Pharmacists - Buying Hair Loss Products off the Internet?

Hey pharmacists/hair loss buddies of Ozbargain,

Would you recommend against buying pharmaceutical items off the internet? More specifically I'm looking at this.

Me personally, I don't really feel there's any reason why I can't/shouldn't buy it. However, my primary concern is the branding of this item. This item appears to be "Be Wether" brand, whilst the one I am using from a pharmacy is "Generic Health". What's the difference?

Also, I've been using this Minoxidil product for a month with Alpecin shampoo. Haven't done the full combo.

My understanding is the "ultimate" combo would involve the following:
1) Minoxidil (topical)
2) Dermaroller (to artificially "puncture wounds" into your head to aid with absorption of Minoxidil)
3) Something similar to Finasteride (drug)
4) Specialised shampoo (like Alpecin)

I'm also starting to get some interesting (slightly different) information from r/tressless on reddit. The interesting thing from r/tressless is I think their discussions are mostly US based, and as a result, it seems they use a slightly different combination of products.

If anyone's curious, I've been to Ashley & Martin and chose not to go with them due to price. After that, I visited HairHealthAustralia and was actually very close to joining, until I checked with a mate who was able to source virtually the same stuff for cheaper.

I also found this old topic which was a somewhat interesting read too.

Anyone have anything to share about their experience using hair regrowth products?


  • Try the Tressless subreddit

    • lol I have (I mentioned it in my post) and I've read it quite a bit.

      However my question here is more specific - is it ok to buy this stuff online, and what's the difference in branding?

      The other question I had was more of a general "let's have a discussion" question (for people to discuss ideas/tips/experiences from using hair regrowth products)

      • oops, sorry for skim reading

        Yeah but my understanding is that roughly a quarter of what you see on the 'bay can be illegally produced counterfeit meds. This is especially true if they originate from overseas- eg. is claimed to be producd in the USA but sold by an indian supplier. I once bought a bottle of antihistamines which turned out to be fairly generic junk.

        I'd say it's slightly safer if the seller was local but it's a good idea to take the medicine to your pharmacy after receiving it and have it verified that it is indeed the TGA approved medication and not a cheap knockoff.

        • That's ok (it's normal)

          Yea I guess that's what I'm concerned about.

          The other thing about /tressless is the stuff they discuss I find is pretty different to what I've been seeing here locally. Probably basing this from my experience with my consultation with HairHealthAustralia.

        • @illumination:

          I would try sticking with iHerb as a legitimate source

          iHerb however doesn't stock stuff that requires a prescription.

          Also, are you taking Vitamin A supplement by any chance? Or are on some kind of Vitamin A based medication (e.g Accutane / roaccutane) These are known to cause and worsen hair loss.

  • hey mate have you tried chemistwarehouse? works out the same price as the ebay item?…

    • Hmm no I'm not familiar with this product. It looks like it's a completely different brand?

      • yea it is but its just the chemistwarehouse generic brand! so its got the same active ingredient…

    • I thought about it.. but nah wanna keep my hair for longer :)

  • Generic finasteride can be had here for ~$25 40pills (cut in half for 80 dosages, 160 day usage) with a prescription, why bother going anywhere else. Alpecin is a waste of time unless you like the smell or you require a gentle shampoo because your current one is hair acid or something.

    • Finasteride vs "Natural DHT Blocker"? Natural DHT Blocker is the one that HairHealthAustralia offer.
      Ingredients of Natural DHT Blocker: Saw Palmetto Extract (Serenoa), Pumpkin Seed Powder, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Magnesium Oxide, Nettle Leaf Powder, Eleuthera Root, Uva Uris Leaf Powder, Muira Puama Leaf

      What's your source about Alpecin being a waste of time? Not challenging you - just genuinely want to know what your source/evidence/supporting theories are.

      • Finasteride (specifically) has been approved and tested by Australia's TGA, nothing else similar is.

        Alpecin has not been tested or approved for anything other than pseudo science that 'caffeine' is supposed to do something. What you believe, is up to you.

        Honestly, talk to a real dermatologist, not one of those quack hair centers interested in selling you minoxidil at inflated prices. You will walk out with a different opinion on the topic.

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