Since we have a lot of loan and credit card questions/concerns on here I thought I'd provide some interesting info that may help someone.
I'm currently on the market to borrow money. In dealing with my lender in working out my total borrowing capacity for the new loan they factored my salary + rents + credit card limit (of course).
I have no debts on my CC and pay closing balance in full. Although having nil $$ owing is irrelevant in the equation. I currently have $18,000 in CC limit.
What I found interesting was the impact of that $18,000 on my borrowing capacity which changed things by $100,000!!! I assumed it would factor double, but apparently it's a lot more!
Reducing my limit by $8,000 (to 10K) increased my borrowing by $50,000 and reducing it to nil increased by $100k!
Anyways, thought that was interesting to share because I was shocked by the fact it impacted by 5 times my limit!
No surprise there. Have a look at your credit card interest rate(s) which will be far beyond whatever loan you're applying for, unless you're also getting a loan at 20%+. When I was applying for a home loan, I got rid of all my credit cards except for two 6 month prior to applying for the loan. All my cards were paid off in full each month too.