutually agreeable time. What you are describing is more akin to flex time, but either way.
Correct. They would accrue three hours in this case. TOIL (Time off in lieu) is accrued at overtime rates normally.
Correct. You would not deduct at overtime rates.
There are some variations that are reasonably standard, but I'd want to have an idea of the Award/contract/EA before discussing them