Recommendation for water purification dispenser or jug for under $100?


As the title suggets I'm after a water jug or water dispenser for under $100.

Because my current source of water is either a tap in small bathroom near a toilet or a kitchen tap* shared with students but judging at the state of the kitchen the bathroom tap is safest.

*The kitchen is in such a state the tap is growing mold.


  • If the kitchen tap growing mould, I think you should clean the kitchen with bleach.

    Tap water is very safe to drink.

    If you're concerned, boiled water is better than a cheap water filter.

    • -3


      Evidently you've never lived with 20 students to one house. As the tap mould is the tip of the ice, sink is full of dity dishes, the water coming from tap is gray, tash bin in front of sink is overflowing, and the land lord has posted numerous notes saying regarding the state of the kitchen.

      Additionally, be it a placebo affect but the water from the tap leaves flem in my mouth after an hour.

      "Tap water is very safe to drink."

      When did I state otherwise? Please do not jump to hasty conclusions. I drink tap water actively at my second home.

      With that stated during University one chemistry professor who was also in charge of dosing Queenslabd tap water advocated not drinking from tap water due to the fluoride levels present. For me, fluoride is not of concern.

      Also it would be nice to have cold water.

      "I think you should clean the kitchen with bleach."

      don't use the kitchen not my problem.

      • Besides the horrible grammer, why would one negatively vote the comment?

        Just intrested to discover if the reason is the professor veiw on tap water or my view stand on me not drinking from a disgusting tap.

  • You can get a cheap water chiller from officeworks and buy 15L bottled water from Masters or order bottles from Neverfail.

    • Currently, ordering bottles through woolworths. However, I'm trying to reduce my subscriptions to water bottles.

  • Sounds like a strange experiment… You should complain to the landlord and if nothing is done, then to a tenacy board. There are set standards that rental properties have to follow depending on which state you are in. I would assume it's a plumbing fault or that's what the water is like in that area (bore water/old pipes etc). If you are in Brisbane or Gold Coast, there's Auspac, which offers 45 litres and a ceramic dispenser delivered for $95. You should be able to get something similar if you are in another area.

    • That is exactly what another resident is currently doing (dispenser is in the kitchen, but the bottles are stored in his room).

      However, because the rooms are small and I don't want to lug a 45kg bottle up and down the stairs (third floor) I'm after a desk sized dispenser.

      • Oops, should have mentioned the 45 litres is split between three 15 litre bottles and they have 10 and 11 litre bottles as well. The ceramic dispenser is about 20cms tall and about 30cm across, so would fit a desk/bench Link

  • Do you want something like this?…

    Also, you can buy water filters from ebay as well. Cartridges are $25 dollars a pop…

    and they are compatible with these kinds of benchtop dispensers…?

    When bought together (same seller) they come to around $35 + 59 = $94

    • The second one is definitely an option. However, unless I'm mistaken the eBay listing does not report the filter lifespan.

      My mistake it's 1,800 gallons. As reported in the dispenser page. I wrongly concluded that the information on the lifespan of filter media, would be on the filter media page.

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