This was posted 8 years 10 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS Plus Games for May 2016 Tropico 5, God of War: Ghost of Sparta + More (Subscription Req'd)


Games available for May 2016 PlayStation Plus members:

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, PS3
God of War: Ghost of Sparta, PS Vita
LocoRoco Cocoreccho!, PS3
Switch Galaxy Ultra, PS4, PS Vita
Table Top Racing: World Tour, PS4
Tropico 5, PS4

Games are available 3/5 - but probably a little later for us while we wait for the store to update

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closed Comments

  • +7

    bout time we got a decent game for ps plus.

    • +1

      people always hate and people always love.
      Im liking tropico. I have 2 - 4 and had always planned on eventually buying 5.

  • +2

    Excellent, I've been holding off on Tropico since launch and almost bought it half a dozen times already.

    • +2

      yep same here, very pleased with this one.

    • I bought it two weeks ago. Was cheap on sale so not even mad.

      • Yeah that was the last time I came very close but I think I was playing or anticipating Dark Souls 3.

        • +2

          Wow. very impressed with Tropico being free. I nearly bought it when it was on sale for $20ish last month but missed out.

  • +3

    I think this might be slightly better than the xbone ones, and that would be the first time in quite a few months that has happened

  • +2

    Was holding off on buying PS Plus but I finally bought the subscription last week. First got Zombi now tropico and that car game looks decent too.

    • +1

      the car game is a 2013 iphone game.

  • +1

    I had a feeling when Xbox had an off month that PS would come through with something less crap than usual

    • +1

      sorry they disappointed you :P

  • +1

    I only ever played Tropico 4 on pc, can't wait to try this console version!

  • +2

    never heard of those games. thank god, I havent renewed my sub since Jan 2016

    • +4

      How is it that you've never heard of any one of those games? God of war? Tropico (now up to #5)

      • +2

        didnt know about "Ghost of Sparta". yeah Tropico 5 is unknown to me

  • +1

    I feel like I just got Tropico 5 in a recent Humble Bundle.

  • +3

    the rest are crap but I have been looking out for Tropico 5!

  • +1

    I may only try the racing game….

  • +2

    if i still had my subscription, i would try god of war (i have a psv) and tropico (iirc, i played tropic 1 ages ago on pc). even though, i still think the lineup is not much better than "total crap".

  • -7

    Okish games this month however they're not free, they're inclusions to a subscription that has to be purchased.

    • +4

      Can people just get over saying this already? It is free with your paid subscription which offers many other services other than these games. It gives you the ability to play online games and discounts on various items and it includes monthly games for download.

      • +8

        It's bemusing to see literally the same comments/discussions about PS Plus every single month (here, on PS blog, elsewhere).

        "Total Crap"
        "OK since they're free"
        "They're not free, they're part of a subscription"
        "Worse/Better than the Xbox ones this month"
        "Glad I unsubscribed"
        "Not enough AAA games"
        "PS+ games used to be so much better"

        At this point you could write a bot to produce 80% of the monthly comments threads on PS+ games…

        • +3

          Isn't that kind of saying something though? Obviously the majority aren't happy with the service. Sony are riding high now, so probably don't care very much - though that could change one day. Personally, I liked Sony better when they were the underdog.

        • +3

          @Psy1: That's fair enough and I'm sure you're not alone, though I wonder how much of that feeling is simply human nature… a lot of ppl naturally go for the underdog.

          I get that in most ppl's opinion the PS+ games are not as good as they used to be, but it was probably not sustainable the way it was. Times change.

          It's hardly surprising that Sony puts a little less marketing $$ (and "free" PS+ games are marketing) on this aspect of the service when they're streets ahead of the competition. They'd probably like to remove the free games altogether but no doubt that would cause an even bigger uproar.

          I don't really mind things as they are. Of course I like Steam's "free service" model on PC - I might prefer that the PS+ services were free too (minus the games), and I wouldn't really miss the PS+ games too much, but doesn't seem like that will happen soon - in the meantime PS+ isn't really that expensive IMO. The games are a bonus for me, and if only a few per year are really good (stuff like Rocket League) then that's great.

        • -3


          Not sure why people whine. They will give out $1K worth of free content for $60? Not sure what the issue is.

        • -1


          since when was sony the underdog? in all 4 generations of ps consoles it outsold it's competing console. Wii didn't count cos they were in a different market space.

        • @suicine94: I believe to date PS3 and Xbox 360 have fairly similar numbers on total global sales, but in North America X360 was a clear winner over the PS3 (certainly mid-life cycle), which may be where the "underdog" mentality came from. I think it's possible the PS+ games were part of an initiative to grab more of the NA market, though I don't know for sure.

          I don't know about the Aus markets, I haven't seen those numbers.

        • -1


          Thanks for explaining…will north america isnt the world… if you want to compare apples with apples usa is microsofts home ground and japan is sony's. In japan the ps3 dominated the xbox more than the other way around in usa. And world wide figures i think they are the same with europe more ps3 and aus and canada more xbox. So i wouldnt think that counts as underdog unless u from the usa.

      • I know I know, it's just annoying that they're called free everywhere (even by Sony) when they're clearly not, you still gots to pay.

        It just bugs me is all.

        • +1

          Sure, I wasn't judging your comment specifically - I neither up- nor down-voted you. I agree the games are not truly "free", they're part of a paid subscription that includes a range of services. Just observing that I see the same comments every month!

          More positive note: cool profile pic :)

    • +1

      The post doesn't say they are free?

      • +2

        It did, it's been edited

    • +3

      it's clearly stated available for PS+ subscribers only.

    • +1

      I don't even know why you're saying this since I cannot see where the OP stated "they're free".

      • Mods had to edit the title (like they do every month) since it was misleading & stated the products were free.

    • +1

      to you, maybe they are not free.
      I already have PS+ for the ability to play online with my friends. It really isn't that expensive considering. These games are a bonus. To me they are free.

  • +1

    Meh. Thank god Uncharted 4 will keep me busy.

  • +1

    Lol what happen to the Watchdog + Tetris Ultimate leak !

    • +2

      fake rumors

  • didn't expect anything better from PS+
    2 mobile games and some bottom of the barrel crap.

    • +3

      actually this is probably the best line up in recent months. Tropico V is a good game, TTR and Switch Galaxy Ultra looks dope. LocoRoco, Bionic Commando and GOW are also reasonably good titles. Majority of the people wouldnt be complaining about this month's offering.

      For once, PS+ is better than Xbox Games For Gold. Would you rather get Peggle and Costume Quest? Grid 2 is just alright.

      • Tropico is pretty good but i've been playing it on PC already :/
        Both systems subscription rewards are just feeling meh this month :(

  • The saddest thing is that this isn't even the first time a PSP game has been the best game on offer. The disappointment is real.

  • This is live now :)

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