This was posted 8 years 5 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Arduino (Clone) UNO R3 + 2.4 Inch TFT LCD Touch Screen Shield $12.59 (AU ~$15.36) Shipped @ Banggood

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As title says, an Arduino UNO CLONE + LCD touchscreen that fits directly on top of it.

Good for hobby projects or just learning how to program on embedded hardware.

Not as good as the popular Raspberry Pi but it's a fraction of the price and much easier to pickup and learn.

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closed Comments

  • Is this genuine?
    It appears to be missing the arduino logo on the front of the pcb.
    reference pic

    At least this place is saying it's a knockoff and not trying to say it's the real thing

    A quick google image search is telling me this is not genuine, maybe adjust the title of the post?

    • +2

      It is definitely a clone so yes the title should probably be updated. Having said that, I've used a few clones and not had any issues other than maybe some of the pins being a little wonky. Some people have reported issues with some boards not being recognised when trying to program them, but there are ways around that (eg…).

      Main problem with the genuine boards is that for us out here in the sticks, they are way expensive (eg $46 plus delivery at…) so for that price I'd prefer a Raspberry Pi which is way more powerful…… as I can get maybe five clone boards to one genuine, then I'm happy to take the risk. :-)

      • Yeah it's a clone. I ordered one last time and it says "DESIGNED in Italy" as opposed to the legitimate one "Made in Italy".

        Having said that, the hardware's exactly the same and working fine for me anyway. I was using it in another kickstarter project called Oak

  • yeah this is definitely a knockoff. It says TOSduino instead of Arduino if you look closely at the description.

    • +7

      Arduino is an open source platform. Anyone can build and sell arduino compatible boards and they are not knockoff or fakes, just not original.
      I've used lots of super cheap adruino boards (from $1.5) and never had any issues with them.

  • +3

    Hah - I just bought some arduino kit last night! Yesterday I setup one with a DS18B20 temperature probe and now have it monitoring the temperature in the house and logging it to thingspeak. Plan is to actually put the probe into the freezer (and maybe another one in the fridge) to monitor that over time and be sent alerts if the temperature gets too high (eg one of the kids leaves the door open). Less than $20 worth of kit and maybe 20 minutes effort to put together. Definitely cheaper than a raspberry pi, although not sure I'd say it's easier to use plus the 'pi is definitely way more powerful. The arduino is great for specific dedicated purposes such as data logging. My next project for example is to create an IR to RF bridge so I can use my (IR) harmony remote to control my (RF) projector screen. Also contemplating hooking one into the garage door so I can open/close it with my 'phone as well as get alerted if it's accidentally left open whilst I'm away from the house.

    As for the touch screen - not sure what sort of project I'd use that in. It's resistive (which tends to annoy me), and most projects that might use a touch screen I actually would just use an old android mobile or tablet (I use one as a light switch, for example, with

    Anyhow, do need a few more bits (wifi shield might be handy, although maybe can try one of the compatible boards that include it, plus need some breadboards etc). Might also get a screen to display the fridge/freezer temperature. So thanks for the head's up.

    • How about one for a DIY sous vide machine?
      Temperature sensor + heating element for temperature control?

      • Or you could just get an already-working temp controller off ebay for $10.
        Includes sensor, relay, display, …

        • Where's the fun in that? Also with the arduino you could hook it up to wifi so you could control it with your phone…. or let people know when you're cooking… or something equally pointless…. :-)

          But yes, I know it's not in the true ozbargain spirit, but using these things does not always save money - it's a hobby thing, with the added benefit of sometimes being able to make something that you simply can't buy anywhere else. For example, there are heaps of IR to RF to IR extenders but there aren't many (if any) off the shelf products that will enable you to use an infra red remote to control an RF device….. but you can make one using an arduino.

    • What about an ESP8266 board? Great for simple projects, they have 802.11bgn, it supports 1wire and it can be programmed in LUA. They're under $5 on aliexpress or ebay. If you can program Arduino, you can easily learn these.

      • Good suggestion - cheaper again and smaller. Less flexible, not as much support out there (so might need more effort to work out how to use it), fewer features, but if you have a simple project then it could be an option. The built in wifi is an excellent bonus. There are also "ESPDuino" boards (eg…) that are a combination….. haven't tried one yet though. The support out there for arduino is massive so I might stick with them for the moment even though I might end up spending a few more dollars per project…… unless I need to make a lot of something (eg a stack of wifi sensors) in which case it would likely make sense to go with the cheaper board if it will do the job.

    • +1

      You can get really really cheap tables for less than $70 nowadays and have a lot more value than a raspi or arduino if all you need is the display + touch controls.

      All things considered in a cheap tablet, you get a huge touch screen, faster CPU, inbuilt battery, wireless, few GB of inbuilt storage and 512-1024M RAM.

      People shouldn't be getting a prototyping/dev board if they aren't doing something very specific/customised on it since you can just use the tablet and write your own android app to do wireless/usb control.

      • +1

        +1 from me - I make sure I use what is most appropriate for the task. The arduino kit is great for a dedicated purpose like monitoring temperature. I use a Raspberry pi to manage the home automation (plus a number of other things) as it's more powerful and runs a cut down version of ubuntu. The tablets and mobile phones I use for touch screen controls.

        • +1

          @PlasticSpaceman - you should have a look at if you have not done so already.

        • @mgf909: Hadn't seen that. Looks interesting. Thanks.

  • Did anyone use this as an external display to show the status of a NAS ?

  • +2

    Looks cheaper on aliexpress ($AUD11.97):…

    • I've never used aliexpress before and doesn't seem to accept paypal (so you can chargeback if you get screwed over)

      Are they usually good?

      • I've done a few dozen orders on aliexpress with my credit card and it's all been good - I haven't lost any money. I've had money refunded without any problem when the odd thing went wrong.

        I'll usually check the feedback of the supplier to make sure they have a good reputation.

        Over all, it feels no different to buying on ebay.

        • since we're on topic, have you used Alibaba as well? They seem to have near infinite amount of products lol

        • @Blitzfx: if i am not wrong alibaba and aliexpress are the same company, except alibaba deals with more on the wholesale large quantity sales whereas aliexpress predominantly caters to the smaller quantities i.e. 1piece etc.

    • +2

      That is not the same board and is not 100% compatible. That is, it is missing the second Atmel chip - Only really a big deal if you want to use USB HID etc.

  • Seems to be the normal sort of buy price you get via ebay, so don't see the bargain here?

  • Just checked out the full list, and the pricing on the bigger touch screens is high, so would be suspect of anything else listed.

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