I recently emailed Village in regards to one of their complexes which I noticed 2 of their cinemas (1 and 3) had been rebranded to vmax. To me it seemed like a blatant cash grab to cash in on the $3 vmax surcharge. The screens has not been increased in size nor seating changed. I sent them a query their response was pretty standard. Vmax cinemas are significantly larger and stadium style seating. Nothing has been renovated there. They just took the liberty to call the 2 largest cinemas vmax. They then stated those 2 cinemas had upgraded 4k projection. Supposedly this 4k projection costs more to run and maintain. To me it seems we are getting charged a surcharge to pay for them to upgrade their cinemas to current technology. Also seems a way to make a few extra $ on the discount prepaid tickets.
Village Justifying Their Surcharge for VMAX

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I dunno inflation?
To me it seemed like a blatant cash grab
Because up until the price rise you were labouring under the delusion that they were out to do something other than make as much money as they possibly can from you.
"To me it seems we are getting charged a surcharge to pay for them to upgrade their cinemas to current technology."
Pretty sure this is how businesses generally work - they make money off customers to cover their costs.
And if they then upgrade 90% of their screens to 4k, charging the surcharge. Would that still be okay? I'm sure there would be a few more complaints or comments when discount tickets are listed here lol Or that $3 surcharge then becomes part of the normal price and they then charge a new surcharge for 8k screens? Yes I understand that it is part of business to make profit of course, but the way it was done in this cinema where u couldnt really tell anything was upgraded, and it seemed like they were just taking advantage of the Vmax surcharge. Hmmm or in an extreme example would you pay a surcharge to sit in a renovated section at a restaurant with new tables , chairs and cutlery etc?
Probably, but they're a private business not a government entity so don't generally have to justify their legal decisions. Consider it that you've had cheap access to VMAX level cinema rooms at regular prices, and now they're normal.
Don't like it? Go elsewhere.