Free Care About Climate Stickers!
We want everyone to be able to show that they Care About Climate! Simply fill out the small form below and we will send you out your own sticker(s)! Whether it is for personal use or for an event or organization, these free stickers are yours to have! Display them with pride and share their mesage to everyone you meet!
FREE 15x Stickers "Care about Climate" [$0 Delivered]

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Thanks for letting us know. Keep us in the loop with any future non-purchase decisions you make.
I'll order a box full and burn them in my wood heater this Winter. It will keep me warm
The chemical fumes from the glue and plastic coatings can't be good for you
Wonder what the emissions are for printing and delivering these stickers..
There's always one
each one is printed on Brazilian hard word pulp and flown here separately on a 747. the ink is made from Panda blood.
Leonardo DiCaprio has one on his private jet.
You win the internet today sir, bravo
Thanks, just ordered one for my Landcruiser.
Thanks, just ordered one for each of my Landcruisers.
no stickers yet but i just bought a couple of landcruisers to ferry me out to the driveway so i can drive my hummer to the letterbox to check when my stickers arrive.
An easy and effective way to get your address and email for future marketing purpose
The stickers are stupid
No logo - do you write your own?
Im negging this because the coalition say the science behind climate change is rubbish and they know everything 😋
Another 3 negs for my neg to be revoked. Common guys
Thanks guys
Thanks, just got one to put on my beer fridge.
Would any ignorant scientifically illiterate right wing voters (tautology) take up the offer?
Tony Abbott has stuck them on his bike.
He has released a new ETS policy, as part of his bid to unseat the global warming denying Malcolm Turnbull
Corey Bernadi has also asked Tony to bring creationism into schools, as part of Liberal Party policy.We could dramatically reduce emissions by using these to cover up exhaust pipes of cars. They are about the right size. Wonder why nobody else thought of that.
These guys sent me an email saying I had to pay for the stickers the other day, I clicked the link to see how much they were and it took me straight to a non-secure paypal payment page with no amount and the only button was pay, I had to close the browser to get out of it, ever since then someone has been hacking my paypal attached to that address.
Ahhh, a deal for the do-gooders.
I'll pass thanks.