This was posted 8 years 9 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$15 KFC Bring It Back Meal 9 Pieces of Chicken + Large Chips and Potato & Gravy


It's back!

As per
9 pieces of original chicken plus large potatoe and gravy and coleslaw.

Only in the malls. Went to parramatta food court and 2pm and it was available before 4pm- but other places go at your own risk!

(The below is based on the the comments from people) - Hope it helps

ACT- Civic (Canberra Food Court)
QLD - Everywhere?
VIC- The glen, RMIT Swanston street,
NSW - Wollongong central, Parramatta Food Court, Ashfield food court (went there at 2pm and asked for the hot and spicy version) note you have show them the picture), Campbell town mall, MacArthur square, Liverpool Westfield, Burwood westfield
SA- Arndale

Not available
ACT - Dickson store
NSW – Enfield, Haymarket & Broadway, Lidcombe,South Wentworthville
QLD – Runaway Bay (Gold Coast)
VIC – Mill Park

Update I called up a store and they said its in the malls only!

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +7


  • I think I just have it last week, but with large fries instead of coleslaw.

  • The one in the food court was available before 4pm I saw a lot of people ordering it.

  • +3

    Reckon they'll let you swap the Coleslaw for Large Chips?

    • The menu is with large chips, not mentioned with coleslaw

    • +3

      why is this question negative voted for a legitimate question?

      • +3

        Not sure, but I read the original post as with Coleslaw. Must have been edited since.

    • yes

    • +1

      Yes. They allow you to swap any of the large sides for any other large side (chips, potato and gravy, gravy, coldsores, etc) at will with any meal. For eg, I usually get the "Dinner Box" - 10 pieces and two large chips for $20, and swap out the chips for coldsores and gravy. You can swap it yourself on the app, or ask the ordertaking person to do it for you.

      • +10

        Coldsores… Yikes

  • YAS

  • NSW only?

    • Not available in ACT (according to the Dickson store).

      • +3

        It's available at the kfc in Civic (Canberra Centre food court ), but not available at my local kfc in Gungahlin. I think the deal might only be available for kfc's that are in food courts.

  • If you can swap the coleslaw for chips this is a good deal. If not… eh.

    • That's crazy talk. No coleslaw??

      • +8

        yep… need the coleslaw… so it "feels" more healthy…

        • +2

          Haha u so funny…. 😊

    • +1

      Take the potatoe and gravy and coleslaw, do the online survey, for a large chips and large drink free and enjoy both.

      • +1

        Min spend of $19.95 to get the free large chips and 1.25L drink

        • I must have been lucky, last time I got the survey,I got the 9 for 9.95 plus large chips and 1.25 lemon drink on the survey code.
          All that for under a tenner was good value.

        • +2

          Just buy 18 pcs of chicken and 4 sides and get your friends to bet $30 that you can't finish it all.

          Simple. :)

      • In regards to the survey, I notice you have to enter the KFC store code.

        Does this mean you have to go back to the same KFC store to redeem

        • +1

          No, code is redeemable in any store. Have tried it 9 piece times .

    • +1

      the problem is that the coleslaw is always bitter because they rotate the old stock to the front of the fridge so you never get it fresh.

      • -2

        it turns over fairly fast so it's not like the back stock is 2 weeks old….. they probably get deliveries every one or 2 days, in a blind taste test you wouldn't know the difference between from the front or the back.

  • +4

    If its 9 pieces of hot and spicy, I'm there. I hope other suburbs do it too?

    • +1

      Yes, you can swap the pieces for hot and spicy.

      • Can you swap for wicked wings?

        • +2

          The swaps that can be made are as follows:
          Swap original recipe for,
          - hot and spicy
          - original tenders
          - grilled tenders
          - original fillet (additional cost)
          - zinger fillet (additional cost)

          (However, you could always ask if they are willing to swap for you)

        • @bsmksg: do you know how much extra it costs to swap it for the fillets?

        • +1

          @kima: Note: I am basing this off the KFC app, and prices at my local store.
          $1.35 per piece. Honestly, I wouldn't swap. It isn't worth the price.

        • @bsmksg: thanks its good to know though because i always need to get 2 extra and they are $4 each so $1.35 isn't bad for me. I give them to the dog so i don't want to risk any bones.

    • +15

      There's always at least one "healthy" person on these posts ;)

      • Have you been out to the newer suburbs like the Hills district in Sydney?
        Not many healthy options to eat out, McD and KFC at every other intersection.
        Project this over the next 10 years as the kids become adults.

        People who are posting comments like this are the only doing so because they are concerned not like others who do not.

        • +10

          No, I'm from Victoria.

          I can see where you're coming from, but at the end of the day you don't HAVE to buy it if you don't want it. I'm sure there's a supermarket or two near all of these take away places. Not hard to cook a healthy meal at home.

          Makes me wonder why people that aren't interested even click into these deals…

        • +1

          Are you going to be making up stories that people are dropping dead from fatty, sugary foods in 10 years?

        • No one is forced to "eat out" though.

        • The responsibility for your children's eating habits falls to you, not McDonalds or KFC.

  • +7

    Can't believe the took away the 9 for 9.95
    They teased us by bringing it back briefly, then snatched it away again.
    So tormenting

    • +1

      10 pieces plus two large sides for $20 is always on the menu. (ask for the "10 piece dinner box"). Not quite as good as 9 for $10 or 9+2 for $15, but still good!

