Pretty crazy deal considering no one in AUS gets anywhere near this price..
MSI GTX 980TI for $761 + Shipping @ Newegg

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Under $1000 and shipped from international so shouldn't attract the GST at all
don't waste your money on that, GTX1080 is out in less than a month
yup . . couldn't reccommend this more . . hold on to your cash for a couple of months
To elaborate:
Prices on GPUs are dropping fast right now because the new flagship GTX 1080 was announced yesterday, and the RRP is only $600 USD ($820 AUD).
It looks like a significant jump in performance too (though NVidia's performance claims will probably look exaggerated once actual benchmarks appear).
So 980 Ti prices will likely drop a lot lower than this in the next month.
Typical. I was holding out for one of the new cards but my GTX570 died about 2 weeks ago so I replaced it with a 970. Oh well, let's see what they've got out in another 5 years. :(
980Ti RRP in the US is only $650, they're way more than $880 here even still unless you plan on importing
@EightImmortals: sell it and use integrated graphics for 2 months until the 1070 comes out
why would you not do research before u buy
@EightImmortals: don't bother selling it and lol at using integrated graphics card while you wait for the 1080 to come out (and then whatever it takes for there to actually be stock). Your 970 will serve you for a few years to come at 1080p.
wow! ~$820 AUD for the flagship is cheap!
Thanks guys, I wont be selling the 970 as it's brand new and I have no problems with it. I DID do my research and I was aware of the new cards but as my old card died a few weeks back I couldn't wait for them to arrive. Bad timing for sure. Also the integrated graphics doesn't really suit because I need to run 2 monitors for work (pretty sure the integrated graphics only runs one). Either way it's not that big of a deal for me so I can easily wait another 5 years or so until the 970 dies a natural death and then upgrade at that point. :)
Suspect the 1080 will be significantly more expensive than this for a while, though the 1070 should be a bit cheaper and still faster, so yeah.. don't buy this.
Well, don't buy it yet - maybe it'll drop in price enough to be a great deal once the new cards appear…
It is going to be more expensive. rrp is $599 however nvidia themselves are releasing there reference cards (known now as founder edition) for $699. The likes of msi etc will surely price them above the reference card as they have superior thermals and clock speeds.
Basically the RRP is a joke
Usually the reference cards are more expensive. The other manufacturers are better setup for mass production and create their own designs for cooling which are usually cheaper, and sometime better than reference. The premium is usually applied to overclocked models.
The 1080 will likely be much more than this price.
Yeah but a GTX1070 will be less and is faster than a 980TI.
I guess we will wait and see the benchmarks to see how true that will be.
That quoted RRP will probably for the cheapest branded card. You'd expect the higher brand cards to cost a bit more.
+$41 shipping…
But yeah, don't buy a GPU now, Pascal will be out in a month
$802.21 shipped to Melbourne.
Local stock has been dropping to around sub-$900 and should drop even lower with the recently released Pascal information.
I'd rather spend the extra $50-$100 for local stock for a much easier return process if you're unlucky with a faulty unit.
If you're in no rush I'd wait for the 1080 card which will probably be priced around the $900-$1000 mark and release later this year. Initial rumors are very good performance increases but I'll wit until July for more tests/reviews to come out.
GTX 1070 starts from under $400USD and GTX 1080 starts from $600ish, no rush to buy now
Nvidia is not going to release "reference edition", so it might be hard to find 1070 and 1080 at MSRP (which is what you've listed), certainly at the release.…at least you know that for sure you are going to pay much less for much more power for your gaming GPU
This. The reference edition is USD$599 but Nvidia won't be releasing one, instead they'll release the 'Founders Edition' with the vapour chamber cooler.
It's anyone's guess as to whether the aftermarket coolers will have a premium over the 'reference' price or over the FE price. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that reference will not exist at all for several months and you'll be paying a US$50-$75 premium on the US$699 FE pricing, making a 1080 around AUD$1,000, just like the 980ti.
even so, it's still worth waiting.
Look forward to a end of june paper release for the 1070.
This is like buying a slim ps3 with large hdd a month before the ps4 came out.
Don't do it.
It's not cheap enough since 1080 has been revealed and the Kogan ebay deal from a month ago was better.
I normally don't make these sorts of comments, but…
Don't buy. Wait for Pascal. For just a bit more $$$ you can get a 1080 which is faster and more powerful than 2 980's.
Depending on stock levels these prices may drop far more with the release of the 1070 in June. It runs cooler, faster, consumes less power and has other features over the older generation. If largish numbers of these are lying in warehouses I would expect at least a 25% furhter price drop on this and even more on the 970.
This is a terrible time to buy 900 series card, the 1070 is said by NVidia to be more powerful than a Titan X, that also means better than a 980Ti, even if you don't believe it, the fact they're saying it means it will at least be as powerful as the 980Ti even if I'm taking it for a grain of salt. And the 1070 will be practically the same price as current 970s, so don't buy it now, the prices on these cards will tank or the second-hand ones will absolutely tank once 1080 and 1070 are released (27th of May and 10th of June, respectively)
It is $820 today.
Stupid thing about Newegg, pretty sure their prices exclude GST…so maybe add 10% to total? :/