    • your only option is to move to qld

  • +1

    How many people does this serve?

    • +37


    • +23

      2-3 adults or 1 ozbargainer

      • +1

        Rice/bread with kfc. Rice with pizza

  • +2

    Not available in ENFIELD KFC

  • -2

    Don't KFC always have 9 pieces for 9.95??

    • +1


      • Unfortunately…… This is sadly true

      • +8

        it's always available in QLD

        • Lucky

        • +2

          What's up with QLD??

          They get 9pcs for 9.95 and has always had hot and spicy!

          Strange how it's not the same in the other states.

          Or is KFC QLD run by a different office?

        • +1


          Yep QLD stores are run by Collins foods

        • @zelda707:

          Well that explains it. Thanks!

        • @Bearosaurus: But so is Warwick Capper.

        • Only Tuesdays though

  • +1

    Just bought kfc for $30. Did not know about this…

    • what did you buy for $30 and which kfc did you go to?

      • +20

        And what time and who were you with?

        • +29

          Who is your daddy and what does he do?

      • +1

        How did the food taste?

  • +5

    I once mentioned to one of the young girls serving how i hated getting potato and gravy and she said you can just swap it for any other side including chips,coleslaw or a drink and i said thank-you i have been buying KFC for over 30 years and no one has ever told me this before so don't know if you can swap with this deal or not but should be able to

    • +17

      You been buying KFC for over 30 years but you never asked about this? Never be afraid to ask people. No such thing as a silly question.

      I dont work for KFC but I pretty know how the entire system work (KFC hire me pls lol)

      Basically for large sides you can change them around to whatever liking you want. All sides are interchangeable, regardless or whether regular or large.

      Now since we are in the topic of large sides, you can change between the following

      1. Large Chips
      2. Large Potato and Gravy
      3. Large Coleslaw
      4. Gravy
      5. 4 Dinner Rolls.
      6. So Salad
      7. 1.25L Soft Drink

      If anyone has further questions on what can be swapped etc, please feel free to ask me :)

      • +6

        Can I swap a small chips for a large chips?

        • +9

          No, you can only swap regular sides for other regular sides. Eg: regular chips to regular potato and gravy.

          You can however upsize your chips from regular to large for $1.20 extra.

          Normally when you get a meal and you upsize it, you normally see it increase by $2.00.

          However you can just upsize the chips and keep the drink regular for $1.20

          You can also keep the chips as regular and upsize the drink for $0.80

        • @cheapisgood:

          I tip my hat off to thee, you have saved me 80 cents and 5 trips to the bathroom per "family meal". :)

        • No but you can swap large chips for small chips.

        • That reminds me of a little kid at Timezone many moons ago. He went up to the dude in the prize room and asked, "Can I change this $1 for a $2?".

      • +1

        Im speaking from a QLD point of view in sales.

        You cant swap large sides for dinner rolls or so salad.
        You can swap regular sides for so salad.

        If you add on the $3.95 large side it can not be coleslaw or Large gravy by itself, but can be 4 dinner rolls+Large gravy.

        • +1

          Yea KFC QLD is run a bit differently but what I have mentioned above does apply to other states.

        • so is this deal also available in QLD? would you help inform the OPer to update which states apply?

        • @lovepeoplenotmoney:

          Yeah sure, It wont be availaible in qld, they rarely do special deals which are not nationwide. At the moment you cant purchase this in qld on tuesday for the 9for9.95 and 2 sides for 5.95. Its just $0.90 more in queensland.

      • I had mentioned it before but the other staff were obviously to indifferent to tell me and i don't buy it very often as while i like the chips and the KFC I'm not that fussed on the bones and white sponge stuff they put it on

      • Can I swap a Liberal politician for a sack of potatoes?

        • You have to pay the excess difference if you want the sack of potatoes.

      • waaaaait i can swap a large chips or coleslaw for a 1.25L softdrink???

  • Anyone try this at Ashfield Mall KFC?

  • This deal has always been available in my shopping centre after 4pm for the last year.

    Think it's cause shopping centre closes at 5.

  • What's the go for Queensland stores? More specifically Gold Coast? I'm getting hungry and this sounds amazing.
    Sadly it's never amazing once finished eating.

    I just read the text on the bottom of the ad.. Offer only available at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.. Lol

  • Also available at Wollongong central. Saw it couple days ago but at the TC: They said its only available At Wollongong Central. So im assuming its only available at selected stores.

  • -8

    Was tempted by this deal but would rather have the extra weeks of life that not eating this would give me.

    • +4

      Cool story.

    • To do what?

      • If you have to actually think about this then you are clearly the kind of consumer KFC loves.

        • +5

          Maybe I could spend it on OzBargain being condescending like you?

        • -2


          Sorry, don't want to rain on your early death so keep in stuffing your face with junk food.

        • +1

          @Icecold5000: It's all good, I know a life of salad makes ya cranky.

      • OZBargain of course!

    • Who cares, it's hot and spicy!

  • There are KFC's in Melbourne City which have been doing a 9 Piece for $14 deal, and it hasn't been mentioned here yet I believe.

    • +1

      What do you get with it?

      • +2

        Nine pieces of chicken.

  • Is that available in Perth?

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